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Scattering small particles diffuse part of incoming solar radiation in random directions.

No alteration of wavelength or electromagnetic energy

• Reduces amount of incoming radiation
• Dependent on wavelength of incoming radiation and size of scattering particle/gas
Absorbtion solar radiation is retained and converted into heat energy
Wien’s Law bodies with temp 1800 degrees celsius or lower emit radiation in
longwave band
Reflection sunlight is reflected 180 degrees after it hits atmosphere (mostly in clouds)
Direct Solar Radiation reaches earth unmodified by atmospheric processes
Diffused Solar radiation  reaches earth after altered by scattering
Albedo reflectiveness
• Dry sand- 25-45%
• Broadleaf deciduous forest – 5-10%
• Needleaf coniferous forest – 10 -20%
• Grassy vegetation 15-20%
Incoming solar radiation is used for
1) Melt/evaporation of water • 26% scatteredor reflected to
2) photosynthesis space by clouds
3) heat surface • 19% absorbed by atmospheric
• 4% reflected gass, particles, clouds

Thermal wind system heating/cooling cycles can cause them

Sea/breeze *land breeze is opposite Valley breeze *mountain breeze is opposite

Monsoon created by contrast in temp

between land and ocean. Occur over larger distances than sea/land breeze (1000’s)
- can be intensified by orographic uplift

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