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LANGUAGE CONTENTS (K5. 1st. 2nd) ORALIDAD: El relato de rutinas relacionadas con la vida cotidiana y el ambiente escolar.

La descripcin de lugares. LECTURA: Los cuentos con ilustraciones. Las Inferencias a partir de elementos icnicos y verbales. ESCRITURA: El mapa semntico. Functions -Naming objects and characters in context. -Locating information by using illustrations and captions. -Locating objects and places. -Telling about daily routines expressing frequency. Exponents -It is.. They areYes, it is/ No, it isnt -For breakfast/lunch/dinner I eat/drink Vocabulary - Types of food. Main characters of a story. -The four meals.

Contenidos Curriculares: Geografa: La comunidad local y su relacin con otras comunidades. Los paisajes rurales y urbanos Thematic Unit:

My country and other countries

OBJECTIVES: K5. 1st. 2nd - To make Students tell routines in a sequence using simple connectors. -To Make students describe the beginning, the middle and the end of a story.

LANGUAGE CONTENTS (3rd. 4th) ORALIDAD: Los relatos histricos con soportes audiovisuales. LECTURA: Los cuentos. La trama a travs de los sucesos. ESCRITURA: Las fichas temticas con explicaciones. Functions - Giving directions, describing geographical location. - Expressing preferences. - Making comparisons. Exponents -Where is? Is there ? There is/there are Theis next to/in/on/ opposite -I like/ I dont like -It is morethan Vocabulary -Brochure headings: Entertainment, clothes, traditions, typical food, weather

LANGUAGE CONTENTS (5th. 6th) ORALIDAD: Los mitos y leyendas pertenecientes a la cultura de la lengua meta. LECTURA: Los esquemas. La argumentacin en textos publicitarios. ESCRITURA: La explicacin de temticas estudiadas. Functions -Presenting information in a logical sequence. -Giving Opinion based on facts. Exponents -First/Second/After that/Finally -For Example/instance -I love/hate that because Vocabulary -Customs, lifestyles, traditions, celebrations

OBJECTIVES: 3ro y 4to-To teach students how to write a brochure. -To make students compare different traditions and kinds of food. 5to y 6to-To make students familiarize with the culture of the target language. -To Promote the usage of the following exponents: In the beginning, Then, Afterwards , Later, At the end.

Suggested Activities:
- Explore the world map: identify the English speaking countries. -Present and describe pictures about different lifestyles and customs in different cultures. -Read and Write tourist brochures promoting the attractions of a country. -Prepare traditional meals. -Myths and legends: King Arthur and the knights of the round table, The Three Musketeers, Robin Hood. (Movies, story books, role play) -Investigate on traditional celebrations: Saint Patricks Day, Halloween, Thanks Giving. (Articles, news) -Material elaborado por el Centro de Recursos y -Song: London bridge is falling down

Prof.coordinadores de Lengua del Dpto de SL y LE-

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