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Phosphorus does not occur in free state in the nature, as it oxidizes extremely rapidly in contact with air. It is however, widely distributed in the form of Phosphate Rocks, which is impure Calcium Phosphate & as Chlorapatite & Fluropatite. Types:- 1) White (or Yellow):- Most Toxic, 2) Red & 3) Black Uses:- 1) Fire Work 2) Explosives 3) Production of a) Chemicals b) Fertilizers c) Sugar d) Detergents e) Pharmaceuticals f) Insecticides, Rodenticides g) Use of Red Phosphorus in match making Toxicity:- 1) Most tragic of White Phosphorus is Phossy Jaw, discovered by Donald Hunter. Phossy Jaw:- Onset is quite slow. Person who has carries teeth, cavities in teeth should not go to the factories where phosphorus is being used. It takes 5 years to develop the signs & symptoms. The disease is extremely painful & is a disfiguring condition. The mandible becomes necrotic with the formation of osteoporotic sequestration & abscess which discharge foul smelling pus. The mortality rate is 20% mainly due to septicaemia. Treatment:- Treatment of choice is surgical removal 2) Bony necrosis anywhere in the body. 3) Serious burns of skin due to contact with white phosphorus. Treatment of burns:- Should be started as rapidly as possible. With solution of Cellulose & 3% Copper sulphate with small amount of Lauroil Sulphate 4) It is irritant to eyes, Respiratory Tract, mainly by Phosphoric Acid & Phosphoric Sulphide. 5) Chemical exposure of White Phosphorus may cause a) Thickened periostium, b) Tooth extraction allows bacterial access through the socket & onset of Phosphorus Necrosis. Phosphine (PH3):- It is a gas formed in different situations like a) Manufacture of Acetylene b) Where Zinc & Aluminium Phosphide is wetted. c) In the cleaning of Sulphuric Acid Tank d) During of Yellow Phosphorus Explosives. Phosphine (Hydrogen Phosphide) is a colourless flammable gas. Uses:- 1) Synthesis of organo-phosphorus compounds. 2) Manufacture of Superconductors 3) As a fumigant(imp) in grain store Toxicity:- 1) Headache 2) Weakness 3) Chest Tightness 4) Chest Pain 5) Nausea 6) Vomitting 7) Fainting 8) Severe epigastric pain 9) Pulmonary oedema 10) CNS :- Convulsions, Coma & Death

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