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Come, My Son, sit ye down upon thy stone, and let us reason together." Isa. 1:18, Rev.



A Talk with My Holy Father about Salvation (St. Matt. 23:9) by Mikhayah Ben Yisrael

Alef Bet Communications New Haven, Indiana 1986


My Prayer My FATHER and My ELOHIM, HOLY SAVIOR, and MASTER, in the NAME OF YAHUWEHSHUA, I ask THEE for an in depth knowledge and understanding into the very midst of the Wisdom of this Great Grace. this Great Wonder, this Great Miracle, this Magnificent Transformation -The New Birth! St. Jno. 14:13 -14,16: 23-24, Eph.1:17-19, 3:18-19, Rom. 11.33. Or rather FATHER, what is salvation, what doth it mean to be saved, or rather FATHER, to be born again? Yes MASTER YAHUWEHSHUA, tell me more perfectly, how does this happen or what doth it mean to become A TRUE and PERFECT SON OF YAHUWEH or rather who is one who has truly crossed the River of Grace through faith, and that without a physical boat, but only by the NAME and SPIRIT OF YAHUWEHSHUA THE MESSIAH! Do this FATHER and I thank THEE much more for it. 1 Thess. 5:18. In THY NAME I ask, THE NAME OF THY DEAR SON, THE NAME OF YAHUWEHSHUA! HalleluYAH! St. Jno. 16:28, 17:6, 26. Eph.3:14-15.

6|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation To Be Saved Is YAHUWEHS GRACE Shed Abroad In the Heart (The Spirit Of A Man) (Rom 2:29) "My Son, to be saved, to be born-again, is to be quickened and perfected into that spiritual physical image or state-ofbeing (YAH-LIKE) that Adam wondered in before he forsook the GLORY OF ME in him for the darkness and damnation of the devil (the inhabitation of sin causing spiritual as well as physical death), Gen. 1:26, 27,31, 2 Pet. 21-6. Yea, to be born-again is a new state-of-being that results from one's in hearing, receiving, believing, confessing, and being obedient unto MY WORDS for MY WORDS are SPIRIT and THEY are LIFE! Rom. 10:14, St. Jno. 1:12,6:63, Acts 5:32. Yea, it is a recreation first of a man's inner-man and eventually the total man by the life giving force of MY SPOKEN WORD, by the spiritual infusion of him (his inner-man) into ME (MY NAME) by the application in MY NAME, of MY SHED BLOOD for the remission of his sins, of MY PURE WATER (that also flowed forth 'from MY SIDE) for the washing away (spiritually) of those sins, and of reception of the purging, transforming, working, (regenerative) power and indwelling of MY HOLY SPIRIT (ME into him)! Jer. 13:11, Isa. 55:11, Num. 6:27, Acts 2:38,22:16, St. Jno. 19:34, 1 Jno. 5:8, Heb. 1:3,9:14, 22. Yea, MY Son, for such transformation is as being purged by water and by fire! St. Jno. 3:5, St. Luke 3:16. For I say unto thee that this great earth I first purged with water, so shall it also be by fi re! 1 Pet. 3 2021, 2Pet. 2:5, 3:6, 7,10,12,13. So also is a man bornagain! St. Jno. 3:5. For this great life changing movement


by MY SPIRIT is much the more greater than a great tidal wave of the sea, like also unto a great and terrible wind of the air that bloweth, that first flows into the heart of a man, makes new his spirit, gushes then into the very crevice of the soul renewing the mind and the emotions thereof, then goeth it into the flesh thoroughly tentaculating, engulfing, and saturating the same causing therefore much change! For I, YAHUWEH THY ELOHIM, by such process doth sanctify thee wholly spirit, soul, and body and doth also keep thee, preserving thee blameless, without spot or wrinkle, until PERFECTION, which is ME, cometh forth in thee and for thee!" Rom. 2:29. 12:2, St. Jno. 3:8.1 Cor. 9:25-27, Rom. 8:13. Prov. 4:22.2 Cor 4:10. 1 Thess. 5:23. ~O MASTER YAHUWEHSHUA! ~ How To Cross The River of GRACE through Faith! "My dear Son, ye must first hear TH E WORD, that IT shall prick the Heart! Acts 2:37. Secondly, ye must receive MY WORDS and believe on MY NAME with all thine heart, soul, mind and body! St. Jno. 1:12. For MY WORDS are like unto seed being planted into fertile soil for germination or like unto a spermatozoon entering the ovum of a womb for conception! St. Luke 8:11, St. Jno. 4:14. Thirdly, ye must confess with thy mouth what thou hast received and believed in thine heart which is on YAHUWEHSHUA THE MESSIAH, THE SON OF YAHUWEH! Rom. 10:9-10. Fourth, ye must repent of thy sins! Acts 3:19, 2 Pet. 3:9. Fifth, ye must be obedient and be thou baptized in MY NAME (YAHUWEHSHUA [YAHUSHUA, YAHSHUA] THE MESSIAH-Hebrew) and be filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT. Acts 2:38-39; 4:12. 5:32. St. Jno. 3:5. For is it not written that as many as receive ME (MY WORDS) and be obedient, give I POWER unto them to become Sons of YAHUWEH! St. Jno. 1:12. Acts 1:8; 5:32. Yea, My Son, the

