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Name : Jene Pradana W NIM : C11.2010.


Research Method in Literature Frame Work


: Conflict Experienced by Sherlock Holmes as the main character in Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Valley of Fear


: Structural Approach

Unit of Analysis: Character, Conflict, Setting It contains the description of main character, conflict, and setting

Statement of the problem

1. What is the general description of Sherlock Holmes as the main character in Doyles The Valley of Fear? 2. What are conflicts experienced by the main character? 3. What are setting described in Austens Sense and Sensibility?

Review of relate literature: Structural approach: 1. Main character = Sherlock Holmes 2. Conflict = Perrine

Research Method in Literature-2012 Faculty of Hummanities-Dian Nuswantoro University

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