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LINUX File System: Windows: System32/64--->.

dll (dll means dynamically linked libraries) Debian File System: Everything is under root partitions Home is mapped to users First assignment=create a new user Here we have swecha as a user Create a user for yourself Under USERS we have folders like My Documents, My Pictures etc...similarly open home to get your folders. GNOME-3 is the desktop version There is no concept of desktop in windows 8 An executable is also called binary. In windows the executables are in program folder, similarly bin has all the executables.

Executing a program in Windows: save --->compile (compiling creates object file)--->(we can only execute .exe files) use linker to link obj to libraries and get an exe file--->Type file name to run the program in the command prompt. Every command here is a program written in C or some other language and linked etc. Task 2: create your own command, compile it and link it and place it in bin. USR folder also has a bin folder with files pertaining to stuff like firefox. Configuration files are in /etc--->Windows equivalent is Windows folder Booting process--->MBR (placed on the hard disk where boot loader is installed) Boot loader located on MBR, Boot loader contains link to kernel, the boot loader configuration files are located in ???? GRUB is Linux boot loader and is located in boot folder. Go to boot--->Grub--->grub.cfg Pen drives and other cds etc. are mounted in media as files Previously done in mnt opt is the optional file where additional optional softwares are saved. Proc folder contains maps (memory maps) etc., it contains information of each process. Every process has its own file in proc. Root folder is the home folder of the admin user. Var==? Network connections: click on the wifi icon on the top right. Installing applications: etc--->fstab folder is the file system table

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