8|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation man who has done these things, willingly, has crossed the River of GRACE through faith. St. Jno. 3:7-8. For he hath somewhat broken the chains of the captivity of the natural realm and has now somewhat got himself up into the heavenly stairway leading to spiritual perfection (ETERNAL LIFE IN ME). Eph. 2:2-6; 2 Tim. 2:26. 1 Jno. 5:20. For he is now the moreso reconciled back unto THE FATHER, for THE FATHER'S LIGHT by HIS SPIRIT now dwelleth in him to lead him back to the fullness of the Glory that Adam had in the beginning, and much the more!" 2 Cor. 5:19, Exo. 13:21, Gen. 1:26-27. 5:1. St. Matt. 5:14-16; 1 Jno. 3:2, Phil. 3:21, St. Matt. 13:43. St. Luke 24:39. ~HALLELUYAH! ~ Natural Birth/Spiritual Birth A Comparable Or A Parable? (Rom. 1:20) "My Son, being born-again or entering into THE KINGDOM OF YAHUWEH (spiritual birth) is like unto a baby being born into the earthly kingdom (natural birth). For a baby is conceived (not born) in the womb of the mother when the sperm (seed) of the father fertilizes the egg. But before any of this takes place the heart, mind and body (womb) of the mother must be fertile (made ready) or willing and open to receive the advancements and offerings of the father. In essence, there must be a desire and consent to copulation on her part. For without it, gracious conception will not take place, let alone copulation! But once conception has taken place the fetus grows inside the womb on nutrients given it through the mother's reproductive system (the umbilical cord). When it has reached the time appointed (has grown to become overly gross in the womb), it desires to come


out, to be manifest forth, in essence, to be born into the world. How doth one know that a child is born? He crys out after having breathed in TH E BREATH OF LIFE from YAHUWEH! For did not YAHUWEH also blow into Adam THE BREATH OF LIFE? Gen. 2:7. Yea, My Son, the child lets the world know he has life, he is alive, he is born! So also is as being born-again, born into THE KINGDOM OF YAHUWEH, into that spiritual realm of ETERNAL LIFE! As a wife heareth the sweet and loving words of her beloved, and even as they prick her heart, so doth ye also heareth MY WORDS! Jas. 1:21 For TH EY are SPIRIT, and THEY have LIFE! Even as a woman's heart goeth two ways, either hardeneth or becometh fertile, so is a man's heart (ground) to MY WORD (seed)! For if TH E WORD OF YAHUWEH (MY SEED) is conceived (planted) in the heart (on fertile ground), there shall begin a well of water springing up unto EVERLASTING LIFE, yea, a spiritual fetus conceptioned in the heart (spirit) of man! St. Luke 8:15. 1 Cor. 3:6. St. Jno. 4:14. Rom. 2:29. The more ye hear MY WORDS and receive TH EM, yea, the more ye eat of MY FLESH and drink of MY BLOOD (THE NEW TESTAMENT-MY SPIRIT), and the more ye yield to the WILL of MY SPIRIT, the grosser, the healthier, that spiritual fetus becomes because it's being fed nutrients (faith filled words, spiritual food) through the ear of man like unto an umbilical cord. St. Jno. 6:55. Rom. 10:17. And so it grows and it grows and at the time appointed it becomes so gross, longing for birth, and finding that it can no longer contain, out of the belly that WELL OF LIVING WATER (spiritual fetus) flows forth many rivers crying ABBA FATHER (the speaking in other tongues shewing forth praises unto YAH in a way much greater than thine own vocabulary and therefore supernaturally)! St. JNO. 7:37-39. Gal. 4:6. Acts 1:4.2:4.11. 10:44-46.19:6.1 Cor. 14:2. For now, I, MESSIAH YAHUWEHSHUA, have not only been conceived in thee, but born into thy spirit (unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given-Isa. 9:6) by the

