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Funny in Farsi Comprehension Check Questions Chapter One Leffingwell Elementary School 1. 2. 3. 4.

Why does Firoozehs family move to the States? How does Firoozeh feel about her mother attending class with her? What was Nazire hs (Firoozehs mother) dream career? Why didnt it work out? How does the actual image of America compare to the one Kazem (Firoozehs father) provided for his family?

Chapter Two Hot Dogs and Wild Geese 1. What are some of the everyday struggles that the Dumas family experiences? 2. How does Nazireh become assimilated to American culture? 3. What is the funniest misunderstanding so far in the book? Chapter Three In the Gutter 1. 2. 3. 4. What is Kazems relationship like with his siblings? What is Kazems dream, and how does he plan on achieving it? How did Kazem do in Bowling for Dollars ? How does this experience change him?

Chapter Four Save Me, Mickey 1. 2. 3. 4. In Kazems opinion, what is the most sacred place on earth? In terms of violence, how are Iran and America different? When Firoozeh gets lost, how do the Disneyland workers treat her? Even though the little boy doesnt speak Persian, the Disneyland workers try multiple times to get her to communicate with him. How might Firoozeh find this offensive? 5. What is Kazems reaction when he reun ites with his daughter? Chapter Five Swoosh-Swoosh 1. 2. 3. 4. In Iran, how do young people find a spouse? How is Uncle Nematollah a rebel? How is food preparation different in Iranian culture? Describe three of Nematollahs misguided attempts to lose weight. How does this add to Nematollahs characterization?

Chapter Six With a Little Help From My Friends 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do most Americans feel about Iran? What are two misconceptions that Americans have about Iran? How does Firoozeh cleverly trick the older boys who want to learn curse words? When they learn that Firoozeh has to move back to Iran, how do her schoolmates react? Compare/contrast Firoozehs 1st year in America with that of her relatives who immigrated after the Iranian conflict.

Chapter Seven Bernice 1. 2. 3. 4. Where does Firoozehs family move next in California? What do many people assume about Firoozehs ethnicity? What happens in Iran to change many Americans opinion of Iranians? Why is Firoozeh envious of her husband?

Chapter Eight A Dozen Key Chains 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How do members of Firoozehs family usually get a reputation? Who is Farshid, and what is his reputation? What adventure does Firoozeh want to try? Describe Firoozehs experience at camp. What is the one thing Firoozeh refuses to do while at camp. Why is this?

Chapter Nine You Can Call Me Al 1. What is Kazems favorite city to visit? 2. What is the irony of some of his superstitions? 3. What is the irony of the $3.99 buffet? Chapter Ten Of Mosquitoes and Men 1. 2. 3. 4. How were Francoise and Firoozeh both outsiders as children? In Francoises opinion, where is the most romantic place on earth? Why does Francoise itch for adventure? Would you prefer to go on vacation with Francoise or Firoozeh? Explain your reasoning.

Chapter Eleven The F Word 1. In the first paragraph, what would you say is the hardest Iranian name to live with in America? Explain your reasoning. 2. What is Firoozehs complaint about American names? 3. What is Firoozeh s new American name? Why does she want to change her name? 4. How does the chapter get the title The F Word?

Chapter Twelve Waterloo 1. What does Kazem like to teach his relatives? 2. Who is his one failure? 3. Why do you think he fails in teaching him/her this skill? Chapter Thirteen America, Land of the Free 1. How is Firoozehs Thanksgiving different from an average American Thanksgiving? How is it similar? 2. What is Firoozehs family grateful for during Thanksgiving? 3. What experience does Kazem and Nematollah have that would be impossible in Iran? 4. How do Kazem and Nazireh have the same birthday? What does Kazem like to do on his birthday? 5. In his pursuit of free items, what does Kazem endure to get free filet mignon? Chapter Fourteen The Ham Amendment 1. What is Kazems favorite food? 2. Why does this food upset his wife? 3. What is the message that Kazem gives Firoozeh about religion? Chapter Fifteen Treasure Island 1. 2. 3. 4. Why does Kazem think he cant get a Fulbright scholarship? What mishap almost causes Kazem to lose his chance to study abroad? Why does Kazem tell the college officials he is lonely? What do they do for him? Whom does Kazem get to meet during his Easter vacation trip?

