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~Movement of Qi ~

3AM - 5AM - the time of the Lung. The Lung is 'The Receiver of Qi from the Heavens'. This is probably why a lot of teachings encourage meditation between these hours. The Lungs take the Qi they have received from the Heavens (Gathering Qi) and is responsible for dispersing Qi (and Blood*) all around the body and descending any "waste" down to the L.I. where any remaining fluids can be reabsorbed into the body and waste excreted.

[*Blood is the Mother of Qi, and Qi is the commander of Blood. They move together. Qi being Yang and Blood being Yin in nature.] 5AM - 7AM - the Large Intestine meridians are on duty. 'The Drainer of the Dregs' the L.I. gets rid of any toxins and helps disperse any pathogenic factors. This is the time to empty your bowels. Then sit at the window in sunlight. Drink warm water. Brush your hair. All aiding the dispersing of pathogenic factors. Time to wash! This is the time to let go of all manner of things which do not serve us. 7AM - 9AM - Stomach is on duty. Time to eat a warm hearty breakfast so we can begin to make Qi! 'The Controller of Rotting and Ripening' breaks the food into clean and unclean parts which it then transports to the Spleen. Any waste is sent on the Small Intestine which will refine these parts even further. 9AM - 11AM -the Spleen is on duty. 'The Controller of Transformation and Transportation' receives food and drink from the Stomach and begins to transform it into Food Qi before transporting it to the Lungs to mix with Gathering Qi in order to make True Qi, of which there is a Yin and Yang aspect, Nutritive Qi and Defensive Qi respectively. 11AM- 1PM - time foor the Heart, or 'The Supreme Controller' (or 'Emperor') which works with the Lungs and Spleen together to make Food Qi into Blood to circulate around the body. This is a good time to have some lunch, take a walk and have a nap. 1PM - 3PM - the Small Intestine is on duty. 'The Separater of Pure and Impure' further refines any food essences and sends the clean part to nourish the body (muscles and four limbs). The dirty 'turbid' parts go to the L.I. (which excretes waste) and the 'clear' parts to the Bladder to be transformed into urine and excreted. 3PM - 5PM - 'The Controller of Storage of Fluid', the Bladder removes water by Qi transformation. The Bladder meridians run on each side of the spine, from foot to head, Qi and Blood flow actively/strongly in teh Bladder meridian at this time and so it is a good time for efficient work. Or an afternoon meditation maybe? Drinking tea at this time is also a good idea to help flush out the toxins, which are passed in urine. (It is for this reason that I have yet to explore UT!) 5PM - 7PM - the Kidneys take a turn, 'The Controller of Fluids'. This is a good time for reinforcing Kidney therapies. Massaging point Yong Quan (at the apex of the arch of teh foot) is a good way to nourish Kidney Qi). 7PM - 9PM - Qi is with the Pericardium, 'The Heart Protector'. At this time the PC is very active and disperses energy of pathogenic factors around the Heart. This is a good time for reading also. Remember here Fire and Ministerial Fire. While Fire is connected to the Emperor the Heart Protector is like the Minister. 9PM - 11PM - the Triple Burner gets a turn. 'The Officer of Balance and Harmony'. This is where Yin energy starts to fade and Yang energy starts to grow. Here the Yin and Yang energies within the body (and universe) are balanced, which also means it is a good time for having sex (getting pregnant).

The TB is like a three fold division of the body into three spaces. The Upper, Middle and Lower 'Burners'. (think Upper, Midle and Lower Dan T'ien. and i'm sure have some connection to the fire breathing) The TB enables the passage of Original Qi (which derives from the Kidneys/Essence) all around the body. 11PM - 1PM - Qi is with the Gallbladder, 'The Decision Maker' - being a time where a lot of people get great ideas or "second wind" and can keep them up late as they begin to move into the next time phase. As the Yang energy is growing, sleep here is a good way of storing it. 1PM - 3PM - 'The Planner' or Liver it at its strongest here. The Liver meridian is on duty to expel toxins and produce fresh new Blood in the Liver (connection with Heart Blood here; the Heart produces Blood and the Liver stores it, save for menstrual Blood which is Essence). People who have insomnia or restlessness at this hour may be due over-active Yang energy or dysfunction with the Liver. .... and back to the Lungs..... its quite tricky to take say, the Diurnal Cycle and explain it independently of the rest of the Qi mechanisms and organs functions etc, as its all interconnected.... but hope this babble makes some sense or is of use to someone ^_^

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