10|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation operation of YAHUWEH THE FATHER! Gal. 4:19.2 Cor. 13:5, Col. 2:12. For thou art become a new creature, a new creation because I AM now made alive in thee! 2 Cor. 5: 17-19. For he that hath ME hath also TH E FATHER! ForTHE FATHER is in ME and I AM in HIM! FOR MY FATHER and I are ONE! 1 Jno. 2:23. St. Jno. 10:30. 1721. Therefore on the day of MY BI RTH in thee, THE FATHER hath begotten thee also as I was begotten! Ps. 2:7, Heb. 1:5. 1 Pet. 1:3. St. Jno. 1 :33-34, St. Luke 3:22. 1 Jno. 5:18. In essence, WE hath come into thee and made OUR abode with thee causing thee to become in the similitude as WE (ONE). St. Jno. 14:20, 21, 23, Gen. 12627. For, I, My Son, by the exaltation of YAHUWEH THE FATHER AM made ALL THE FULLNESS OF THE ELHEAD BODILY (both MASTER AND MESSIAH)! For this is THE WAY THE FATHER hath desired it, that in ME ALL FULLNESS SHOULD DWELL! Col. 1:19; 2:9.4:1, Acts 2:36. St. Matt. 19:16-17, St. Jno. 3:13. And therefore as THE EXALTED WORD OF YAH and thy belief on MY NAME, thou art now able to sit spiritually in heavenly places by the POWER OF RESURRECTION IN ME in you, while yet still physically on earth! St. Jno. 11:25. But as thou continueth to die daily (mortifying the deeds of the flesh) and continueth to feed that HOLY THING (that spiritual MESSIAH-CHILD-YAHUWEHSHUA) that is within thee, causing thee to wax strong in THE SPIRIT, thou shall eventually come into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of THE SON OF YAHUWEH, unto a PERFECT MAN, unto the measure of the STATURE OF THE FULLNESS OF ME! St. Luke 6:35. And in THE DAY OF THY MATURITY, I YAHUWEHSHUA, shall manifest fully in thee and shall also physically come for thee, and shall catch thee up with ME to sit with ME in MY KINGDOM!" Eph. 1:20-23. Rev. 19:13, St. Jno. 1:12; 2 Cor. 5:19; 1 Pet. 2:2; 1 Cor. 10:3; 2 Tim. 2:15; Rom. 8:13; Heb. 5:14; 1 Thess. 4:16-17; St. Matt. 13:43; Eph. 4:13; St. Jno. 14:3; Phil. 3:21; 2 Cor. 5:1-4.


~COME MASTER YAHUWEHSHUA! COME!~ (2 Tim. 4:8) The Holy Process-Quick or Slow and Call It Be Aborted? "My Son, the process of being born again or let's say the manifestation thereof depends on the pace that the individual's heart exercises faith. Heb. 42.3. For. NOW FAITH, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Heb. 11:1. For faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by THE WORD OF YAHUWEH. Rom. 10:17. But without faith, MY Son, it is impossible to please YAH: for he that cometh to ME must bel ieve that I AM, and that I AM a rewarder of them that diligently seek ME! Heb. 11:6; Rev. 23; 22:12-13;1 Cor. 12:3. Therefore, if one exercises faith (believes with all of his heart, with all of his mind, and with all of his strength) to the fullest extent necessary, the manifestation of his New Birth can come instantly! Heb. 10:39, Acts 2:1-4;37-42. Acts 10:44-48; 11:14-18. But those that are slow in the exercise thereof wiII cause the process to be lengthened or aborted. This is generally due to disobedience, stubbornness, rebellion, unbelief, lack of understanding, lack of repentance, indoctrination (false teaching), fear and unforgiveness. Tit. 1:16; 3:3; 1 Pet. 2:7-8;1 Tim. 4:1. These are evil spirits that hinder New Births into MY KINGDOM. Rev. 21:8. Matt. 13:19-22. 2 Pet. 2:1,2; 2 Tim. 4:34. St. Luke 133. St. Matt 612. And I say unto thee that many, because of the above several statements. Have allowed Satan to abort the New Birth as like unto a physical birth of a child is aborted. St. Jno. 10:10. St. Luke 24:25. Yea, My Son, even though they have heard MY WORDS. and even as they have received MY WORDS, and even though they have

