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Program to implement circular queue #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #define QSIZE 5 struct Queue { int item[QSIZE]; int front, rear; }; int empty( struct Queue *q ) { if( q->front == q->rear )

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return( 1 ); return(0); } void insert( struct Queue *q, int x ) { int temp; temp = q->rear; q->rear = ( q->rear + 1 ) % QSIZE; if( q->rear == q->front ) { printf("\nThe queue is full."); q->rear = temp; } else q->item[ q->rear] = x; } int del( struct Queue *q ) { if( empty(q) ) { printf("\nThe queue is empty."); return( -9999 ); } q->front = ( q->front + 1 ) % QSIZE; return( q->item[ q->front ] ); } void operation() { struct Queue *q; char c; int x, value; q = ( struct Queue * ) malloc( sizeof( struct Queue ) ); do { printf("\n\nMain Menu:\n" " 1. Empty,\n" " 2. Insert,\n" " 3. Delete,\n" " 4. Display,\n" " 5. Exit.\n" "Enter your choice: "); c = getche(); switch( c ) { case '1': if( empty(q) ) printf("\nThe queue is empty."); else printf("\nThe queue is not empty."); break; case '2': printf("\nEnter the item to insert: "); scanf("%d",&x); insert( q, x ); break;

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case '3': if( ( value = del( q ) ) != -9999 ) printf("The deleted item: %d",value ); break; } } while( c != '5' ); } void main() { clrscr(); operation(); } ................................................................................................................................... Program To implement FourLink #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct Node { int item; struct Node *next; }; typedef struct Node *Nodeptr; Nodeptr getnode() { return( (Nodeptr) malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ) ); } Nodeptr create( int x ) { Nodeptr temp; temp = getnode(); if( temp == NULL ) { printf("The memory is full.\n"); } else { temp->item = x; temp->next = NULL; } return( temp ); } Nodeptr insert( Nodeptr p, int x ) { Nodeptr temp; temp = getnode(); temp->item = x; temp->next = NULL; p->next = temp; return( temp ); }



Important Programs in C:Freshers Like

Nodeptr dividing( Nodeptr list, int x ) { Nodeptr l, p, temp; l = NULL; while( list != NULL ) { if( list->item == x ) { if( l == NULL ) { l = getnode(); l->item = list->item; temp = l; } else { p = getnode(); p->item = list->item; l->next = p; l = p; } x = x + 4; } list = list->next; } l->next = NULL; return( temp ); } void display( Nodeptr temp ) { if( temp != NULL ) { printf("%d -> ",temp->item ); display( temp->next ); } else { printf("END.\n"); } } void main() { Nodeptr list, temp, L[4]; int i, x; clrscr(); printf("Creating the Main Linked List:-\n" "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Enter the numbers to insert ( at end type -999 ): "); scanf("%d",&x); list = create( x ); temp = list; while( 1 ) { scanf("%d",&x); if( x == -999 ) break; temp = insert( temp, x ); } for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
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{ L[i] = dividing( list, i + 1 ); printf("\nDisplaying the linked list L[%d]:-\n" "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "The linked list: ", i + 1); display( L[i] ); } printf("\nDisplaying the main linked list:-" "\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" "\nThe linked list: "); display( list ); getch(); } .................................................................................................................................. Program To implement Heap Sort #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void buildheap( int a[], int n ) { int i, s, f, elt; for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { elt = a[i]; s = i; f = ( s - 1 ) / 2; while( s > 0 && a[f] < elt ) { a[s] = a[f]; s = f; f = ( s - 1 ) / 2; } a[s] = elt; } } void heapsort( int a[], int n ) { int i, s, f, ivalue; buildheap( a, n ); for( i = n - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { ivalue = a[i]; a[i] = a[0]; f = 0; if( i == 1 ) s = -1; else s = 1; if( a[s] < a[s+1] && i > 2 ) s = 2; while( s >= 0 && ivalue < a[s] )
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{ a[f] = a[s]; f = s; s = f * 2 + 1; if( s + 1 <= i - 1 && a[s] < a[s+1] ) s = s + 1; if( s > i - 1 ) s = -1; } a[f] = ivalue; } } void main() { int *item, n, i; clrscr(); printf("Enter total number of items: "); scanf("%d",&n); item = ( int * ) malloc( n * sizeof( int ) ); printf("Enter the items: "); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) scanf("%d", (item+i) ); heapsort( item, n ); printf("\nThe sorted list => "); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) printf("%d ", *(item+i) ); getch(); } ................................................................................................................................ Implementation Of HuffMan Coding #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define SIZE 10 struct Node { int info; struct Node *father, *left, *right; }; typedef struct Node *Nodeptr; struct Pqueue { Nodeptr item[SIZE]; int front, rear; };




Important Programs in C:Freshers Like

int empty( struct Pqueue *pq ) { if( pq->front == pq->rear ) return 1; else return 0; } void pqinsert( struct Pqueue *pq, Nodeptr x ) { if( pq->rear == SIZE - 1 ) printf("The queue is full."); else pq->item[++pq->rear] = x; } Nodeptr pqmindel( struct Pqueue *pq ) { int i, index; Nodeptr min; if( empty( pq ) ) { printf("UNDERFLOW. The queue is empty."); getch(); exit( 1 ); } min = pq->item[0]; index = 0; for( i = 1; i <= pq->rear; i++ ) if( ( pq->item[i] )->info < min->info ) { min = pq->item[i]; index = i; } for( i = index; i < pq->rear; i++ ) pq->item[i] = pq->item[i+1]; pq->rear--; return( min ); } Nodeptr getnode() { return( ( Nodeptr ) malloc( sizeof ( struct Node ) ) ); } Nodeptr maketree( int a ) { Nodeptr temp; temp = getnode(); temp->info = a; temp->father = temp->left = temp->right = NULL; return( temp ); } void setleft( Nodeptr p, Nodeptr x ) { if( p == NULL ) printf("Inavlid insertion.");
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Important Programs in C:Freshers Like

else if( p->left != NULL ) printf("Left node already present."); else { p->left = x ; x->father = p; } } void setright( Nodeptr p, Nodeptr x ) { if( p == NULL ) printf("Inavlid insertion."); else if( p->right != NULL ) printf("Right node already present."); else { p->right = x; x->father = p; } } int isleft( Nodeptr p ) { if( ( p->father )->left == p ) return( 1 ); else return( 0 ); }

void huffmantree( int frcq[], int n ) { struct Pqueue *root; Nodeptr tree, p, p1, p2, pos[SIZE]; char code[20][15], temp[15]; int i, j, k; root->rear = root->front = -1; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { p = maketree( frcq[i] ); pos[i] = p; pqinsert( root, p ); } while( root->rear > 0 ) { p1 = pqmindel( root ); p2 = pqmindel( root ); p = maketree( p1->info + p2->info ); setleft( p, p1 ); setright( p, p2 ); pqinsert( root, p ); } tree = pqmindel( root ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { j = 0;
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p = pos[i]; code[i][j] = '\0'; while( p != tree ) { if( isleft( p ) ) code[i][++j] = '0'; else code[i][++j] = '1'; p = p->father; } for( k = 0; j >= 0; k++, j-- ) temp[k] = code[i][j]; strcpy( code[i], temp ); } for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) printf("\nCode of frequency %d => %s",frcq[i],code[i]); } void main() { int *frcq, i, n; printf("Enter total number of frequencies: "); scanf("%d",&n); frcq = ( int * ) malloc( n * sizeof( int ) ); printf("Enter the frequencies: "); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) scanf("%d",(frcq+i));

huffmantree( frcq, n ); getch(); }

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