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If I decide on my teaching approach or method, I will consider all factors surrounding the learner. Typically I might describe: a.

The sorts of teaching and learning activities that you have planned (lecture, tutorial, self-directed learning, case study, workshop, workplace learning); b. Ways in which you try to engage students with the subject matter (provide students with basic facts, relate new knowledge to what students already know, build in interaction, be passionate, be enthusiastic); and c. The ways in which you support your students (encourage questions, set formative assessments, provide constructive feedback). A description of my approach to teaching includes: a. The mode or manner of teaching (lecture, tutorial, bedside teaching, laboratory work); b. Some understanding of how people learn (learning theory); and c. Some understanding of how to facilitate learning (qualities of the teacher such as passion, principles for good teaching practice such as providing timely and constructive feedback, putting educational theory into practice). There is no "best teaching approach". However, there are some recognised teaching methods together with a range of learning theories and some principles for good practice. Being a reflective teacher and striving for excellence in teaching means considering each aspect of my teaching approach to ensure that you are doing your best to facilitate student learning.

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