12|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation confessed MY NAME, repenting, therefore then having wells of water (spiritual fetus of ME, MESSIAH, within them), if I be not born in them (become a child in them), if MY SPIRITUAL FETUS has not flowed forth rivers of living water, (the speaking in other tongues) bearing forth WITNESS that they have become Sons of YAHUWEH, then they are not yet Sons of YAHUWEH! Gal. 2:20.4:19. St. Jno. 4:14. 7:37-39, Rom. 8:16. Be not deceived, My Son, through lack of understanding, and marvel ye not at what I say unto thee! As has been spoken in MY WORD, ye must be born-again! Except a man be born of water and of THE SPIRIT, he cannot, I repeat, he cannot enter into TH E KINGDOM OF YAHUWEH! Provo 4:7. St. Jno. 3:3. 5, Acts 2:38. Doth thou thinketh that I would tell thee (of the process of being born-again) any different than what I told Peter to tell thee on The Day of Pentecost? 1 Pet. 1:12, Acts 1:4. For I and MY WORD are ONE! Rev. 19:13,1 Jno. 5:7. Repent, said I, and be baptized every one of you in THE NAME OF YAHUWEHSHUA [YAHUSHUA, YAHSHUA] HAMA-SHIYACH, for the remission of sins and ye shall receive THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! Acts 2:38, St. Mrk. 16: 16. For without THE GIFT OF ME in you (THE HOLY SPIRIT-MY SPIRIT) ye cannot comprehend the spiritual depth of my WORDS and DARK SAYI NGS, let alone even the possessing of THE POWER to become a Son of YAH! Provo 1:6, St. Jno. 16:12-15,1 Jno. 2:27. St. Jno. 1:12. Rom. 8:9. For I give spiritual birth (THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT) to them that obey ME! Acts 5:32. But because of men's disobedience to the hearkening of MY VOICE and because of their evil sin of unbelief, the hosts of Satan ensnare the fetus of ME in their spirit, crippling therefore their faith projection while also introducing deception, causing therefore spiritual abortion. Heb. 4:1-3, 9-11; 11:6.


2 Tim. 4:3-4.1 Tim. 4:1-3. And many there be that are deceived and fall into the snare of the devil and are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Tim. 2:26. Yea, My Son, these be they which profess ME, but possess ME not. Tit. 1:16. These are they which have wells, yet without living water! St. Jno. 4:14,7:38.2 Pet. 2: 17. These are them that believe not MY FULL EVANGEL, yea, them that add and take away from MY WORD. St. Mrk. 16:17-18. Rev. 22:1819. These are they that follow not steadfastedIy in THE APOSTLES' DOCTRINE. Acts 2:42. These are they which entereth not by the door of the sheepfold (water and THE SPIRIT BAPTISM-Acts 2:38), but attempt to climbeth up some other way. St. Jno. 10:1. These are they that refuse to continue in MY WORD. St. Jno. 8:31. These are they that have laid aside MY COMMANDMENTS and taken hold to the traditions of men. St. Mrk. 7:8. These are they that attempt to grow in grace without first getting into GRACE, then grow! St. Jno. 3:3-5. These are they that are ever-learning, yet never able to come to the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH! 2 Tim. 3:7. These are they which have NO POWER to war against the Adversary, nor to keep the world, the flesh, and the devil under subjection to THE WORD OF YAHUWEH! 1 Jno. 5:4, -I Cor. 9:27, Luke 10:17. These are they which are proud, claiming much, but knowing nothing, destitute of truth, and some supposing that great gain is YAHLINESS. 1 Tim. 6:5. These are they that have a form of YAHLINESS, but deny the POWER thereof, and as I have told thee before, from such turn away. 2Tim. 3:5. These are they which have given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, even speaking lies in hypocrisy. 1 Tim. 4:1-2. These are they which worship ME with the mouth and not the heart, yea, they bless with the tongue, then curse with the same-having also cursed children. These are they which speak great and swelling