Chapter Sixteen Its All Relatives 1. How is the Persian language different than English when it comes to distinguishing family members? 2. How does Uncle Abdullah affect Firoozeh? 3. Compare and contrast the average American family with Firoozehs family. Chapter Seventeen Me and Bob Hope 1. 2. 3. 4. Why doesnt Firoozehs family celebrate Christmas? What secular holiday do all Iranians celebrate? Are students forced to be Muslim in Iran? How does Firoozeh feel about Christmas now she is an adult?

Chapter Eighteen I Ran and I Ran and I Ran 1. 2. 3. 4. Why does Firoozehs family get an all -expense paid trip to Washington, D.C.? Who threatens them? What happens at the site of the shahs speech? How do they avoid the violence?

Chapter Nineteen I-raynians Need Not Apply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What happens to increase hatred towards Iranians? What happens to make Firoozehs family desperate for money? What is the irony behind the hatred towards Iranian immigrants? Would Kazem support a bill that advocated mandatory voting? Why? With what groups does Kazem usually side? Why doesnt the job with the Nigerian oil company work out?

Chapter 20 Girls Just Wanna Have Funds 1. 2. 3. 4. What was Firoozehs first job? Why isnt she satisfied at first? Why isnt she satisfied with the good money to be earned with the French family? How does Mrs. Cheapo earn her name? How does Firoozeh finally achieve her dream of college?

Chapter 21 Joyeuse Nelle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What competition does Firoozeh enter? What is the only language besides English and Persian spoken in her house? Give a brief history of the answer to number two. When she lands in Paris, what delays the beginning of her trip? What surprise does Christiane have to tell Firoozeh? Why are she and Michel doing this? Does Paris live up to Firoozehs expectations? Give one example to back up your answer.

Chapter 22 The Wedding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why does Francoises mother approve of Firoozeh? Why does Francoise stuff himself at the restaurant when meeting Firoozehs parents? How do Firoozehs mother and father feel about Francoise? Why do they have a hard time finding a priest for the wedding? What is the official name for a Persian wedding ceremony? Why does Firoozeh take her time when giving her vows? Why is there a goat carcass wearing a party hat and sunglasses at Firoozehs reception?

Chapter 23 I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet 1. How does Firoozeh earn her title of angel? 2. How does Firoozehs mother-in-law react when she hears about the earthquake? 3. Because the china has bad associations, what do Francoise and Firoozeh decide to do with it? Chapter 24 A Nose by Any Other Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Who is the Toucan? How did she earn her nickname? Why didnt Firoozeh get a nose job? What inspirational message should women take from this chapter?

Chapter 25 Judges Paid Off 1. How do Firoozeh and Francoise get a paid vacation to the Bahamas? 2. At first, why does it look like they wont have a pleasant trip? 3. How does the chapter earn the title of Judges Paid Off? Chapter 26 If I Were a Rich Man 1. What are two things that were provided free of charge for Firoozehs family that most American families have to pay for? 2. What is a sign that American culture has crept into Iran? 3. Why does the Iranian currency become practically worthless? Afterword 1. Why does Firoozeh skip the achievement part before writing a memoir? 2. What do you think is Firoozehs greatest achievement? Why? 3. How do her parents feel about the memoir?

