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MITREPLAN TTS 0) common An easy-to-follow guide to achieving ETC weeds a 10/10 result. Outlines all the tools you will need for the job. Including materials checklist. PLEASE NOTE: Before starting this project or buying any materials, itis well worth your time to read through all steps fist to be sure you Understand what is required. Mitre 10 is proudly Australian owned. No. 54 www.mitrel0.com.au MITRE 16 Al the help you need Cag a clean, healthy garden — with a little help from Mitre 10. Sees Mee rs ot that their growth generally occurs at the same time as those plants you do Pe Rue ee og moisture and nutrients. They're also a Ome eam ise] diseases and can make your garden look unattractive. Ce ae eee Cd Pitre Cog PO EVENS ies Pee eee en) same for clover and other plants including the Lantana camara which is a cultivated plant in Victoria but a Toe Sees Ie TE eC Een Ut COP ues ene Un CMC Ieee y lawn is desirable, but it is a weed in a garden bed. And in this MitrePlan, we help you spot and identify those plants TS ne eC Pe eR Cg Pee ee em can EO meoy ct rs MITRE 106 Step I: Know the enemy Before you can successfully control or eradicate weeds, it is important to understand their characteristics and growth habits. Generally, all weeds have some of these basic traits * vigorous and persistent growth, allowing them to establish themselves quickly and often grow faster than plants already there; * dificutty in eradication; * propagate easily from roots left lying on the ground; ‘a short life cycle of some weeds means seed is produced quickly, * produce large quantities of seed; * spread seed quickly through special dispersal methods such as burrs; ‘seeds can remain dormant in the soil for many years. Weed Groups Like all plants, weeds fall nto two main groups. You need to know this if you are planning to use a chemical (herbicide) to control a particular type of weed Monocots — plants producing one seed leaf when they germinate. The leaf is long and narrow, and has parallel veins, eg. grass. Dicots — plants producing two leaves on germinating. Leaves are broad and have a network of veins, eg. clover. Growth Habits You should also know whether weeds grow annually, biennially or perennially ~ this can determine your method of controling them, either by chemical or mechanical means. Annuals complete their cycle in one year or less and may have several generations in that year. Aim to destroy them before they produce seed. Some examples are Cape weed, winter grass, stinging nettle, Chickweed, bindii and petty surge. Biennials have two year cycles, flowering and producing seed in the second year. They should be destroyed in their frst season. Examples include fennel, Patterson's Curse, and Evening, blackberries, and carpet grass are prime examples. Step 2: Weed control Most weeds in the home garden can be effectively controlled with good garden practices such as; + removing weeds as soon as they appear; ‘* mulching where possible to suppress weed growth; * ensuring soil introduced is free of invasive weeds; + removing annual weeds before they seed; ‘removing perennial weeds before they seed and ensuring you get their roots as well Hand weeding: Probably stil the best method in the home garden or for small areas. Mechanical Weeding: Using a garden fork, cultivator or Dutch hoe to remove weeds is the most practical and sensible method in many cases. The secret is to spend just a few minutes a day When the weeds are small and easy to remove rather than putting it off until the problem gets out of hand. Then it becomes a back-breaking task — and an unnecessary one — spoiling your pleasure of gardening. ‘Mowing: Regular mowing of lawns prevent taller weeds from flowering and seeding, Mulching: Smothers weed seedling before they become a problem and has the added benefits of keeping the soil moist and cool in summer. Common Weeds (Trifolium repens) WEED NAME REMEDY WEED ‘Common Lawn Weeds: Binds an annual and clover isa Bindi pore Particularly invasive of lawns, (Solva pterosperma) ‘Control with "Bindi & Clover Killer” < Me Perrenil Grasses. Difficult to remove from lawns. Use spot ‘sprays with Roundup of Zero and over sow the dead areas. Use Crebgrass and Cover Kile for Paspalum in lawns. n garden beds use hand cig if possible or use Roundup orZero, Perennial grasses wth invasive roots ‘and tough leaves. In gardens hand ‘weed, Where severe use Paspalum Kile, Roundup o Zero. On pathways use Once ‘AYearPathweeder. Perennial al tates, ‘Slash in Spring to early sume. From February to Ape wth ‘Roundup’. with “Bindi & Clover Kile’ or “Yates Broadleaf Weed Kler’, Hand weed ‘flight WEED NAME Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Mud Dock Swamp Dock Cutled Dock Red Dock Rumex gps) (Sour Sob) many species) Petty Spurge (Euphorbia eplus) Vinca major

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