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Justin T Andrew M Whit C Will S James

Work arrangement where you dont have to commute to a central workplace Many telecommuters work from home or they use mobile telecommunications to work elsewhere Nomad Workers

Telecommute Percentages
As of 2012 40% of US population can work at home Working at home increases employee productivity from 10%-20% 25% of Telecommuters report to have less stress 73% of telecommuters say they eat healthier at home 80% say they have a better work-life balance

Saves time
Less traveling Dont have to dress up

Saves money
Reduces fuel expenses Reduces money on buying fast food or lunch

Schedule flexibility
Flexible work hours More family time

Technology issues
Workers might not have the skills to work technology Technology malfunctions or doesnt work

Lack of social interaction

Cant interact with co-workers Lack of social need that everyone has

Lack of supervision
Some people need direction in order to be effective No drive or motivation

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