Answer Key Chapter One 1. Her father is an engineer and has to move for his job 2. She feels uncomfortable about it and wishes she werent there; she is embarrassed by her mother 3. Midwife; she has to get married when her plans to study with the midwife -teacher fall through 4. It matches up well; people really are nice in America Chapter Two 1. They have a hard time communicating, so simple activities like eating out or going to the grocery store are a challenge 2. She loves watching game shows 3. Students opinion Chapter Three 1. 2. 3. 4. They get along exceptionally well His dream is to become rich; he thinks hell win lots of money on Bowling for Dollars He bombed and only made 7 dollars He is still a positive person, but the family doesnt watch the show anymore

Chapter Four 1. 2. 3. 4. Disneyland In Iran, everyday ci tizens dont have access to guns, so there is less gun violence They are kind but condescending It is offensive to think that the two young children speak the same language just because they are both Middle Eastern. 5. He was thrilled to be reunited and gives her special treatment. Chapter Five 1. 2. 3. 4. People traditionally find a spouse through an arranged marriage He has chosen his own wife three times Food is prepared all by scratch; convenience foods arent common in Iran He tries the Body Shaper, a weight loss outfit, a girdle, weight loss pills, and powders. These attempts paint Nematollah in a humorous light and shows that he doesnt notice what others think of him. He is truly a rebel and marches to the beat of his own drum.

Chapter Six 1. They are curious about Iran and want to ask tons of questions. 2. They dont sleep in tents, dont ride camels or all own Persian cats, they have electricity, and they dont live in the Sahara. 3. She tricks them by teaching them, Im an idiot! in Persian. 4. She is overwhelmed with kindness by their gifts, sleepovers, and offers of friendship. 5. Her family has a positive experience with America, but her Iranian relatives met an America that was unwelcoming. Chapter Seven 1. 2. 3. 4. Long Beach Many assume she is of Mexican descent. The Iranian hostage crisis Her husband is of French descent; France has many positive connotations for many Americans.

Chapter Eight 1. They usually get their reputation over some small that has been magnified. 2. He is Firoozehs older brother and is always consulted on everyth ing. He is has a magnetic personality, so his parents trust his decisions. 3. She wants to try summer camp. 4. She hates it there; most of the girls are mean and she has a hard time making friends. 5. She refuses to shower because she doesnt want to be nude in front of anyone else Chapter Nine 1. He likes to visit Las Vegas. 2. He doesnt like foreigners to sit at the table, yet he is a foreigner. Also, these superstitions never help him win significant amounts of money. 3. Yes, they are getting a good price for the buffet, but they are wasting money via gambling, so the casino is not losing any money. Chapter Ten 1. Firoozeh struggled with being a foreigner in America; Francoise had a hard time adjusting to the different cultures he lived in as a child (perfect example is the clothes story). 2. India 3. He had a much more comfortable childhood than his wife, so he wants different kinds of experiences 4. Student opinion

Chapter Eleven 1. Student opinion 2. She wishes Americans wouldnt be afraid to step out of the box when it comes to naming their children. 3. Julie; her Iranian name is a mouthful for most Americans. 4. A stubborn mom at her childs school didnt learn how to say her name and called her the F word. Chapter Twelve 1. He likes to teach them how to swim. 2. Firoozeh 3. He is impatient with her. Chapter Thirteen 1. They serve Persian side dishes and they dont care for turkey. They are similar in that they binge eat on the holiday. 2. The fact that they live in a free country, can vote, and women have many opportunities. 3. They eat a meal on just free samples from the local Price Club. 4. Kazem doesnt really know his birthday, so when he moved to America, he selected his wifes birthday. He likes to go to Dennys. 5. He goes to time share sales pitches. Chapter Fourteen 1. Ham. 2. Ham is forbidden in Islam. 3. That the Prophet didnt allow his people to eat pork because it could make them sick, and that what really matters is what is inside a persons heart. Chapter Fifteen 1. He is told they only go to wealthy and important people. 2. His letter comes to him several days late, and because of the paperwork required to go to America, he misses the majority of orientation. 3. He wants to be transferred to another school. They assign him a friend who does activities like museum visiting on the weekends. 4. He gets to visit Albert Einstein.

