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WINE Tourism


Istoria viticulturii pe meleagurile noastre numr cteva

milenii. n anul 1359, cnd a
fost ntemeiat ara Moldovei, cultivarea viei de vie era
una dintre ramurile de baz
ale acestui stat feodal. Secole la rnd au fost consolidate
tradiiile de ngrijire a viei de
vie fiind identificate locurile
pe care cresc mai bine anumite soiuri. Deja pe la mijlocul sec. XV, a avut loc un fel
de divizare a acestei culturi
n trei grupuri, n funcie de
soiuri: de origine silvic (locale) ameliorate pe parcursul deceniilor, al doilea grup
via de vie adus de ctre
greci, iar cel de-al treilea grup
l-am motenit de la colonitii
romani. Un anumit impact
asupra dezvoltrii viticulturii
din Moldova au avut atunci
i Ungaria, i Turcia, i chiar
n prezent, n Moldova sunt
cultivate peste 100 de soiuri
de vi-de-vie.
Via-de-vie este cultivat n
ara noastr n patru areale
sau zone de baz: central
(Codrii), sud-estic, sudic i
nordic, divizate, la rndul
lor, n microzone.

The history of viticulture

of this place counts several
thousand years back. In 1359,
the Moldovan Principality was
formed for the viticulture to
become the leading branch
of the feudal state. For centuries there were developed
the customs of viniviticulture,
selected land plots suitable
for one or another grape sort.
Already the middle of XV century saw a kind of division of
grapes into three sorts: forest
grapes (local sorts) cultivated
for decades; grapes imported
by the Greeks; also grape
sorts as heritage from the Romans. Hungary, Turkey and
Transcaucasia influenced the
developed of the Moldovan
viticulture either.
Every zone is distinguishable
due to its peculiar characteristic features. For instance, the
Northern Zone is remarkable
for cultivation of grape sorts
used for brandy alcohols and
sweet wines. The table grapes
are also cultivated in this
zone. The Northern Zone of
Moldova is specialized in cultivation of such sorts of white
grapes as Aligote, Pinot,
Feteasca, Traminer.


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Fiecare areal i are propriul

specific. Astfel, zona nordic
este renumit prin via-de-vie
cultivat n vederea obinerii
de vinuri brute pentru producerea divinurilor i a vinurilor
alcoolizate. Ea este specializat n cultivarea soiurilor de
mas, dar i a soiurilor albe de
struguri, de exemplu Aligote,
Pinot, Feteasca, Traminer.
n zona Central (Codru) condiiile climaterice favorizeaz
cel mai mult cultivarea soiurilor albe de struguri pentru
producerea de vinuri uoare.
Tot aici se afl i majoritatea
fabricilor de vin, precum i
hrubele pentru pstrarea vinurilor cunoscute deja n toat lumea Cricova, Miletii
Mici, Brneti etc. n microzona Hnceti este situat o
alt ntreprindere cu renume
Vitis-Hnceti unde deja
de mai bine de un secol sunt
produse vinurile roii de struguri Cabernet Sauvignon i
Merlot, nite licori divine, de
Zona Sud-estic (sau Purcari)
se ntinde de-a lungul Nistrului. Zona este numit Purcari
pentru c aici se afl ntreprinderea Purcari o bijuterie a vinificaiei din zon. Pe
plantaiile din zona Sud-estic
sunt crescute soiurile Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon,
Rara Neagr etc. din care
este obinut o butur cu o
arom unic i cu un buchet
bogat. La sf. sec. XIX, vinurile
de Purcari erau livrate n Marea Britanie, pentru familia
regal. n prezent, la Purcari
funcioneaz un hotel, sli
de degustare, un complex de

The natural conditions in

the Central Zone (Codri
zone) of Moldova are favourable for cultivation of white
grapes for subsequent production of light wines. Here
the greater part of the Moldovan vineyards is concentratedabout 60 per cent of
all area under cultivation of
grapes. The zone also hosts
the greatest number of wineries, among which there
are world acclaimed vaultdeposits Cricova, Milesti
Mici, Branesti and others.
Another famous enterprise
Vitis-Hincesti is located
in the micro-zone Hincesti,
which has been producing
divine red wines from grapes
Cabernet-Sauvignon and
Merlot in the course of
over 100 years.
The South-Eastern Zone
(or Purcari Zone) stretches
along the Nistru River. This
zone is also referred to as
Purcari Zone and this is not
in vain: the enterprise Purcari the pearl of local
wine-making is located in
this place. The winery is famous for its red wines Rosu
de Purcari and Negru de
Purcari. The South-Eastern
Zone is suitable for cultivation of such grapes as Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon,
Rara Neagra and others
that are used to produce
wines of unique aroma and
rich bouquet. By the close of
the last but one century, Purcari wines were supplied to
Royal British table. At present, Purcari operates a hotel, tasting halls, recreation

