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Perhitungan Effisiensi Boiler (ASME PTC 4.

Indirect Method
Perhitungan indirect methode tidak menyertakan beberapa losses sebagai berikut : Standby Losses Soot Blower Steam Blowdown Loss Penggunaan energi untuk peralatan penunjang (auxiliary equipments)

Boiler efficiency (%) = 100 % (L1+L2+L3+L4+L5+L6+L7+L8)

Perhitungan Effisiensi Boiler (ASME PTC 4.1)

Losses Pada Indirect Method L1 L2
Loss due to Dry Gas

Loss due to hydrogen in fuel


Loss due to moisture in fuel

Perhitungan Effisiensi Boiler (ASME PTC 4.1)

Losses Pada Indirect Method
Loss moisture due to in Air

L4 L5 L6

Partial Combustion Of C to CO

Surface Heat Losses

Tipe boiler

IHI-FM SR Single Drum Natural Circulation Reheat Type Unit Residual Oil Ultimate Analisis Carbon Hidrogen Nitrogen Sulfur % Wt % Wt % Wt % Wt % Wt % Wt Kca/lkg l,/hr : SCF/hr % Wt %Wt % Wt % Wt C C % 80,12 8,02 8,29 2,59 0 1,4 10245 0,973 33630

Data Operasional
Gas Alam 75,07 22,89 1,37 0 0 0,65 12660 0,66 332,19 84,6 12,25 0 3,15 161,45 31,1 55,67 0,0159

Bahan Bakar

Moisture Oksigen HHV Spesific gravity Laju bahan bakar Nitrogen CO2 CO Oksigen Flue gas temperatur Ambient temperatur Humadity relative Humadity ratio

Flue gas analisis

Air Fuel Ratio

Udara teoritis yang dibutuhkan (Theoretical air required, TA) Dirumuskan : TA = [(11.6 x C) + [{34.8 x (H 2 - O 2 /8)} + (4.35 x S)] 100 Residual Oil : TA = 12,13 kg/ kg bahan bakar oil Gas Alam : TA = 16,46 kg/ kg bahan bakar gas alam

Kelebihan udara yang tersedia (Excess Air supplied , EA) EA EA = (O2 x 100) / (21 - O2) = 17,64 %

udara berlebih yang ikut dipanaskan yaitu 17,64 % dari udara yang diumpankan ke boiler

Air Fuel Ratio

Massa aktual udara yang tersedia (Actual mass of air supplied, AAS) Dirumuskan : AAS= {1 + EA/100} x theoritical air dalam kg/kg bahan bakar Residual Oil : AAS = 14,28 kg/ kg bahan bakar oil Gas Alam : AAS = 19,58 kg/ kg bahan bakar oil

Laju udara yang diumpankan ke boiler (


= = 467093,89 kg/hr = 467,09 ton/hr = 120808,37kg/hr = 120,8 ton/hr

Residual Oil : Gas Alam :

Total udara bakar adalah 587902,26kg/hr

Air Fuel Ratio

Massa flue gas

Residual Oil = 14,79 kg/kg of residual oil Gas alam

= 17,99 kg/kg gas alam

Total massa gas buang kering = [

] +[


= 587902,52 kg/hr = 587,9 ton/hr

Perhitungan Effisiensi Boiler (ASME PTC 4.1)

Boiler efficiency(%) = = = = = 422.639.366 kcal/hr Boiler efficiency(%) = = 361.680.003 kcal/hr

Direct Method

87,52 %

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