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68198610 wi | ie Be: sil ee i ES CIe LIB Is Be ~ SX ey FAte>s| sr sey an Carel Un Key al OO Contents ist of fees ond tes Pre Acdsee 1 The Ieeatre esiew in research Reviewing and the research imagination (Casityng and reading research Agumentston analyse Ongaining ane expressing Hens Mapping aod analysing ideas Witing the review Appendic the proposal Appendix 2: how tote references Appendix 3: presentation ofa disertation Appendix + managing information and keping cords Appendix 5: checklist of doe an dons for reviewing 23 ns ne List of figures and tables Figure L1 The generation and cmmenication of research Inowedge and information Figure 12. Sime fhe gets the eke ofthe ert can Figure 13. Msp of asco in dfinkons of originality Figure 21 Flow char ofthe inert cette gure 22. dealing sera tere troogh bbogaphia sna gure 31 Eement for analysing the rang in research gure 41 Toulminsstructue ofan argument gure (2 An argent fe tving war gure 51 avons we Figure 52 _Lleting locations fr compasson Figure 61 Summary record chet Figure 62 A reltonstip map ofan anayss of feminist analysis of edertnerens or eget gure 63. Example of s worksheet Figure 64 An esampl of lnearrelstoship map: the logic of ‘SSumpton about aering Figure 65 A sulyct crane te th soi snc etent ov advert gre Pal cso of uate ret ure 67 A taxon) of paneer cs gure 68 Compatinal care map ure 69) Semuntic map of etl approche in cultural studs Figure 610, Conept map ind map the context ofrecer FRgure 611 Garett mae fr eping the devopment of DNAscode theory and veuteiton Figure 612, Network dagram of DNA development and ‘erlicatn acording to Asm gure 618. Network gram st howe DNA theory mas The Times Edun Suplomert of Gunn I abou ewig 3 research TRerture introduces and provides examples of range of techniques hat nn be uae to analyse ideas, nd yelabonships between diferent ideas fd undessland the naire and ee of segue zserch What fou can ‘expect, therefore, is explanation, dseusion and examples om haw 10 fnulyse ater people's ideas, those ideas that constitute the body of nog onthe topic of your research. nl we on ay ht a vi fe rt pra bce without you will net esque an understanding of yur pc of what dy ten ono an uw tre wh th Sy Issues arn your writen prot you wl be expeced to show tat you Understand previous esearch on your tps. Tis amounts showing that you have ndestd the rain theories in the subject area a ow they Five been applied nd developed ar ell tthe main crcsms hat Ne een made of work on Une top. The review m= thecone a Part of Your ‘Sade development ~ of becoming an expert in the el However, the importane of the iterator review not matched by & ‘ammon undersanding of how a review of elated teature ean be done hv can be wed nthe researh or why neds be dane in the est Place Undertaking» review ofa body of iterator i fn gen as something bvious and a 2 task cay done. In pracee abhough research students st proce what are called yeviews ofthe iteratare, the guaiy ofthese ‘ates cnsideraly Mang views afc age ony hl sgl ano tated biographies. Quality means appropiate bresath and depth, rigour and consistency lant ad brevity and fective alysis and syathests ‘ter words the ef the teas vo The erate to justly the aru ‘pproich tothe opi the selon af ethods an demetaton ta hi research contrbutes somthing new. Poor reviews of a topic erature ‘not sways be blamed on the stadent researcher Ik not neces ‘hoi al falling i hee alt poor este eviews can en be the fault of howe who provide the eaition and tesining in esearch “his bok hasbeen writen primary for ste researcher although it ray alsa be of use to those who provide eduction and’ raining ia esearch I is inended to be an infeduction to thowe elements of the research proves that ed fo be appre! In ode founder the how and Why of reviewing fopicupecic erature, AS shy an ates Is been made o provide an induction to 3 range of ene techs ‘hat con be use to ead analytic and to sythesize des new an fencing ways that might help improve the quality of he research “his book i aimed at people working