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agrement, astfel c vizitatorii

au posibilitatea nu doar s se
familiarizeze cu viticultura i
vinificaia, dar i s se bucure
de un sejur pe cinste.
Zona Sudic include Bugeacul i toat regiunea de Sud a
rii. n acest areal condiiile
naturale i climaterice sunt
favorabile pentru cultivarea
strugurilor din care se produc vinurile roii i cele de
desert. n zona respectiv
centre vitivinicole pot fi considerate Comratul, Taraclia,
Ciumaiul i Trifetii.
Totodat, se desfoar un
proces continuu de nlocuire
a plantaiilor viticole: podgoriile pe care cretea poam
de soiuri vechi sunt defriate, n locul lor fiind plantat
via de vie de soiuri noi, solicitate. Muncind pe plantaiile viticole, i n trecut, i n
prezent, podgorenii depun
toate forele, cunotinele,
experiena i sufletul. Acest
lucru este foarte evident: n
ar nu prea observi gospodrii unde lng cas n-ar
crete vi de vie. n cinstea ei
chiar a fost elaborat un monument. Acesta urmeaz a fi
instalat n Oraul Vinului care
se construiete la periferia
Chiinului. Via de vie este
evocat n cntece i versuri,
n tablouri, n reliefuri i mozaica ce decoreaz casele. De
fapt, nici nu-i poi imagina
Moldova fr via de vie, or i
pe hart ara arat ca un strugure de poam!

facilities, therefore visitors

are able both to get familiar with viti-viniculture
and relax themselves.
The Southern Zone covers the Budjak steeps and
the entire southern part of
the republic. The naturalclimatic conditions of this
zone are favorable for cultivation of grapes necessary for the production of
red and dessert wines. The
centers of viti-viniculture
of the zone are Comrat,
Taraclia, Ciumai and Trifesti.
People in Moldova have
been investing their resources, knowledge, experience and soul into the
cultivation of vine. The
results of these efforts are
obvious: it is a rare sight
to see a house without a
vine twisting around. Vine
will be even portrayed
in a monument to be installed in a Wine City constructed in the outskirts of
Chisinau. Vine is glorified
in songs and verses; it is
perpetuated in canvases
and architecture in form
of mosaic and modeling.
It is impossible to imagine Moldova without vine.
Even the mapped outline
of Moldova resembles to a
cluster of grapes!

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Combinatul de Vinuri Cricova

Oraul Cricova

Combinatul de vinuri CRICOVA este, fr

ndoial, o perl a vinificaiei moldoveneti.
n subsolurile celebre din calcar natural, sub
supravegherea atent a vinificatorilor, se
pstreaz excelentele noastre vinuri. Albe
fine, elegante i delicate, roii un pic astringente, aromate, persistente. ns toate foarte gustoase i originale, fapt confirmat prin
multitudinea de medalii obinute la expoziii
i concursuri internaionale.

Wine Factory Cricova

Cricova Town

Winery of CRICOVA is a real pearl of Moldovan wine-making. In the famous Cricova

lime-stone adits, under careful custody of
wine-makers, the excellent Moldovan wines
are aged and preserved. The white wines are
fine, delicate and tender, the red ones are unobtrusively rough, somewhat pushing and
traditionally unforgettable. Our wines are
very tasty and quite peculiar. This fact is confirmed by a flood with international prizes
and different awards.


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Miletii Mici
Satul Miletii Mici

Galeriile subterane de la Miletii Mici sunt

n permanen vizitate de delegaii oficiale,
de numeroi turiti sau de cei interesai n
mod deosebit de frumuseile naturale care
dezvluie tainic cultura i tradiiile poporului moldovenesc. Itinerarul excursiei poate fi
parcurs cu maina, dar mult mai plcut este
s faci o plimbare pe jos pe stradelele umbrite de felinare, cu denumiri Cabernet, Aligote, Feteasca care ne duc cu gndul spre un
adevrat orel vinicol subteran.

Milestii Mici
Milestii Mici Village

Yearly the Milestii Mici cellars are visited by

government delegations and interested in
wines tourists. The galleries from Milestii Mici
can even be passed by car, but is much more
interesting to make a tour by foot along
the streets which are named according to
some types of wines or grapes like Cabernet,
Aligote or Feteasca. You have the opportunity to examine the monolithic walls from shell
rocks, enormous oak barrels which spread
marvelous aroma of wines, ancient lamps
and natural springs in stone.

ilstii ici .

