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Heat Emergencies and Hiker Safety Scottsdale Fire Department What are Heat Emergencies?

Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion

Heat Stroke

Heat Cramps = Profuse sweating, Fatigue, Extreme thirst, Muscle cramps Heat Exhaustion = Headache, Dizziness, Weakness, Nausea/vomit, Cool/moist skin Heat Stroke = Elevated temp. +103degrees, Confusion/Irrational behavior, dry/hot Skin, Rapid shallow breathing, Rapid weak pulse (Shock), Seizures, Unconscious Risk groups Children Elderly Obese Alcohol Certain medical conditions Certain Medicines What to do Get person into shade or cool location Cool person with cool, wet cloths (neck, groin, armpits, head) and fan body Sip cool water if person is alert For muscle cramps, massage muscles gently, but firmly until relaxed *If symptoms worsen, call 911

What NOT to do Do not give anything by mouth if person is vomiting, unable to swallow or unconscious Do not underestimate the seriousness of a heat emergency (especially if in a risk group)

Prevention/Preparation for hike/exercise in heat Know your limitations Hydrate (begins day prior to hike/exercise, hour before hike, during and after) Wear proper clothing, lightweight and light color, protect head, proper shoes Always carry a cell phone and best to hike with company Always tell someone where you are hiking and when to plan to return

Heat Emergencies involving Canines Scottsdale Fire Department General Canine info Dogs do not actually sweat. They exchange heat through panting and to a minor degree, through their feet pads Dogs do not tolerate high environmental temperatures as well as humans do Risk groups Much the same as humans (Old Obese Medical Condition Medicine) Certain breeds are more susceptible to heat emergencies than other breeds, (Brachycephalic breeds; Boxers, Bulldogs, Pugs, etc.) Causes of Heat Emergency in Dogs Strenuous exercise in hot, humid weather Elevated temperatures from atmospheric temps and hot surface contact Sidewalk/natural rock surface can radiate very high temps 90 degree atmospheric temp/ potential surface temp of 135 degrees

Heat Emergency in Dogs Begins with heavy panting/ signs of difficulty breathing Tongue/gums appears bright red with thick saliva Skin elasticity (when pinched, does not snap back) Worsens if dog vomits, becomes unsteady, lethargic, unwilling to move (Core temp in the 104 degree range) Heat Stroke; lips/membranes become blue/gray Rapid on-set collapse, seizure, unconsciousness and death

What to do Immediate cooling of body with water, cool packs to groin, where legs meet the body, neck Remove from heat immediately Get to Veterinarian (Consequences of heat emergency = kidney failure, heart irregularities, other system failures) Prevention Know your dogs limitations/abilities Assess the environmental conditions Carry plenty of water for both you and your dog Cool vests and trail booties for dogs are available and are very efficient

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