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Ancient Civilizations Political Southern is Sumer City-states (Ur) Priests and Rulers share control/ Priests tax crops

During war, commander leads Later becomes dynasty Lower and upper, unified by Menes Theocracy- Pharaoh is Godking Dynasties, Bureaucracy helped run Shang King Zhao overthrew Mandate of Heaven Dynastic Cycle Social Food surplus-> specialization and rise of civilization Cross roads of civilizations, constant invasions Patriarchy/ Women have rights but little education Hammurabis code Women are fairly equal, not as equal as in Mesopotamia, no political power, but given rights Cultural Epic of Gilgamesh Pessimistic view of nature, angry gods, unpredictable flooding Ziggurats

Mesopotamia (Tigris/Euphrates River)

Egypt (Nile River)

China (Yellow River)

Most Isolated civilization Loess is good for agriculture Family is important Sharp difference between Peasant and Noble Caste System Agriculture and Summer Monsoons are imprtnt Sophisticated city planning Plumbing Dravidian language

Book of the dead, Maat= divine order of universe Pyramids- built by thousands of workers Polytheistic Ka- Soul Tomb paintings Daoism Confucianism Oracle bones Polytheistic, With Shang Di as most important POlythiesm Hinduism Rebirth Buddhism Vedas Atman is spirit, Brahman is power of universe and Moksha is the combo

India (Indus River)

Harappa and Mohenjo Daro Priest kings Aryans invade Vedic Age

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