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Vinria Purcari
Satul Purcari

n galeriile gospodriei sunt adunate i se pstreaz cele mai bune colecii de vinuri de Purcare, n care exist exemplare datnd cu anul
1948. Galeriile vinicole v vor deschide n faa
ochilor rnduri de sticle aranjate cu grij.
Pe teritoriul vinriei, n sala de degustare,
amenajat dup moda veche, vei putea gusta nobilele vinuri de Purcari. Atmosfera slii,
magia acesteia atrage adevraii cunosctori
i iubitori ai vinurilor rafinate, ndemnndu-i
la discuii despre gustul vinului, calitile i
valorile acestuia.

Vinaria Purcari
Purcari Village

The old mansions galleries feature great

collections of Purcari wines, some bottles
dating back to 1948. The Wine Galleries will
charm you by their neatly arranged bottles.
In the mansion itself, in the tasting room
decorated in an old world style, you will have
a chance to try the exquisite Purcari wines.
The atmosphere of the room and its inherent magic are attracting true connoisseurs of
quality where they can talk about the taste
and character of the wine.

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Chateau Vartely

Oraul Orhei

Chateau Vartely este o vinrie de talie mijlocie, fondat n 2004. Ea este situat n
anticul ora Orhei din centrul Moldovei.
Vinria se specializeaz pe producia vinurilor din segmentul Premium din struguri
culei pe 250 hectare de podgorii proprii,
situate n regiunea central i sudic a
rii. Compania produce anual aproximativ 2,5 milioane de sticle cu vin de marca
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir,
Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Traminer,
Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Gri i Riesling.

Chateau Vartely

Orhei Town

Chateau Vartely is a medium-sized winery

established in 2004, situated in the ancient town of Orhei in the central region
of Moldova. The winery specializes in the
production of premium wines from its
250 ha of vineyards in the southern and
central regions. The winery produces approximately 2.5 million bottles per year of
Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir,
Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Traminer,
Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Gris, and Riesling.

Chateau Vartely

Chateau Vartely ,
2004 .

. 2,5 . CabernetSauvignon,
Merlot, Pinotnoir, Chardonnay, Sauvignon
blanc, Traminer, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot
Gris Riesling.

Satul Crocmaz
Compania AMPELOS a fost creat n anul
2002, avnd drept scop iniial cultivarea viei-de vie i producerea vinurilor brute de
calitate nalt din prelucrarea strugurilor
prin procese de microvinificaie. Cutrile
cilor i metodelor de lucru cu strugurii, prin
intermediul implementrii celor mai noi realizri ale tiinei autohtone i strine i a
practicilor avansate, au permis acumularea
unei experiene unice n acest domeniu.

Crocmaz Village
The company Ampelos was created in
2002, aiming initially vine cultivation and
production of high-quality raw wines by
micro-winemaking processes. Identifying
ways and methods of working with grapes,
through the implementation of the latest achievements of domestic and foreign
sciences and advanced practices have allowed for the accumulation of a unique
experience in this field.

2002 -




Satul Brneti
Pivniele din Brneti se ntind pe 58 km la
o adncime de 60 m sub pmnt i au o suprafa de 75 ha. Basvinex S.A. Pivniele din
Brneti se afl n topul celor 5 companii
vinicole din ar dup volumul de export.
Excursia cu degustare v ofer posibilitatea
de a savura vinuri albe fine i roii de colecie, vinuri spumante, bucate tradiionale,
apa Poiana Brneti, mbuteliat la o adncime de 75 m.

Branesti Village
Branesti cellars stretch for 58 kilometers at a
depth of 60 meters underground and over a
surface of 75 ha. Basvinex S.A. Brneti Cellars is among the top five wine companies
in the country in terms of exports.
Tasting tours give you the opportunity to
enjoy fine red and white wine collectors,
sparkling wine, traditional food, natural water Poiana Brneti bottled at a depth of
75 meters underground.

75 . Basvinex
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Municipiul Chiinu
Compania MIGDAL-P S.A. include cteva complexe de vinificaie. Activitatea sa
de baz este producerea i exportul vinurilor i al altor buturi alcoolice. Slile
de degustare din subsolurile CHATEAU
COJUNA reprezint adevrate maini
ale timpului, deoarece degustrile se petrec n epoca medieval, unde n linitea
galeriilor subterane vei putea savura cu
plcere vinurile propuse.