14|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation words of Man's wisdom, lifting up men's persons in admiration to gain advantage. Jude 16. These be they that are men of the letter only, speaking evil of things they understand not, having eyes full of adultery, unable to cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls, and having hearts that exercise covetous practices. 2 Pet. 2:12.14. These are they whose EL is their Belly! Pilil. 3:19. These are they which heap to themselves them that preach what they want to hear. 2 Tim. 4:3. These are the blind following the blind believing that they are born-again, yet not according to MY WORD. St. Matt. 15:14. These be they that strain at a gnat and swallow a camel. St. Matt. 23:24. These are they that are sensual, having not THE SPIRIT, unable to comprehend what THE PROMISE OF THE FATHER IS! Acts 2:33. Yea, these are them which appear outwardly beautiful as whited sepulchers, but are within full of dead men's bones coupled with uncleaness because of hypocrisy and iniquity. St. Matt 23:27. These are they which received seed by the wayside, yea, them that received seed into stony places, yea, also them that received seed among the thorns. S1. Matt. 1319-22. St. Luke 8:12-14. These are they which have not the signs which follow THE BELIEVER! St. Mrk. 16:16-18. These are they which worship THE FATHER, but not in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH! St. Jno. 4:23. 2 Thess 2:9-13, St. Matt. 721-23 (New American Standard Bible). For YAHUWEH IS SPIRIT AND TRUTH and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (THE HOLY SPIRIT)! St. Jno. 4: 24. 14:17, 16:13. 1 Cor. 14:2. Jude 20. Rom. 8:26-27. Eph. 6:18. Phil. 3:3. Yea, these are they which believe not the usage, nor the existence, nor the good of the UNKNOWN TONGUE and therefore cannot build up most holy faith, nor pray as they ought, nor be interceded for, nor intercede for others, nor worship ME in


the BEAUTY OF HOLINESS! St. Jno. 14:17,1 Cor. 142. 14. Jude 20. Rom. 8:26-27. Eph. 6:18. St. Jno. 4:23-24. My Son, be it also known that MY PEOPLE are called by MY NAME! (YAHUWEH )! 2 Chr. 7:14. Jas. 2:7, Acts 15:17. For the hour cometh and now is when the true believer shall be manifest from the false believer! Phil. 33. St. Jno. 423-24. For THE KINGDOM OF YAHUWEH is not in word. but in POWER!" 1 Cor. 420. St. Mrk. 16.17-18. But What Canst Thou Do To Help Prevent Spiritual Abortion?" "My Son, being that thou art a Servant of THE MOST HIGH, and therefore having WISDOM, thou shouldest not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, instructing with meekness them that oppose themselves. Perhaps YAH wi II grant unto them repentance to the acknowledging of THE TRUTH, that they may RECOVER themselves out of the snare of the Adversary and complete the salvation process according (scripturally adhering) to THE WORD (WILL) OF YAHUWEH. 2 Tim. 2:24-26, Acts 2:41-42. Forget not this MY Son, that the war is not against men, but Satan, the Adversary! Eph. 6:12. Thou hast been given spiritual gifts! Use them!" 1 Cor. 12, St. Mrk. 16:1718, Eph. 6:10-18, 2 Cor. 10:4-5, Luke 10:19. Rom. 8:2627.

16|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation ~THANK YOU, SWEET YAHUWEHSHUA! ~ Who Is A True And Perfect Son Of YAH? "I Shall Tell Thee!" "Yea, MY Son, One who repents and believes THE EVANGEL! St. Mrk. 115. Yea, One who believes and is baptized into MY NAME (YAHUWEHSHUA [YAHUSHUA, YAHSHUAH THE MESSIAH) and is filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT! St. Mrk. 16:16. Acts. 2:38. Yea, One who daily eats of MY FLESH and drinks of MY BLOOD, yea, breathing in continually of MY SPIRIT! St. Jno. 6:54, Eph 5:18. Jer 23:9. Yea, One who has been completely transformed out of the darkness of wickedness and the delight of sin into the marvelous LIGHT OF THE EVANGEL OF HOLINESS, yea, Him who hath dropped Adam and put on THE MESSIAH! Col. 113. Yea, Him that understandeth and knoweth ME! Jer. 9:24. Yea, He that hath MY COMMANDMENTS and keepeth THEM! St. Jno 14:21. Num. 15:38-41, 1 Tim. 2:11-15,1 Cor. 11:5-6, Rev. 14:12, 22:14. Yea, Him that meditates both day and night delighting Himself in THE LAW OF YAHUWEH! Ps. 1:2, St. Matt. 22:37-40 (Ex. 20:3-17), St. Matt. 5:17-48, Jer. 31 :33. Yea, One who has knocked self off the Throne of His Heart and there set IVIE upon forever! Rom. 12:1-2. Yea, One who has allowed ME to make and keep Him Holy and Perfect in ME! 1 Pet. 1:16, St. Matt. 5'48. Yea, One who walks even as I walked, yea, letting MY LIGHT so shine through Him that others may see and glorify His FATHER which art in HEAVEN! St. Matt, 5:16, 1 Jno. 2:6, Yea, Him that doth not commit sin because He Knoweth that I AM in Him! 1Jno. 3:9. Yea, Him that hath been made PERFECT IN LOVE, therefore able to cast out all fear! 1 Jno. 4:18.


