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World Hunger

Gabe VanLangevelde

1. Genetic Engineering
A. Genetic engineering enables scientists to create plants, animals, and microorganisms by
manipulating genes in a way that does not occur naturally.(Greenpeace)

A. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. It is the product of an organism being
genetically engineered.

2. Pros of genetic engineering

A. It will provide great benefits to developing countries.
B. It will add resources to food that are not normally present. Nutrients that are not normally in crops
can be modified to have them.
C. It reduces the need for some necessities that are not available to developing countries.

Golden rice
A. A type of rice that has Vitamin A bred in it and has a golden color because of it.
B. It is used for countries whose meals consist mostly of rice. Rice does not have Vitamin A so there
is a deficiency of it.
C. However the rice could breed with other crops and destroy its functions.
D. The rice also takes 12 servings to get the minimum amount of Vitamin A that your body needs.

3. Cons of genetic engineering

A. One of the biggest concerns with genetic engineering is that it will spread and interbreed with
other crops.
B. GMOs can not be recalled after they are set into the wild. So if we prematurely put a GMO in the
environment that will affect it in a way we don’t want, it will be there forever.
C. Companies will put patents on the GMOs and their genes turing the environment into an industrial
product. Nature is not something we should model after our economy, rather the natural way things
should be.

Terminator seeds
A. Terminator seeds are seeds that have been genetically engineered so that all the plants these seeds
produce are sterile.
B. These seeds can breed with other plants or crops and pass on the gene which makes it so their
seeds are sterile.
C. This can cause damage or even extinction to the crops the terminator seed is passed on to.

4. Examples GMOs
A. An antifreeze gene from a flounder is put in fruit.
B. Tomatoes are genetically engineered to last longer and not rot as quick.
C. A type of gene was put into corn that kills insects which means the farmer does not need to use

5. Is it Necessary?
A. I believe the real problem is in the people, not the science. Poverty and distribution of food are
two huge causes of world hunger that can be solved by a simple sacrifice of people.

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