Chisinau Municipality
MIGDAL-P is a company that reunites
several wine-making complexes in a
single system. Its main activity is production and export of grape wines and other
drinks. The wine-tasting premises at the
cellars of CHATEAU COJUSNA may be
called the time-machines as the process
of wine-tasting takes place in the silence
of the medieval court cellars where you
can become an expert in the offered

MIGDAL-P S.A. - , .




Satul Romneti
Viile gospodriei agricole Romneti
sunt situate n zona central a Moldovei,
n Codri, unde exist cele mai favorabile
condiii pentru cultivarea viei-de-vie. Amplasat la latitudinea 46-48, microzona
Romneti coincide cu regiunea vinicol
Bourgogne din Frana. La curtea mpratului rus erau aduse, n cantiti enorme, cele
mai bune i rafinate vinuri, inclusiv vinuri
Romneti din Basarabia.

Romanesti Village
The vineyards of the farm Romanesti are
located in the central area of Moldova, in
Codri (oak forests), where are the most
favorable conditions for the cultivation of
grapes. Located at the latitude of 46 -48,
the micro-zone Romanesti coincides with
the Burgundy region of France. Best and
finest wines, including the wines of Romanesti from Bessarabia were brought to
the Russian emperor court in enormous

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Lion Gri

Municipiul Chiinu
Fondat n 1997, Lion Gri i-a creat o reputaie de invidiat n aspectele calitii i inovaiilor. Astzi vinria cultiv 1000 hectare de
podgorii, situate n zonele climaterice cele
mai favorabile pentru viticultur i are cteva
ntreprinderi de procesare, la care produce o
gam larg de vinuri rafinate: tinere i de calitate superioar, spumante clasice, vinuri de
desert i brandy.
Tot aici se afl un complex turistic impresionant.

Lion Gri

Chisinau Municipality
Founded in 1997, Lion Gri has built an enviable reputation for quality and innovation.
Today, the winerys assets include 1,000 ha
of vineyards, which are situated in the most
favorable zones for vine growing and several processing facilities from which Lion Gri
produces a large assortment of fine wines:
young and vintage wines, classical sparkling
wines, dessert wines, and brandy. The winery
also has an impressive tourism facility within
the cellar complex.

Lion Gri

Lion Gri, 1997
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Basavin & Co
Oraul Basarabeasca
Compania Basavin & Co mbin cu succes tradiiile seculare i tehnologiile moderne ale rilor vinicole.
Astzi afirmm cu deplin ncredere c
Basavin & Co este un etalon al productorilor de vinuri de calitate din Republica

Basavin & Co
Oraul Basarabeasca
The company Basavin & Co. is successfully combining old traditions and modern
technologies of a wine-making country.
Today we say with confidence that Basavin & Co. is a standard of quality for wine
producers in Moldova.

Basavin & Co

Basavin & Co .
Basavin & Co


Legende despre vin

si vita-d

,si vita-de-vie


Barza alb este reprezentat

cu un ciorchine n cioc. Acesta este simbolul viticulturii
i vinificaiei moldoveneti.
Pn n timpurile noastre
s-au pstrat mai multe legende despre barz, ca de
exemplu cele despre istoria
cetilor Horodite i Soroca.
Aceste legende sunt asemntoare, iar moldovenii cred
cu trie n adevrul lor.
Potrivit primei legende, cetatea Horodite era asediat
de otile turceti. La un moment, apa i hrana n cetate s-a terminat. Aprtorii
acesteia erau sleii de puteri.
Inamicul ncepuse deja s
se bucurie de victorie cnd
n cer au aprut nite berze.
Psrile erau att de multe
nct de la btaia lor din aripi
s-a ridicat un vnt puternic,
ienicerii fiind nevoii s se
aplece spre pmnt. n ciocuri berzele au adus struguri,
pe care i-au aruncat celor din
fortreaa asediat. Flmnzi
i chinuii, aprtorii au reuit s-i refac puterile foarte
repede, or bobiele chihlimbarii sunt i ap, i hran,
i remediu contra oboselii.
Otenii moldoveni au pus
turcii pe fug i au nvins n
aceast btlie. Apropo, n
Moldova se produce un vin
n denumirea cruia figureaz i cuvntul Horodite.

