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ETABS MODEL CHECK REPORT Project: RK Check Dead+Live (per sq.m) 17.64 kN/sq.

m (For residential building this value should be between 15 to 20 kN/sq.m) Date: 5-Aug-13

Extract from ETABS Total area Summation of Dead Load Summation of Live Load Earthquake load parameters Live load factor for Earthquake Zone factor Importance factor Response reduction factor Time period Tx Ty Soil type Sa/g X-direction Y-direction Ah = X-direction Y-direction Mass for EQ load (W) STATIC BASE SHEAR IN X-DIR STATIC BASE SHEAR IN Y-DIR

4994.247 sq.m 77448.58 kN 10633.34 kN

0.25 0.16 1 3 0.753 1.054 Medium 1.806 1.29 0.048 0.034 80106.915 kN 3845.1319 kN 2723.6351 kN


-188.615 3750.61 2679.52 94.52 44.12

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