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Darnell L. Logan EPS 541 Professor C.

Wilson Learning Progression: Fractions

Learning Progression Topic

Fractions Novice: Part of a Whole: Can identify the numerator as the part/piece out of a whole Can identify the denominator as the whole that is divided or broken into parts that are of equal size Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions: Can add, subtract, fractions with like denominators Can identify that division problems can be represented or written as fractions Can determine that a fraction can be greater than the number 1 (improper fractions) Can identify easy fractions Practitioner: Part of a Group: Can determine the fraction of a set Fractions as Operators: Can determine/calculate a fraction of a number, group/set Unitizing Fractions: Able to select the correct unit of measurement to interpret quantities Independent/Expert: Equivalent Fractions: Can reduce/simplify fractions and/or explain why fractions cannot be reduced or simplified Comparing/Ordering Fractions: Can determine which fraction is larger or smaller and explain why Can order a set/group of fractions from least to greatest or from greatest to least and explain why it is so

Can divide shapes into parts of equal size Can find the common denominator to add or subtract fractions with different denominators Can multiply and divide fractions with like and unlike denominators Can match a fraction picture to its fraction notation Can convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers

Can explain why adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions work or doesnt work Can solve word problems with: Adding Fractions Subtracting Fractions Multiplying Fractions Dividing Fractions

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