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Name: __________________________________ Music Theory Evaluation Matching: 1. Treble Clef 3. Staff 5. End of song 7. Quarter pause 9.

Half pause 11. Half note 13. Eighth note 15. Pianissimo 17. Sharp 19. Trill 2. Bass Clef 4. End of line 6. Repeat 8. Whole pause 10. Whole note 12. Quarter note 14. Mezzo forte 16. Flat 18. Crescendo 20. One beat per quarter note

Read and follow the directions carefully: 21. Underline the slurred phrase: 22. Circle the tied phrase: 23. Choose the fermata. a.) Short answer: 24. What is an octave? 25. What does the word fine mean? 26. What does D.C. al fine mean? 27. What is the name of this symbol: 28. What is the name of this symbol: 29. What does it mean when you see one? b.) c.)

Name: __________________________________ Piano Proficiency 1. Know any songs?

2. Find middle c?

3. Find all other keys?

4. Tell difference between flat and sharp?

5. Play chords?

6. Read music?

7. Play songs from book?

8. Know any random information?

Book Level _______

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