within the socal senses, which Inchides the disoplins Usted below. This lst is not exhaustive: chacoogy, fe stance, might have bn nuded in thi Dull envionment and economics payehalogy town planing educational studios Flighus stadie busines stacies fvisenmentl stuies Sc and pols cnmanication and gender stdles theo ‘media studies fruman geography socal ant commonty studies erature Secial pole and sla tedice| ‘ongonzational studies administration ‘Sonomic and socal palicy analy, social research story politcal staes secilogy ‘The main aim ofthis Book ie thezfore to prove resatchars with ast of ‘ground rule, sssumptons and technigues tht are applicable fo uner= ‘Stanng work produce inthe whole ange of spies that make wp the {cial siences. The assumptions utd i the book for Bai fo the Understanding and. cresferiization of eat across disaiplines The ‘arous techniques am to provise the ols Fra systematic an igorous "lyse of subject erature Suggestions ae als nade on wating up the ‘nays ideas ways that ean give dary coherence and ineligblty ‘othe work This chapter wil intxuce you to the skills neoded for research, the plice of the erature review tn research and the importance ofthe rele fomacir’s and doctoral sud In Chapter 2 we look atthe parpone a the rev inant nat te ea gan ChaBer 3 examines the types of recarch fo be ound in the Mestre, ogee ‘vamples of reviews undecakan in ange of sabyet are Issa shows ‘eamples of good presets you should be able to adapt an wile $Sour own work especlly in Feaing to review. Chapters aout wndet- andi argument To alse «Meratut on topte necessary snes Understanding the stardpant moral a etal and perspective (ple ‘The iterature review in research a and eologi an author bis aed. Caples Sand ae abut the ls 204 ite af analyte and spe sen echiocs rch as 34 ted angumer,Sanking sibel Sd’ mapping, Tess are SGithct, Sead ramng through thee copter gaance on how ‘Planage uvormaton, Tse auc, watt sot manapenen of 1 frites anywhere andar eae ot ute stadt The ul chapters abot ing up your IN oedibeMertre Guide te given hw yor ee cn be eed ‘Soul your pics well on what sructce and emus ight SKILLS FOR RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES “The breath an depth of he various slbjt spins that make up the cial since, sme of which have been sted above, are not easly ‘sald. Tere ae so the Increasing opportune fr tudo to stad ange of miles which cut acon ferent ares of knowledge ‘Combined wth these the pace of development of the elecwoni sem Doing tse increasingly a all pes of research, Adapting to change ‘he expansion of ecation has been accompanied by a massive and towing expansion of inforation avaable to restrch aden In rca deco fom the pe ofinfraton eee enn Earese reuling tn Wesies ssi ly 4 very snl! proportion of ‘hat avaible A¥ a consequence many academic Nbraies Rave beere ftevays to inormtion rather Ban srouses of edge You il fn that ney all rivers Hares ancl pbc aves ae ble scr your needs ae resurcher ‘The move of university Mbrvs away fom storchowsss of knvlodge towards infomation sce cetes ha en scompanie bY a ntease inthe use svormaton tecnology (Many varies manage the expansion of information with the 28 of computer sytem abe 10 om Imnkate around the gldbe~ 2 devclopnent whi has opened Up 43 ‘of ne posses to researchers Is now posible for you fo acces Information that would prevouny Rave been sificalt and expensive 1 find A singe day searching» CO-ROM database othe ern can tow ‘Sp many more sources Ban might have been found fom eke OF ‘searching trough printed atacand indexes. However hee ee Problems you may encounserin his aes One the lck of underatanding {technology and how can be teed i esate The ther sack of ‘nderstanding out how Saowledg eget and organized vou ‘ent tte such a abt and inden order mabe aces. 4 Doing 2 iterature review ‘ace eines comics seen emis ce late, mags semen cose hough | econ mess ray owe 11 th eration nd conmunkaton of rsereh iowa Figure 1.1 provides an overview shoving the maln sources of knowledge tnd the tots by which most of an organize for ree More recently there