Legends of vine
and wine
The symbol of the Moldovan
vitiviniculture is a white stock,
a cluster of white grape in its
beak. People used to narrate
legends about storks ever since
remote times, as for example,
the legends about Gorodesti
and Soroca Fortresses. These
legends are alike as two peas,
yet the Moldovans believe that
the story is authentic.
The first legend reads that
Gorodesti Fortress was besieged by the Turkish army,
when the defenders of the
citadel experienced shortage
of water and food. The forces
were exhausted. The enemies
started celebrating the victory,
when the storks appeared in
the skies. There were so many
birds, that the spread of their
wings produced a strong wind
for the janissary to bend down
to earth. The storks brought
clusters of grapes in their
beaks that were thrown down
to the besieged. The hungry
and exhausted defenders of
the fortress quickly restored
their stamina: grapes provided
for food, water and removed
all weariness. The battle was
won and the enemy defeated.
Apropos, Moldova produces
a brand of wine, which name
includes the name of the legendary village - Horodiste.

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Legende despre vin ,si

i vita-de-vie

Cea de-a dou legend se

refer la o alt cetate, Soroca,
care se mai nal pe malul
Nistrului, n oraul Soroca.
Fortificaia era ncercuit de
otirea numeroas a dumanului. Inamicul nu reuea
s treac de zidurile nalte
i porile rezistente, aa c
a decis s asedieze cetatea.
Confruntarea a durat cteva
luni. Prea c cei din interior
ar fi trebuit s moar demult
de foame. Cnd la cetatea
asediat a ajuns n sfrit armata domnitorului moldovean, s-a constatat c toi cei
din fortreaa de piatr sunt
vii. Miracolul s-a dezlegat
n felul urmtor: n cetate i
aveau cuiburile mai multe
berze. Psrile aduceau hran pentru puii lor ciorchine
de poam, din care mncau
i otenii.
S tii c moldovenii cred c
barza aduce fericire i bunstare!

Legends of vine
and wine
The second legend is connected to another fortress,
which has survived till nowadays upstanding onto the
bank of the Nistru River in
Soroca town. This fortification was besieged by numberless enemy troops. The
enemy could not conquer
the thick high walls and the
firm gates of the fortress and
therefore the siege lasted for
several months. According to
all thinkable and unthinkable
rules, the besieged should
have long ago died from
thirst and hunger. Yet, when
the fortress was liberated by
the troops of the Moldovan
Voivode, they found the residents of the citadel safe and
sound. As it was discovered,
the stocks with nestling were
nesting in the fort and the
parent-birds brought grape
clusters to their young, and
aditionnally fed the warriors.
People in Moldova believe
that storks bring happiness
and well-being!




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Republica Moldova

The Republic of Moldova

Este o ar mic, cu populaie dens. E situat

n Sud-Estul Europei.
Suprafaa - 33,8 mii km2. La nord, la est i la
sud se nvecineaz cu Ucraina, iar la vest - cu
Romnia. Teritoriul R. Moldova are o ntindere
de la nord la sud de 350 de km, iar de la vest
la est - 150 km.
Populaia - circa 3,5 milioane de oameni.
Capitala - Chiinu, (peste 800 mii de locuitori.)
Valuta naional - leul (1 dolar SUA - aproximativ 11 lei), 1 leu este echivalent cu 100 de
bani (monede).
Limba de stat - moldoveneasca (romn). Limba de comunicare dintre reprezentanii etniilor - rusa, n unele regiuni - gguza, ucraineana, bulgara.
Zona-Internet - .md; Codul telefonic - 373;
Religia - 98,5% din populaie sunt cretiniortodoci.
Republica Moldova i-a proclamat independena la 27 august 1991.

Is a small, densely populated country in

South- Eastern Europe.
The area - 33.8 thousand km2 Moldova
neighbors Ukraine to the north, east and
south, and Romania to the west. Moldovas
territory is 350 km long from the north to the
south and 150 km from the west to the east.
Population - about 3.5 mln. people Capital Chisinau, (over 800 thousand residents.)
National currency - Leu (1 USD = about 11
MDL), 1 leu equals to 100 bani (coins).
The state language - Moldovan (Romanian),
the inter-ethnic language of communication
- Russian, in some regions Gagauzian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian .
Internet zone - .md Telephone code - 373
Religion - Orthodoxy - 98.5% of population.
The Republic of Moldova proclaimed its independence on August 27, 1991.

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- 33.8 .2. ,
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- 150 .
- 3,5 .
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- (1
- 11 ), 1 100 ().
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- - .md - 373
: - 98,5%
27 1991 .

Turism Vitivinicol = Wine Tourism = / Agenia Turismului.

Ch. : S. n., 2011 (Tipografia-Sirius SRL). 32 p.
Tit., text paral.: lb. rom., engl., rus. 2000 ex.
ISBN 978-9975-57-005-3.
T 95
Agenia Turismului a Republicii Moldova, 2011
Fotografii i concepia grafic Grigorii & Alexandr Kornienko
Traducerea Diana Croitoru, Valentina Popa

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