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Other Tests of Significance for Qualitative Variables

Z-Test for Proportions : 22 table large n Fisher's Exact Test : 22 table small n McNemar's Test : Matched Pairs Odds Ratio & RR : Prospective Studies

Tests of Significance for Quantitative Variables

student's t test
Comparison of two Means : Paired t test Unpaired t test Test for group/sequence effect Test for carryover effect

Non Parametric Equivalent of Student's t Test

Mann-Whitney Test (Wilcoxon Test)

If Parameters are not known

Analysis of Variance & Covariance Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) allows comparisons among many sample means

By this it is possible to perform certain tests of hypothesis and to provide estimates for components of variation

* To test whether the age of mother and order of gravida significantly affect the birth weight * To test which combination of drugs is more effective * To find out which season has max morbidity of a particular disease.

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

Based on inclusion of supplementary variables (covariates) into the model. Which lets account for inter-group variation associated not with the "treatment" itself, but with covariate(s) of treatments.

Regression Analysis & Correlation

Interrelationship Between Dependent & Independent Variables

Regression Analysis deals with the situation in which there is one measured dependent variable and others are independent variables The Correlations describe the strength of the
relationship between the variables

Regression Model
Mathematical Equation for Expressing Interrelationship between Variables BSA = 1321 + 0.3433(Wt) BSA Body Surface Area (Sq cm) Wt Weight

Regression Model Linear Regression

1 1 SysBP = 107 + 4 Age + 2 BMI - 1 3 Exercise

b g b g b

Non Linear Regression

y = a - be - cx
yHb level xDuration of Iron supplementation

Logistic Regression Model Dependent Variable is dichotomous

Cox Regression Model Independent Variables are time dependent (Dosage of drug, kind of care)

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