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rool oe EL_2 -| Poaeie 166 Beyond Relativism yond Rolston reflects the sinrent kent es nthe soci scien ‘The selatvise consensus, exemplified through the ascendancy of postmodernism, holds that hnowledge an moral values ae so embedded fe concrete socials tural seinga that any objective accoune of ether [ennwedze or morality has heen gendered meaningless. This questions the relevance of the sil since, Raymood Boudons theory of cognitive rational represents refeshing sltemarve to this view Drawing on the asim that mental contents and discourse are not completly shaped by society but rest on cognitive processes of active ad eflnivesubecd is controversial approach sigaests Uisrectal scent knowledge edible neither ocaral and ingustic ‘contexts nor to parila pragma nerests Can the theory a engine "ational simultaneously ance relativism and overcome thelimtaions tadigonalyawocired with methodolagcal individual? i (Cyothi Linn Hm, er challenging, sew work, persia args that ental realism, by ecopming born the agent and socal stoctoe= uel powcr an iste, oes ese theory of sopnve ratory 3 powerful argument agaise che relativism tha apeinge irom the contin ‘Stsocial reality and gur idem abo it Beyond Relais an ertant bbonk for sctologits and for ail those concern with the metodo, ad plosops of socal since ‘Cynthia Lins Hamlin lsrore in soso theory athe Feral University fof Perambuco, Brzl She scurenleator ofthe Brazilian oureal Estdos te Sociologia Rei Routledge Studies in Critical Realism Edited by Margacer Archer, Roy Bhaskar, Andrew Collies, ‘Tony Lawson and Alan Norrie (Cts veaiam one of the most influential developments inthe ioeopby fof science andi the soil strces, roviding 2 powertl ernie 10 Potivam and poxtmodernisn. The sere il explore the critical reat Postion in philosophy and across the scl scienes 1 Marais and Reale ‘Amatertliticappliston of alin in the wil sciences Sanu Craven 2 Reyond Reavis Raymond Boudon, cognitive raionalty and rial realism (Conti Lins Hale Ale publi by Rowsedge: Critical Realism: Interventions Edited by Margaret Atcher, Roy Bhaskar, Andes C ‘Tony Lawson sind Alan Nosrie rial Reais Essential eadings dtd by Margaret Archer, Ro ad. Alan Norte Bhaskar Andrew Colle Tony Leone ‘The Possibility of Natura, 3d eon Allo phil esigpe oF he contenant wien Rey Bhaskar ie30r18e) Being and Worth Andrew Colter {Quancam Theory and the Hight rom Realism Philosophical sponses o quantum mchanics Obnstoper Norris From Eas to West Odyssey of a sul Roy Bhaskar Realism and Racism CConcepe of rein sociological researc Bab Caner Rational Choice Theory Resisting colonisation Ete by Mangavet Archer and Jonatban © Trtter Explaining Socity ‘A introduction 1 cca realism in the socal sciences Bost Daneroark, Mate Elsen, fou Ch Karoo and Lisette Kakobson Citic Ream and Mars Edited by Andie tren, Steve Heetwnod and Jon Michael Robe (CidcalRealiso in Economie Elite by Steve Heston Realist Porspectives on Management and Organisation Eaizd by Stephen Ackroyd and Sieve Fletoud [After Intermationa Relations Criscalecalse and the Welonstrcton of woed plies Hlth Patomabs and critical realism Cynthia Lins Hamlin London and New York ll ee | Beyond Relativism Raymond Boudon, cognitive rationality

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