Yea, One who has obtained MY MIND, knows His place in ME, and keeps Satan under His feet by TH E POWER OF MYGRACE! St. Matt. 17:2-8, Rom. 8:17. Eph. 6:11. Yea, One who practices pure religion and remains undefiled before YAH THE FATHER! Jas. 1:27. Yea, Him that joyfully with love disperseth the first-fruits of his abundance! Provo 3:9-10, Mal. 3:6-18, Num. 18:26, 2 Cor. 11:7-8, 1 Tim. 5:18, 2 Cor. 9:10, Deut. 14:23-27, 16:16, Deut. 14:28-29, 2 Cor. 9:6-9. 12. Yea, Him that is not ashamed of THE EVANGEL OF PEACE! Rom. 1:16. Yea, Him that is happy for being reproached for TH E NAME OFTHE MESSIAH! 1 Pet. 4:14, St. Matt. 5:10-12, Yea, Him whose heart is pure and followeth after Peace with all men! St. Matt. 5:8,2 Tim. 2:22. Heb. 12:14. Yea, One who is without spot or wrinkle, unreprovable, unrebukable, without guile, blameless, rooted and grounded, built up and unmovable in MY WORD, yea, always abounding fervently in Spi rit in the WAYS of YAHUWEH! Eph. 3:17, Col. 1:22,2:7. Phil. 2:15. Yea, One who hath ears to hear What saith THE SPIRIT! Prov. 1:33. Rev. 2:7. Yea, One who is able to consume strong spiritual meat, having a mature mind by reason of usage of the exercising of His senses to discern both good and evil! Heb. 5:14. Yea, Him that be willing to lay down His Iife for the sake of TH E EVANG EL and or for His friends! St. Jno. 15:13. St. Mrk. 8:35. Yea, Him that lifteth up Holy Hands without wrath and doubting, praising MY HOLY NAME, worshipping ME in THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, in THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS! 1 Tim. 2:8. Jude 20.1 Chr. 16:29. Yea, Him that have purchased of ME that GOLD tried in FIRE, yea, Him that upholdeth TH E WORDS OF YAHUWEH PURE, as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times, yea, Him that endureth until THE END, knowing that He has been chosen as MY TEM PLE for A NAME, for A PRAISE, and for a GLORY! Rev.

18|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation 3:18. Ps. 12:6, 1 Cor. 3:16. Jer. 13:11. Uplift MY NAME unto the World, My Son, even unto the Heavens! Praise Ye YAH!" *Ps. 68:4*. ~HALLELU-YAH!~* MASTER YAHUWEHSHUA Continue To Speak For A Time! "Hearken thou unto MY WORDS! Pro. 1:33 Be thou bornagain! St. Jno. 3:3.5. Attend unto MY VOICE! Provo 4:2022. Deny thy soul, pick up thy cross and follow ME! St. Matt. 16:24-25. Getteth thou wisdom, for it is the principal thing, but with all thy getting, get ye also understanding! Prov. 4:7. Fear thou ME and keep MY COMMANDMENTS, and yea, MY LAW as the APPLE of thine eye! Provo 1:7. 7:2. [Ps. 25:14. Exo. 34:27-28]. Exo. 12:48-49. Be thou obedient, even unto death and ye shall receive THE CROWN OF LIFE which I have promised to them that love ME! Phil. 2:8. Jas. 1:12. Sanctify thyself to do MY Will, yea, purify thyself even as I AM PURE, be ye Holy as I AM HOLY, be ye Perfect even as I AM PERFECT! St. Jno. 17:19. 1 Jno. 3:3. Lev. 11:44, St. Matt. 5:48. Love thou The Brotherhood, Honor The King, and Honor ye all men! 1 Pet. 2:17. Seek ye and sow ye to that which is spiritual, for to follow the flesh will lead thee to corruption! Gal. 6:8. Stand ye in awe, and sin not, commune with thine own heart upon thy bed, and be still! Ps. 4:4. Entangle not thyself in the things of the world, for thou art become a warrior, that thou mightest please HIM that hath called thee to be a good soldier! 2 Tim. 2:4. Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life. Prov. 4:23. Yea, keep thy mouth and thy life shall be kept. for he that