as ben anv ie higher cation an esearch to learn from other dips, tbr cose-cepinary. Students on soll studies and umanies courses are expected 49 underake traning = computing and fo become competent inthe use of statistical techies. ‘enploying comptes foe dats analyse an presentation. Added toi the tend towards combined degrees A consequence i that reseaeher ted tobe more Bexble in tir ate to kawledge, To do ths ey ‘ed much bronr sls and hnowiedge base n take fll advantage Pipher education “The changing requrements placed on the stadent hae begun to man fest thal 3 terminology of skills competences sid profess ‘apabites Alongaide » taditonal edvstion tent are cepeced 10 {tule 9 se of personal tanferable silt. The tsi lament of come ‘municaon, euch oe rng reper, making presentations and negoiing The fterature review in research 5 night nce in these sis The emphasis on sis srt something SBN Sow sol sence education ~ sks are bocoming impostant tthe SE Of pradusor and to quality research in gone "Sheng and postgraduate research an ideal oppoctnity for sash poronal tansfersble sls wo be aequed and developed. Altugh Sachi ad evening a lteatire do not cover fe whole spectrum of SEIS they do cover some key ones. These ince: howe management, Stiizanen of materi, computer use, iormation handing omne ‘Srctung and tting The research apprenticeship 1s not an easy matter to demonstrate the kinds of sis and ables Expected ofa competent racncher inthe port ofthe reearch The sls fejurel ave considerable and are ineresing?subje dened era hn Ae the opportunities fo underake reach have expanded, So 100 Rae the demand for beter and improved education and traning for ecuehers in is capone to thew demands the Esonomic ad Soc ‘Rewcuch Cun! (ESRC) inthe UX produced a set of guidlines which Include » number of baie proposals for research taining WhICh are intended to promote Gualily research, The following st idee the bse pos of sls required om researchers. “+ Core skis andl the siferences make subj espns bites: ‘tnt there ests comumon creo ils Sn sittades which all researchers should possese and should bo able t0 apply in Siferet sihinions with dillerent Opes and problems. Ability to integrate Fesearch forall disciptines involves an under- theory and maths Moning of the interrelations. between theory, tethod and esearch desig, pracseal ‘hil snd paticlar methods, the snowed base of the subject and methodological ‘ourdatos, ot of these proposals cll fora rsh wining that expos the ppestice to he rnge of peer acer Pvc hl snd epee Speed of proferseal nasa The academic sil and expert ono toa suet felis wn the cl sens cas be Oued shown in Tate ove). Inadicn o the camo scdemic sil the ESRC gudelies ao cru sucess ant Knowledge Be expec estate stadt Example tes for wo etme, Hg 2d nly, can be seen Tae 127. 6 Doing a hterature review Table .1_Hesearch ares forthe aplication of kil and abilities f rng wing a prepa and sbing PMuertng pas lor guava, corer an jas fens an vase 1 is important thet rch esti and tesining does. produce researchers who ate competet and contin in a nnge of sls and “Gpabltes and oh have an appropiate Knowledge base, An element oman tothe cone zen sa torbugh undeandngo nrmaton. This tans at asa researcher ou need oboe alr with scesg and ting the vas resources of cade public and commercial Hanes a the worl. though forosampe JANEF Joint Acme Network OPAC (Onlino Public Accas Catsloges) athe Ba Libary keping Secure meds an tblahing reliable prods manage mates Spplyng technique to aalae odie of Mesure and sybase ita ana wring exp eviews whch dopey depth and breadth and tehich ae intlctaly gos All these ate fre the eal Santee slo theresa = Mat diiplinesintadace thr stent to he hort an histor trains ht give shape and distinctiveness tothe subj! Kee Bat ''s0 doing the methodological Bas, disciplinary boundaries an mie ndestanding about ther sabes is perfused. Ths en res barnes to coedncpinry sae and Sack ef apres {ne ways of researching amd undesdng the wont This book aime # «ow way in which the Lind of arnestan be overs nd we ben by coraderng what we mean