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Elizabeth Evans Debra Mouland Krista Riche

ADD/ADHD is a condition first described by English physician George Still in 1902 to describe children and adults whose level of inattention, impulsiveness, and or hyperactivity behavior is such as to interfere with their daily functioning. ADD/ADHD is a diagnosable, treatable, biologically based disorder which we understand now much better than we did even 10 or 15 years ago.


ADHD affects females more frequently than males
ADHD is a learning disability ADHD is caused by diets rich in food additives and sugar Most individuals with ADHD are of gifted intelligence Children with ADHD usually outgrow the disorder by adolescence or adulthood. Individuals with ADHD often have coexisting learning problems

What Do You Think?

ADHD is caused by poor parenting
Peer tutoring can improve academic productivity and decrease off-task behavior. ADHD is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Children with ADHD are automatically eligible for special educational services Most individuals with ADHD are highly creative Ritalin is over prescribed by physicians on a nationwide level. Students with ADHD cannot learn in a regular classroom.


The exact cause of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not known. Currently, it is believed that ADHD may be caused by a combination of multiple factors, including genetic, biological, and environmental factors. Genetics. There is evidence that ADHD is inherited, but no one gene has been identified. Abnormal functioning of the chemical systems within the brain. People who have ADHD may have an imbalance of brain chemicals (such as dopamine, which helps control attention, and norepinephrine, which helps control activity).

Abnormal functioning of part of the brain (prefrontal lobe). Areas of the prefrontal lobe in people with ADHD appear different from these areas in people who do not have ADHD. Special brain scans (positron emission tomography or PET) of adults with ADHD have indicated problems in the use of nutrients in the portion of the brain that controls attention and movement. However, results of these tests cannot be used to diagnose ADHD. Other possible causes of ADHD symptoms include: Alcohol, cigarette, or other drug use during pregnancy. Problems during pregnancy or delivery that cause injury to the brain. Infections that cause brain damage. Poor nutrition during a baby's first year of life. .

Living the edge of distraction living on on the edge of distraction

The Mind of a Pentium; the memory of a 286

Top 10 Good Things About Having ADD

10. Amaze your friends with witty one-liners and sharp come backs.

9. Make amazing analogies that no one else understands. Write them off as "Deep Thoughts"
8. Insomnia makes for more time to stay up and surf the net! 7. Two words: Chat Addiction 6: Hyperactivity+Creativity+a Compulsive Libido= One Popular Guy on Dates

5. Can meet someone, fall deeply in love, marry, fight, hate and divorce all in about 35 minutes or less 4. Can include yourself with Edison, Einstein, Walt Disney and Beethoven 3. Can fixate on one object while the rest of the world goes right down the toilet 2. Can see all of your worldly possessions at one time.. because they are all over the floor 1. Consistently comes up with innovative, creative and original ideas.... or isn't afraid to steal them. At our best, ADDers are witty, creative and driven. We like to get things done!


To much TV Food allergies Excess sugar Poor home life

Poor schools


Brain scan images produced by positron emission tomography (PET) show differences between an adult with Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (right) and an adult free of the disease (left).

when ADD was discussed, we were referring to ADD without hyperactivity (ADHD) Theory was that the disorder way the consequence of a system in the brain not being mature-due to early birth or damage to the brain. The underdeveloped system in the brain was thought to be the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is involved in general arousal and alertness.

ADD was not a disorder involving the thought process but as a disorder linked to behavior with symptoms such as a child who ran but did not walk and was continually distracted, not focused, or could not attend to task. Children were seen as behavioral problems because they never responded to directions or obeyed the rules

The disorder was ADHD; a rather disruptive behavioral problem that was expected to go away once the child reached the later stages of adolescence and the RAS matured and began to function as it should.

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