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CTEV (Congenital Talipes Equinus Varus) Terjadi pada 1 di antara 1.000 kelahiran. Rasio Laki perempuan 2:1.

:1. Bilateral ditemukan pada 30-50% kasus

Pada 95% kasus, bagian depan kaki menekuk ke bawah, tungkai tertarik ke atas, atau tumit menekuk ke dalam. Biasanya problem ini tak bisa terkoreksi sendiri atau dengan stretching teratur. Penanganan harus dimulai segera setelah anak lahir. Jika cara-cara ini gagal, operasi dilakukan saat bayi berusia 2-3 bulan.

There are two types of CTEV: postural and structural

Postural CTEV is when there is muscle imbalance and / or tightness. There is usually no bone or joint involvement. In Structural CTEV there is involvement of the bone and joints of the foot.

The cause of this condition is unknown but thought to be related to the baby position in the womb.

The anatomical deformities in CTEV are many: equinus of the heel, varus and cavus of the midfoot, and adductus and supination of the forefoot

The bones chiefly deformed are the talus, calcaneus, navicular and cuboid

A. Serial casting The casts are changed weekly at first, then biweekly and triweekly. This closed treatment of clubfeet has a five to 10 per cent chance of success. This is only in the mild cases. (Tachdijian) The process, however, does serve to elongate the contracted soft tissues and skin in preparation for possible later surgical correction.

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