Chapter Sixteen 1. Persians have a multitude of words to show the different, nuanced family relationships. 2. He helps encourage her love of reading by letting her peruse his library. 3. Persian families are extremely close. Thats not to say that American families arent close, but Persian families have an extra-tight bond. Firoozehs family makes a point of celebrating even the smallest milestones. Chapter Seventeen 1. 2. 3. 4. Theyre Muslim. Nowruz. No. She embraces the holiday even as it exhausts her.

Chapter Eighteen 1. 2. 3. 4. The shah offers a free trip for all Iranians living in America to visit D.C. when he visits Carter Anti-shah demonstrators The demonstrators break through the protection and begin injuring shah supporters. They get on a tour bus and see the sights.

Chapter 19 1. The Iranian hostage crisis 2. Kazem loses his retirement pension and loses his job in America. No one wants to hire an Iranian. 3. A) They werent the ones to take the Americans hostage B) Iranians are, according to Dumas, ideal immigrants because of their education and work ethic 4. Yes, because hes lived in a country without freedoms and he deeply treasures the right to vote. 5. He usually follows the lead of firefighters and police men. 6. The owner of the company was a con man and K azems paychecks bounced. Chapter 20 1. Babysitting; most of the families are cheap. 2. The daughter is clingy and wont leave her alone. 3. She says shell pay Firoozeh 6 dollars an hour to clean her silverware and it should be about a 20 dollar job. Firoozeh is efficient and does the job in 1.5 hours, so she only earns 8 dollars. 4. Through applying for scholarships.

Chapter 21 1. A speech contest on the topic of Responsibility Toward Technology in French. 2. Shushtari 3. Shushtar is an ancient city in Southern Iran that was heavily affected by Roman culture. Roman soldiers were ordered to help build the town after losing in a battle to King Shapur I. 4. She is detained by officials who find it suspicious that she is visiting France right after the Iranian Revolution. 5. Christiane and Michel are only hosting Firoozeh for the money; they are going away on vacation while Firoozeh stays in their apartment. 6. It doesnt live up to her expectations; most Parisians leave the city in the summer, her teachers arent passionate about their jobs, her host family abandons her, Bastille Day was a let-down. Chapter 22 1. She doesnt want her son to marry a Muslim. 2. He wants to impress her parents. 3. They support the union. Kazem wants to make sure that Francoise will take care of Firoozeh, and her mother whole-heartedly loves Francoise. 4. Many priests wont marry a mixed -faith couple. 5. Aqd 6. Iranian brides are supposed to stall and make the groom sweat. 7. Its part of Iranian culture to slaughter a goat for a wedding. They couldnt slaughter the goat themselves, so the caterer made a special arrangement for them. Chapter 23 1. She helps an elderly lady get out of the building after the earthquake. 2. She only cares about the safety of the china 3. Auction it off for charity Chapter 24 1. 2. 3. 4. The Toucan is a librarian with an unusually large nose. Her nose is beak-shaped like a Toucan. She didnt have any respect for the surgeon and backed out of the surgery. That women shouldnt worry about superficial qualities; true beauty is on the inside.

Chapter 25 1. Her brother Farshid earns a lot of travelling miles through his work. 2. They come during spring break week, and they didnt make any reservations so theyre stuck with a bunch of drunken college students. 3. Francoise and Firoozeh are asked to judge a beauty contest. The judges choose the girl who had the best interview answers, not the crowd favorite, Chantal. When Chantal isnt crowned, the crowd goes angry and insists that the judges must have been paid off. Chapter 26 1. Furnished housing, housing repairs (plumbers, electricians, etc.), transportation, school, and entertainment. 2. Her familys neighbor changed her husbands name Javad to an Anglicized Jimmy. Also, Firoozehs family adopts a dog and names it Jimmy. 3. The political upheaval after the Iranian Revolution made the value of the Iranian currency nosedive. Afterword 1. She wants to show that everyone has a story worthy of sharing. 2. Student opinion 3. They are excited and extremely supportive of her. Her father daily checks and records her sales positions on Amazon.

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