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Laminar velocity profile in square flow channel By Syeilendra Pramuditya - http://syeilendrapramuditya.wordpress.com October 2012 program main implicit none integer j,jmin,jmax,k,kmin,kmax,iter,itermax,conv,prnt parameter(jmin=0, jmax=40, kmin=0, kmax=40) real*8 mu,rho,Ly,Lz,uy1,uy2,uz1,uz2,errmax,Re,Dh,uinit,f,mdpdx, &alpha,uold(jmin:jmax,kmin:kmax),unew(jmin:jmax,kmin:kmax),dy,dz, &y(jmin:jmax),z(kmin:kmax),dy2,dz2,beta,err !input Ly=1.0d-2 Lz=Ly !square channel uy1=0.0d0 uy2=0.0d0 uz1=0.0d0 uz2=0.0d0 itermax=5000 errmax=1.0d-6 Re=5.0d2 !props mu=1.0d-3 rho=1.0d3 !calc internal vars Dh=4.0d0*(Ly*Lz)/(2.0d0*Ly+2.0d0*Lz) uinit=Re*mu/(rho*Dh) f=14.0d0/Re !friction factor mdpdx=(f/Dh)*0.5d0*rho*uinit*uinit ! -dp/dx alpha=mdpdx/mu !init all arrays do j=jmin,jmax do k=kmin,kmax uold(j,k)=0.0d0 unew(j,k)=0.0d0 end do end do !mesh dy=Ly/(jmax-jmin) dy2=dy*dy y(jmin)=0.0d0 do j=jmin+1,jmax y(j)=y(j-1)+dy end do dz=Lz/(kmax-kmin) dz2=dz*dz z(kmin)=0.0d0 do k=kmin+1,kmax z(k)=z(k-1)+dz

end do beta=1.0d0/(2.0d0/dy2+2.0d0/dz2) !init guess of x-velocity do j=jmin+1,jmax-1 do k=kmin+1,kmax-1 uold(j,k)=uinit unew(j,k)=uinit end do end do !init boundary condition do k=kmin,kmax uold(0,k)=uy1 uold(jmax,k)=uy2 unew(0,k)=uy1 unew(jmax,k)=uy2 end do do j=jmin,jmax uold(j,0)=uz1 uold(j,kmax)=uz2 unew(j,0)=uz1 unew(j,kmax)=uz2 end do !calculate conv=0 iter=0 do while((conv.eq.0).and.(iter.le.itermax)) conv=1 !calc new u do j=jmin+1,jmax-1 do k=kmin+1,kmax-1 unew(j,k)=beta*(uold(j+1,k)+uold(j-1,k))/dy2 + & beta*(uold(j,k+1)+uold(j,k-1))/dz2 + beta*alpha err=dabs(unew(j,k)-uold(j,k))/unew(j,k) if(err.ge.errmax) conv=0 !check convergence end do end do !update u do j=jmin,jmax do k=kmin,kmax uold(j,k)=unew(j,k) end do end do iter=iter+1 end do !output result prnt=6 write(prnt,*) 'Solution Converged in',iter,'iterations' write(prnt,*) ' ' write(prnt,*) 'The result has been saved to the following files:' write(prnt,*) 'xveloc.dat -> calculated x velocity [m/s]' write(prnt,*) 'ypos.dat -> y coordinate [m]' write(prnt,*) 'zpos.dat -> z coordinate [m]'

open(10,file="xveloc.dat") do j=jmin,jmax write(10,1000) (unew(j,k),k=kmin,kmax) end do close(10) open(10,file="ypos.dat") do j=jmin,jmax write(10,1000) y(j) end do close(10) open(10,file="zpos.dat") do k=kmin,kmax write(10,1000) z(k) end do close(10) 1000 format(1P50E10.3) stop end

y=dlmread('ypos.dat',' '); z=dlmread('zpos.dat',' '); [Y,Z]=meshgrid(y,z); VX = dlmread('xveloc.dat',' '); surf(Y,Z,VX) shading interp title('x-Velocity [m/s]') xlabel('y (cm)'),ylabel('z (cm)'),zlabel('x-Velocity [m/s]') axis tight; colorbar; view(0,90);

And here is the resulting plot:

x-Velocity profile at Re = 1000 The real power of numerical solution methods is their ability to approximate the solution of a given mathematical equation for complex geometry. So lets make this problem a bit more interesting by making the geometry a bit more complex, and we do this by putting an immersed rectangular solid object into the flow channel. This is achieved simply by applying a zero-velocity boundary condition at the objects location. The modified code is available here, and the result is shown below:

x-Velocity profile with immersed solid rectangular object inside the flow channel
! ! ! Laminar velocity profile between infinite parallel plates By Syeilendra Pramuditya - http://syeilendrapramuditya.wordpress.com October 2012 program main implicit none integer j,jmin,jmax,iter,itermax,conv,prnt parameter(jmin=0, jmax=10) real*8 uold(jmin:jmax),unew(jmin:jmax),L,uinit,dy,errmax, &mu,rho,Re,f,mdpdx,alpha,err,ubot,utop,y(jmin:jmax), &umath(jmin:jmax) !input L=1.0d-2 ubot=0.0d0 utop=0.0d0 itermax=1000 errmax=1.0d-6 Re=5.0d2 !props mu=1.0d-3 rho=1.0d3 !calc internal vars uinit=Re*mu/(rho*L) !average x-veloc f=24.0d0/Re !friction factor

mdpdx=(f/L)*0.5d0*rho*uinit*uinit ! -dp/dx alpha=0.5d0*mdpdx/mu !init all arrays do j=jmin,jmax uold(j)=0.0d0 unew(j)=0.0d0 end do !mesh dy=L/(jmax-jmin) y(jmin)=0.0d0 do j=jmin+1,jmax y(j)=y(j-1)+dy end do !init guess of x-velocity do j=jmin+1,jmax-1 uold(j)=uinit end do !init boundary condition uold(jmin)=ubot uold(jmax)=utop unew(jmin)=ubot unew(jmax)=utop !calculate conv=0 iter=0 do while((conv.eq.0).and.(iter.le.itermax)) conv=1 !calc new u do j=jmin+1,jmax-1 unew(j)=0.5d0*(uold(j+1)+uold(j-1))+alpha*dy*dy err=dabs(unew(j)-uold(j))/unew(j) if(err.ge.errmax) conv=0 !check convergence end do !update u do j=jmin,jmax uold(j)=unew(j) end do iter=iter+1 end do !exact solution for static walls do j=jmin,jmax umath(j)=0.5d0*(1.0d0/mu)*mdpdx*(L*y(j)-y(j)*y(j)) end do !result prnt=6 write(prnt,*) 'Re =',Re write(prnt,*) 'Solution Converged in',iter,'iterations' write(prnt,*) ' ' write(prnt,*) ' y [m] u[m/s] umath[m/s]' do j=jmin,jmax

write(prnt,1000) real(y(j)),real(unew(j)),real(umath(j)) end do write(prnt,*) ' ' write(prnt,*) 'Result has been saved to fort.10 file' prnt=10 write(prnt,*) 'Re =',Re write(prnt,*) 'Solution Converged in',iter,'iterations' write(prnt,*) ' ' write(prnt,*) ' y [m] u[m/s] umath[m/s]' do j=jmin,jmax write(prnt,1000) real(y(j)),real(unew(j)),real(umath(j)) end do 1000 format(1P20E12.3) stop end

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