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Skoring Trauma Okular

OTS (Ocular Trauma Score)

Kuhn dkk 2002 OTS dapat memperhitungkan fungsi spesifik visual 6 bulan setelah trauma mata Parameter yang digunakan:
Trauma dan komplikasi:
Ruptur bola mata Defek aferen pupil Endoftalmitis Ablasio retina Trauma perforasi

Ketajaman penglihatan

Parameters Rupture of the globe

Findings Absent Present

Points 0 -23 0 -10

Afferent pupillary defect

Absent Present



-17 0 -11 0 -14 100

Retinal detachment

Absent Present

Perforating injury

Absent Present

Initial vision

Better than 20/40

20/50 to 20/200
19/200 to 1/100 Light perception or hand motion

80 70

Sum of the OTS

raw points < 45 45 65 66 80 81 91 92 - 100 1 2 3 4 5




20/20020/50 3% 15% 31% 22% 5%


74% 27% 2% 1% 0%

15% 26% 11% 2% 1%

7% 18% 15% 3% 1%

1% 15% 41% 73% 94%

Identifikasi trauma orbita sangat kritis

Dibutuhkan instrumen triase yang mudah digunakan dan membutuhkan hanya sedikit peralatan, sehingga trauma yang mengancam penglihatan tidak terlewatkan.
MEOTS (Madigan Eye and Orbit Trauma Scale)

Madigan Eye & Orbit Trauma Scale Index Points Standards

Small print: 20/40 Large print: 20/100 Count fingers 3 2 1 Urgent referral Urgent referral

Less than CF
EYEBALL STRUCTURE Eyeball structurally intact

Possible violation eye, low suspicion

Possible violation eye, high suspicion Gross violation of eye PROPTOSIS: BULGING No displacement of eye Proptosis 3 mm Gross proptosis > 3 mm, orbit Tense

1 0

Shield, surgery
Shield, surgery

2 1 0 CT Urgent, CT steroid,

Equal, reactive, no APD Unequal or possible APD Dilated pupil, definitive APD 2 1 0 Urgent

No subjective or objective problem Double vision, or restriction Eyeball barely moves, frozen 2 1 0 CR Urgent, CT

Overall score: MAX 12

Patients with a total score 6 require urgent treatment to maintain sight. An initial score > 6 does not exclude a blinding injury.

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