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Tense Simple Present Present Progressive Simple Past Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive:

Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive: Active: Passive:

Subject Shivani Tea Shivani Tea Shivani Tea Shivani Tea makes is made is making

Verb tea.


by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . Tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani . tea. by Shivani .

is being made made was made was making was being made

Past Progressive

Present Perfect

NShivaniancy has made Tea Shivani Tea Shivani Tea Shivani Tea Shivani Tea Shivani Tea has been made had made had been made will make will be made will have made will have been made would make would be made can make can be made

Past Perfect

Future simple

Future perfect



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