keepeth his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles! Provo 13:3. 21:23. Praise YAH, glorify ME, lift up MY NAME, for this is the fruit of thy lips! St. Jno. 16:14, Heb. 13:15. Sow not thy soul, northy body, unto an harlot, for thy wholeness belongs to YAH UWEH! 1 Cor. 6:15-20. Be thou wise and win souls! Provo 11:30. Intercede and supplicate for all men, giving thanks unto YAH THE FATHER! Eph. 6:18. Despise not thy head when it becomes hoary, for it is a CROWN OF GLORY, if it be found in the WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS! Provo 16:31. Seek ye not to be rich. for thine eye, because of the desire of thy soul, may become evil! Provo 22:16. 2822. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, therefore be ye not deceived by it, but attend unto Wisdom! Provo 20:1. Be thou a TRUE JEW, which is one inwardly, for circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter. whose praise is not of men, but of YAH UWEH! Rom. 2:28-29. Forget not thou MY HOLY DAY, REMEMBER THE SABBATH (sunset Friday to sunset Saturday). and keep IT HOLY! Gen. 2:2-3. Exo. 20:8-11,3112-18 Lev. 23:3, Isa. 56:1-12, 58:13-14, St. Matt. 12:8. St. Mrk. 227. St. Luke 23-56, Acts 13:42. 44.15:21,16:13,17:2-3.184, St. Matt. 5:17-19. 1 Jno. 2:3-4, Ezek. 20:11-13. Keep ye MY FEASTS and MY SABBATHS, which are proclaimed in their seasons, for they are HOLY CONVOCATIONS, ordained unto eternal life and forever! Lev. 23, Deut. 16. Deut. 16:16-17, Exo. 12:14. 17. 13:9 Lev. 23:21,27-32. 38.41,1 Pet. 2:21.1 Cor.11:1. St. Matt. 26:18, St. Jno. 2:23. 4:45; 5:1; 7:10,14,37, St. Jno. 13. Acts 2:1,1 Cor. 5:7-8. 16:8, Acts 20:6-16, St. Matt. 24:31; 1 Thess 4:16-17. Acts 27:9, St. Jno. 7, Acts 18:21, Ezek. 22:26-28, Zech. 14:16-21. Isa. 66:22-24. Defile not thy body with the eating of unclean creatures, for I have sanctified by MY WORD those creatures that are good for meat. 1 Tim. 4:4-5. Lev. 11:1-

20|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation 47, Isa. 65:2-5, 66:3.17, St. Mark 5:11-16, St. Matt. 7:6, Lev. 3:17, Acts 15:29. Be ye not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good! Rom 12:21 Rejoice ye in persecutions, trials, tribulations, and necessities, for if ye suffer, ye shall also reign with ME! 2 Tim. 2:12. Look thou up, always coveting toward MY APPEARING, that thou in faith and hope shall gain a CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS! 2 Tim. 4:8. Lay hold to ETERNAL LIFE, shout loud the victory, for "I YAHUWEHSHUA" have overcome the world! And if I be formed (born) in thee, then ye have also TH E VICTORY!" St. Jno. 16:33, 1 Jno. 5:4-5.


~GLORY UNTO MINE ELOHIM!~ Doth Not An Exhorter Exhort In The Power Of The Spirit? (Rom. 12:8) If thou hath ears to hear, hearest thou what THE SPIRIT SAITH! Rev. 2:7. Wherever thy countenance fall in this exhortation, Get ye up, get thy loins together, redeem the time and move, I said move in and out into the depth of THE WATERS of MASTER YAHUWEHSHUA, that thy fruit might blossom 100 fold because of the fatness of thy SOUL! 1 Pet. 1:13, Eph. 5:16, S1. Jno. 10:9. Provo 13:4, St. Matt. 13:23. Feareth thou no longer, for MESSIAH YAHUWEHSHUA (the man) has overcome the world and this is the VICTORY that ye have in HIM, your hope of Glory! Therefore I say unto you, know HIM (THE MASTER YAHUWEHSHUA) in the POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION and in the fellowship of HIS SUFFERING! Phil. 3:10. Be in HIM a Good soldier! Take upon thyself THE WHOLE ARMOR OF YAH, be ye in and stay ye in full tuxedo, that when thou sittest at THE MARRIAGE FEAST, thy garments will not be lacking, that thy foot may not be taken, that TH E MASTER be not caused to say: bound him head and foot and cast that man out into outer darkness! St. Matt. 22:1-14. Yea, be thou a True Son Of YAH, faint thou not, pray unceasingly, commit all thy works unto YAH, let HIM hold thy soul for safe keepi ng and HE shall establish all of thy ways! Prov. 16:3. In the NAME OF YAHUWEHSHUA sever all relationship betwixt thyself and a man called Mr. Iniquity! 2 Tim. 219. Delighteth thyself daiIy in the Bosom of YAH, meditating thy completeness wholly and solely upon HIS COMMANDMENTS! With the fruit of thy lips, by a redeemed tongue, bring forth gracious melodies of sacrificial praise and adoration coupled with thanksgiving unto THE HIGH AND LOFTY ONE that sitteth

