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Every day, you can do small, simple things to help the health of our planet and save endangered species. You can do these things to help our planet and thus help the endangered animals: 1. You can support wildlife parks, zoos, and organizations that work on behalf of wildlife and habitats worldwide, encouraging sustainable solutions through support of species research, animal rescue and rehabilitation, and conservation education. 2.. Read about endangered species in books, magazines, and newspapers or watch wildlife programs on television. 3. Dispose of pesticides, motor oil, paint, household cleansers, and other toxic wastes properly, not down the drain. 4. Another thing you can do is to always turn off lights when you leave a room. Turn off the television if no one is watching it. 5. You can also create a recycling center in your home and recycle newspapers, glass,and aluminum cans. 6. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. 7. Use both sides of a piece of paper. 8. Plant wildflowers in your garden instead of picking them from the wild. 9. Reduce the amount of trash you create: reuse your lunch bag each day. 10. Use cloth napkins instead of paper, because you can protect the trees this way. 11. Dont buy animals or plants taken illegally from the wild. You have to ask first where theyre from. 12. Share what you know with family and friends. 13. Dont throw the garbage out! 14. Go to the forest and plant some trees! 15. Go to the community center and ask for other ways you can help the endangered animals.

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