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INSTALLING THE IFACCONF LATEX PACKAGE ===================================== 1. Unzip the ifacconf_latex.

zip archive into a folder (directory) of your conven ience. 2. Copy the ifaconf.cls file to a directory where latex can find it (see your lo cal installation documentation for the details). 3. Test the class file by processing the sample file twice: pdflatex ifaconf.tex pdflatex ifaconf.tex # run twice to solve cross-references You should obtain as a result a file named ifaconf.pdf. It should look the same as the provided ifaconf_sample.pdf. This file also contains some guidelines abou t using the ifaconf.cls LaTeX class. Alternatively, you can generate a PDF file using latex and ghostscript: latex ifacconf.tex latex ifacconf.tex # run twice to solve cross-references dvips -Ppdf -G0 -ta4 ifacconf ps2pdf -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true \ -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sPAPERSIZE=a4 ifacconf.ps ifaconf.pdf 4. In particular, check the ifacconf.pdf file you have produced for: - Page size: A4 paper size is required for all IFAC event papers. - Font usage: you should not have any type 3 fonts nor Asian fonts. All the font s must be embedded in the PDF file. The simplest way to check the PDF file is to use Acrobat Reader (freely download able from http://www.adobe.com) and open the File->Properties Window. If the file size or fonts are incorrect, check your LaTeX configuration for app ropriate settings.

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