by schlahip. Scholarship Most people are capable of doing a ec of research bt that apabiity has toe nyuied or nstance, yu cannot nimple a guste 6 youre wring a shopping ist A Sound knowledge of he whole serarch ‘ibe 1.2_ SRC guidlines on sutactknowtege ad sls: ngs andsdoloay oa 260100" pate Forte) 8 Doing a iterature review proce requ ad you need deta whee dt slectin fis Eo te slab picture of what you ae doing Thc mean knotng how © Sate thas nd obec of your eset, dine your mr ences nd methelogalasumptions, operationalize (pet ino racic) tse Concept and ascumptons By choose appropiate ehrgoe wo cat Sits Iow how you are ging to cla tel ads oe Competent Tesch thrlore regu etna Anowidge Tete Bowever 2 Alference beeen producing a lee of competent rescarch and 9 pee of tewach that damoneate shor. “Scholar nfm thought oe nomen siden high row pes do, We ar al fame withthe popular image othe car as ene an ‘Sguing bespectced man with thereat, dented shabby in conuroy| ‘thathct diester found ok hand any yo my ease plces of scholarship eomtced in teevson programmes such a Mone Snd'in novels sucht Bridal Reviste, Th sural surroundings ene ‘nbd oleges, with thee high owe de oak rary lo aks fal manancrp an with the smell of Git and lather, ae common ages of slr pce Many universes do ave total sea tans, but many ates day do ot Is mone common for unis tn have modern well equipped lering source center trimming with ‘ecology thn to Bare Tone of Book omshive Stasi an Activ something «penn can do. You done have tobe of onan fecal lass, gender, ei orga orto have sucenly mpd Over format eductoal hurdles. We en soy tha scholry acy encompass allo thse and more, Scholar activity about knowing how 1 do ompetent research ved, interpret and analyee arguments, synthesize ideas and make conection actus dicipines we and present Mees leat and nytt and use you opinion, Unrpoing a ot thee nea urbe of bang ales, eh we lok at moe snthe new section But what they oun fo sam ade of nd that open to ess aro diferent ses and types of research, sn ee of Process what counts col rserch and what type of person Should alone to do seach “key len that makes or goa scholarship tegration. gation i shout making conectons between ideas, theres and experienc. fis about spplying' method or medoloy fom ene area toaother abot Placing some eptode mo a anger thot amewark teeby. pe™ Viding a new tway ef Inking 3 that phenomenon THs might mea Aesing cements rom diferent thee to fo mew spa #2 ‘roves new insight Imig alo encanrecnaunig an sting body Of nome in the ight of a new development The sey of schalrhip {s theoore, about inking sptematcaly. Tt might mean forcing Me” {spologies onto the sructre of knowledge or ono 2 akereforgatted bnpetve Bier way the schol endesvours to inept and nde and. The inert io make oer think about and pocey meeatote What hey have her taken tbe unquestionable edge, Tresor ‘The iterate review in research ° rr pap Tih mn ig ping emg cea te Sin eee eel ia ug rn mt © Seo ana Cas sree etn pr nmr npr i crn eng etd and ges a eee nro rbopteoh akin at plier reef eee bepebe ete cae age ete e Caliper erp erika ee era ce eae scene Sinica ener tenon eee eo ranean ieee ees sesame erie eet nae reba arene beth or bent ean he en en oo ce ere Nec cog tenn ee er oe ta rt ee eee ene te aaa a Tenn cn te ne oc ear rere cae ahaa cae eset cet lata ase emacs si glo beret rot SKILLS AND THE LITERATURE REVIEW ‘The researcher at whatever level of experience, is expected to undertake 2 feview ofthe lratire in ther eld: Undergractes researching or & these of dstroten are expecta to show fama with dhe tpi Ural hs ae the oe a summary of he erate wich dere sates the sks to search on subject compile aerate and consent ‘blogrephies and summarize hey elas showing a enka awareness ine expected to weigh up the contribution that partic eae, Brstons or approschos have made to thei topic. In shor, Hey are euired to demonstrate on the one and, library and information sis the ther, the neta! capabity toasty decane on te ‘hoc of relevant eas an the abl to assess heal ofthe eas In Und eraduats who move on to