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Mobility and Core Series Manual

*For full demonstrations of each movement and for the Self-Myofascial Release Series, see the XFT Strength System Video Series* Mobility Series 1- Stationary Series Pike ankle flexion x 10ea Push-up to a T x 5ea Quadriped hip rotation x 5ea Quadruped thoracic rotation x 5ea Bear crawl hip flexion x 10 Suppine wall slides x 5 Hip extension hold x 30 secs Half kneeling reach and twist x 5ea Toe touch to overhead squat x 5 Mobility Series 2- Dynamic Series All movements are 10-15 yards Knee Tuck to Lunge Reach Quad RDL to Ankle Tuck Inchworm to Spiderman Twist Lateral Squat Mobility Series 3- Explosive Series All movements are 10 reps Power squats Power split squats (5ea) Pogo jumps Lateral balance drills (5ea) Explosive pushups Core Series 1- Quadruped Series Full Body Extensions x 10 Opposite Arm/Opposite Leg Extensions x 10ea Same Arm/Same Leg Extensions x 10ea Core Series 1- Plank Series All Movements are 10ea Plank Arm Reach Plank Leg Lift Side Plank Hip Lift Single Leg Hip Extension

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