22|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation and reigneth high up upon the throne of the Apex of Thine Heart and also in Heaven! Heb. 13:15. Praise YAHUWEHSHUA. I say! Lift thou up His HOLY NAME, EVEN UNTO THE CLIMAXING OF THY SOUL! With a pure heart, walk ye pure in the newness of this LIFE OF POWER and thou shall dwell HOLY and WHOLLY FOREVER, abiding in THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY! Ps. 91:1. For WHAT IS or WHO IS TH E TREE OF LI FE? For where doth TH E WATER OF LIFE cometh forth from? Doth thou have Wisdom? If it be so, wouldest thou knoweth that THE TREE OF LIFE, IT IS YAHUWEH: YAHUWEH EL SHADDAI IN MESSIAH or wilt thou sayst TH E LORD JESUS CHRIST? 2 Cor. 5:19, St. Jno. 4:14. 6:33,7:37-38. Gen. 3:22. Rev. 1:7,8,13-18,21:37,22:17, Jer. 23:26-27. EXQ. 20:7. St. Matt. 24:9, Jer. 10:25, Provo 18:10, Mal. 3:16-17. Hos. 2:16-17, Isa. 42:8, Exo. 23:13, Jer. 8:8, Ezek. 39:25. Canst thou attain unto THIS WISDOM or is IT too HIGH for thee? Ps. 139:6, Jas. 1:5-7, Provo 30:4, Micah. 6:9. ~PRAISE YE HIS HOLY NAME~ ABBA, FATHER I Giveth Unto THEE Thanks HOLY FATHER, in THE NAME OF YAHUWEHSHUA, I thank THEE that THOU has heard me and answered me. St. Matt. 11:25. For THY WORD IS TRUTH, yea, YAHUWEHSHUA, HE IS THE TRUTH. St. Jno. 14:6. For THOU hast come into my heart, purified and sanctified me, causing me to walk in all Holiness with Perfectness and Fear before THY HOLY NAME! For THOU art everything to me, O YAH, and I thank THEE that THOU hast made me again, yea, begotten me also (1 Jno. 5:18) by having born THYSELF in me, making me A Son of YAH, therefore an APPLE of THINE EYE! Let THY LIGHT so shine in and through me, O YAH, changing even the boldness of my


countenance! Ecc. 8:1. let me glow as the Noonday Sun, yea, as if THE SON did shine in my strength, yea, like even unto THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR! Rev. 1:16, 2:28; 22:16. O FATHER, do what YE Will, do YOUR THING in me! Let THY WILL be done as YOU have IT recorded in THY HEART so to do! 51. Mrk. 14:36. For so as St. Paul awed, when saying, "Oh of the depths of the riches of both the WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE of YAHUWEH and HIS WAYS and JUDGEMENT past finding out", so doth I also! But FATHER THOU has given unto us THINE HOLY SPIRIT that, yea, we may know, yea, the deep things of YAH! 1 Cor. 2:10-12. For how so great is the mystery of YAHLINESS! For YAHUWEH was manifest in the flesh, justified in the SPI RIT, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into GLORY! 1 Tim. 3:16. And I perceive in mine own heart that in THINE OWN TIME, O YAHUWEH OF HOST, that when THOU art manifested fully in our flesh, then we shall also as MESSIAH YAHUWEHSHUAthe man, be raised up into GLORY! 51. Jno. 1: 14. I thank THEE, O YAH, that THOU has put forth THY HAND and made me ONE OF THY...JEWELS! Mal. 3:16-17. HALLELUYAH!

24|ATalkWithMyHolyFatherAboutSalvation Submitted Unto the World For These Words Cometh Forth Out From THE HOUSE OF YAHUWEH (THE BODY OF MESSIAH) By A Son of YAH (1 Pet. 4:11. St, Matt. 13:52)" HALLELUYAH"

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