postgraduate research nd hat exp ince change The scope ead ond depth ofthe henture Sech es. The research student i expect to search mote wily, acre ‘cpines and in greater deal that at undergraduate eel The sunt 0 Doing a iterature review f materi entiiedSnreaes the amount of rang the researches has to So. in aio, reading male sro several lssplines one dificl, because af the deren style in which varius dciplines preset es, ‘Als the vocabularies of dllrent subj nd what ate taken tobe the fore, reerchable problems for parScuar cicpline const ferthe ‘iicales Far example, the stident of management ay De tol lundamiie wth the verbose and seemingly cammoncence sve oh st. ‘cology: Conversely they may Sn the gong les dificult faced wath ‘advanced socal stsatice The rel ray be the dimisl ofthe vetoay Style and adicaton ofthe numericil fonmulae The aceptance of one five over anothers ofen duc to display compartrentalzaton “Management students might ke expected tbe more fla with states than with social eos, They might also have a more pagsnat atitde influencing them wo favour clanty and succncnwss Ast consoqunce olen intresting and relevant ido might be mace (Gur discussion far hab been about the Kn of assumptions at ‘might help overcome disciplinary compartmertalizaton and 0 seourege ‘ondscpinary understanding. In prachce, Hs address fw) main features of aeafemic research: ane isthe cons pce argument his in acidemie work an the others the need Tobe operand when ending the work of other people. We lok more closely now leach thee ‘Communicating your argument Most authors attempt to make their wing lar, consistent and coherent ~ semething very fica o achieve im any work, whatever is gt oF topic Nevertheless, clarity consistency apd coherence te esztal becse ‘without them a work can be unintligbe: As # consequence the work ‘ight be misundestod, dismissed or used in wsys no ended by te Ssuthor. Most important, the main ea no mater how intresng might he lost Conversely what seems cea andl coherent othe wnt ent be wey ‘ncomprehensbietothe reader. Untarianty with he style, presentation langasge uses nearly always a cause of uation fo te eae. ‘Went to acknowledge that tor erie and to accept that lary, ‘ocsisteney and coherence arene ters uals ale be proceed only by the few. These can be achived trough explicit expression ia writing and explicit comaitment tn seading A prom forthe sede futhor, Hower, isthe time tat eeadem allcae to ter seadang a the level efot they are wll to ives in oer to rasp the aca ns x ‘the same te same ators sem onepict fe neo hee pen teaders and manage to ake rlstvly simple tess confusing 1 terms of revnwing « body of iterature = made up of dozene of antics, conference papers at anenaprape = one problem le iver Texts which orginte fom several acpine al which have, been writen in ifeent styles engender the need fs fsible nd oper inde atte fom the reve. Added to this, there seen lack of Cxplciess ifs rare to nd Sn account of 2 pice of research tat ‘Speematcaly ye out what was doe, why it was done and cscusses the hrs impllations of those choices The reviewer needs to appresate “Same ofthe ean for the Lek of expictnes. Ht i takes contre ‘Sort anne to express ideas i wrsting Secondly lesan paced om ‘or word counts fen result in eng no dew el By the [Rie Ato, being expe exposes he research and researcher] Wo coed pecion Pesumly, many abe rears donot publish widely soe toroid such cites, ‘The need for open-mindesness Ano cnpne aor cal ei Poptetrntnt te besten etn SSRIs Sage Saree terete and LEEYyraces agree karen SENT Co bl aa as te Stpopen ata et pe rin rahe el eco ca ee eaten en cine rc re iSite ow ev ing he ae tea So ht art dle es SES A enya peat ta ‘Sonn th ue ain eam Sern conan eee ee en Sp rine eer ei te Een lg ac wea ea a sion mare ‘eae err meine igen ceed a ee i ROR ier eee Geta ee SSS ty Na mp ai ee iis itis ea Sano su as en Eevee rena Syplerenl itera engin ee lc ena sl, aan Sein a fe a i Te San. we she cae deny, ce sai tas detog'S sal ey Ee Net ee ea a arc dic doer i en 2 Doing a terature review shout and how to do an ethramethodelogial