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Single Circuit Arduino-Xbee

Hacked Fisher Price SmartCycle

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The Single circuit Arduino-Xbee (SCAXb) is a unique solution that addresses the integrated
and on-board wireless communication needs of the Open Source Arduino Community. This
custom circuit integrates the core functionality of Arduino based microcontrollers such as
ATMEGA 8/168/328 with the popular Xbee modules. Designed using the Eagle PCB software,
this circuit provides an integrated microcontroller-Xbee interface, optionally extends the 6
analog pins on the typical ATMEGA microcontroller using two 4051 multiplexers and also the
output pins using two 74HC595 8-bit serial-in, serial or parallel out shift registers. A transistor
is added for wirelessly programming the ATMEGA that momentarily pulls the controller’s
reset pin to ground. Power supply pins and connections to 4 servo motors are available. A
voltage regulator ensures a constant 5V to the circuit. We include the free Schematic and
Component Diagram for this circuit with your purchase. This circuit can also be custom-
modified according to your needs if you wish to add other features such as FT232 USB to
serial communication or special chips that serve the needs of your project. Compare this
product ($35) with the total cost of spending on an Arduino Board ($34.95) + Xbee Shield
(79.95) = $114.9.

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