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May 29, 1913.

Twas the night When mayhem swept through chic Parisian townhall An unholy concert hall. cacaphony of sound descended upon the Without care, some audience sat through the entire performance, marvelling at th e new sound Whilst most (other people), argued, and caused huge disturbances, Almost bringing a riot into the streets Long after the concert was over It all began when Stravinsky shared his vision with Nicholas Roerich, an archeol ogist researching on ancient Slavs and Serge Diaghilev, the artisic director of Ballet Russe, who had commissioned The Firebird ballet some years earlier. All three men were excited by the possibilities of the project, Diaghilev promis ed a production and encouraged Stravinsky to begin work immediately. Stravinsky used the seasonal theme of a solemn pagan rite; wise elders, seated in a circle, watching a young girl dance herself to death. They were sacrificing her to propitiate the god of spring. He would not have imagined how music can trigger such profound impact on the aud ience How he (Stravinsky) depict this in music? Without words to describe the contrasting societal believes of bygone era, of ri tual sacrifice of young girls to appease the Gods 2013 marks the 100 year anniversary of Stravinskys composition Today, we present you a collaboration between two Cultural Medallion recipients Maestro Lim Yau and Angela Liong, reintepreting the theme of Le Sacre Printempts or Rite of Spring. steeped in folklore, but breaking all conventional musical forms The music itself starts a revolution of western music, Had our society changed that significantly? Today, we hear of archaic believes still being practiced child brides offered to forge family alliances, settle debts, or simply due to p overty. Young girls challenging traditional norms are ostracized, or even maimed and murdered in name of protecting family honour, According to Vogelstein with United Nation The number of women married as children is staggering, he estimates that one in th ree women ages 20-24 ... or approximately 70 million women ... were married unde r the age of 18" http://www.ibtimes.com/making-child-marriage-policy-priority-girls-not-brides-go ogle-hangout-1278981

a) The symphonic prose

We hope this performance would continue to astound,

Perhaps to remind ourselves that being civilised people, we need to expand our v iewpoints, perhaps even to challenge society norms and perception of what consti tute art.

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