seudy. An example fom the ‘work of the founder of ethnomethodslogy, Harold Garfinkel, lustate {hs point Thiet he bie rom = recent ale by hime ‘Respecaton ‘evidence for locally produced, naturally accountable phenomena of order, lege reason, menting, method, ein and as ofthe essental hacccay of Immortal eedinry society (}~ an ariouncement of studies (Garfinkel 198 10), “Those unfamillar with ethnomethodology might now apprecote the ” tose ceqnane tne | Z J Sa es Yeon + = | | | —_ ates belegapee oko 1] | sganee —1 e o| i Seheowcwamcmnt | Faure 22 Wentiping relevant tens rough bibogaphil eras 26 Doing 2 teratue review tebe cee ‘Dice on Oe sehen a aes res een aegame Lacie en cha eaten Eee sss Sivoo Ate eae ware preatey abman Shows» shit In undetaning of He tase tet seein ate adhe Lianne of eos ‘hie 9 hey edt tp utpoes oe ma {re'tecopra wou (ose ch we rermacsten at tute phe Shere espe ta Senet eve mo ear What the reader is given here ae some dizectons for categorizing the litratare of stereotyping. Tao teas are identi with ndatie but key references that could be followed up and work on ideas related to these two trends indisted, for example Inthe Work of Fisherman that Oakes tal te Again what can be seen rei 3 sting of the ante of te topic ‘through a. chrenelogial_ presentation of landmark and elated ‘tes. In ths extract the ue of tle works sedan example ofthe orventon to ste relevant references This en te last fe seniors hove mhich conde with the implications of Vinache’s work. Te the “tract that ols ater Inthe review, we ace how excepto t conver ‘Sonal approaches to stereotyping are shown, These ast menined, ac merely provide a fll coverage ofthe erature, Dutt Inoduce hey developments and research insights which can be picked p and devel ‘ped ater stage of the review, especally in stlying the sty by Cakes and collage Relea Ree Siceeen me Sev pres Se copnine proper 96 emo Reviewing and the research imagination Te aes Sen he ‘teste erator an ratne! eo Federane oe pesnd pao wpe orward in ingeing that preside Shows how tk major cai es not igbe's eau of rae grocract hohe ben xed SEEN ents ceed on mento STangpuotimslate i Acesyp Ties fas on te nll and IRamet enersaiy "ena seh oe, Cavin atonal nak RISE i en me ny (Reece tte coal meee fe ‘abr oats se ing 58 In the final extract bolow the authors, having established the context and story ofthe topic from the perspective of tail paychalgy, prove 9 summary ofthe main poles of hernia! review of the Bterture. Ths ‘efuly dane ina fable whieh is aor reproduce in the extact. Th ‘ease fr doing this so ake th da forthe eelevance of the sty ‘7d forte approach Belg eiteret from what hasbeen done before See Pee ee Seaphaemiowes pared ovis Epis mepgeene lied! Seite te STi eit seemerermnnmonternet Eeiietesgerss Saas nee Tecate erat et Smear area SIRS oronranccmcus 8 Doing iterature review SIRERr ee om cr em te Begaromemnes Geramttmms em ‘Rimeiated by inauale graug membw stubs besed on indica The te Sloe earn Seeley Saree Seaeace ods ae tout ee gee ok ees SLE ene EXAMPLE B. SOCIAL SGENCE AND ADVERTISING Basen Har (19%). The research began by planing sch of he erature. Information on ‘pretods and cient works onthe lpi of advertising were located wing sd copy and elecvonic database rich at Socio, Brith Nationa Biography (OND), ABI/Inonn, Dsertton Abstracts and the Soll Science Citation Index. These ae al fol that enable relevant tems on topic within the sacl scenes to be identified. They were ware inthe search mratpy stage according to general ener, For example Socole Provided istormaton on tes in Socilogy, BN ad eer took ib [raphe provided carent and retospectveastount of what had bee Published book form, spesalit biblographies Ince! biographies fn advertising and soralogy; ABIInfor provided articles ct aver: thing from a management and tines perspective: the brary OPAC {Gataloguc) provided infrmaton on books tn te cal academic Ubeary: nd JANET gave acest the cals of tos andes Horases nthe Uk end some inthe USA and Austral Joumals covering and inching icles on averting were idee a were urls at peovided