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BOTANICAL NAME Ageratum Althea rosea Alyssum sp. Amaranthus tricolor Antirrhinum majus Callistephus hortensis Calliopsis Celosia Centaurea cyanus Centaurea moschata Chrysanthemum Cosmos sps. Dianthus Digitalis Gallardia putchella Gomphrena globosa Helianthus annus Helichrysum sps. Impatiens balsamina Liberis sempervirens Delphinium sps. Linum sps. Lobelia sps. Petunia gradiflora Phlox drummandii Portulaca sps. Salvia splendens Tagetes sps Tithonia speciose Torenia sps. Verbena Zinnia elegans Zinnia linnearis

COMMON NAME Floss flower Holly hock Madwo Josephs coat Snapdragon China aster Calliopsis Cockscomb Corn flower, bachelor button Sweet sultan Chrysanthemum Cosmos, Mexican aster Fairy queen Fox glove Blanket flower Globeamaranth, bachelor button Sun flower Straw flower Gamlytu ft Gamlytu ft Larkspur, knnul delphium Flax Lobelia Phlox Twelve o clock plant Scarlet sege Marigold Mexican sunflower Torenia Verbena Youth & old etc. Perennial zinnia

COLOR Blue and white Mixed Yellow, pink and white Crimson, gold and bronze Mixed Mixed Yellow to crimson mixed Blue and mauve Mixed Mixed White pink and yellow Mixed Purple and white Red and yellow Pink, purple and white Yellow and golden shades dwarf Mixed Mixed White crimson Pink and lilly mixed Red and blue Blue Mixed Mixed Mixed Scarlet red Yellow, orange and golden seeds Reddish orange Yellow and white Mixed Mixed Orange

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