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SGA/DFA PY-06-11-160

GRANTEE: Slavic Assistance Center, Inc.

Sequence No. 160
ADDRESS: 2117 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825

AMOUNT: $60,000
DURATION: 18 months

POPULATION SERVED: This project targets low-income Slavic immigrant youth from the
former Soviet Union that are between the ages of 16 to 27, reside in the greater Sacramento area,
and are adjudicated ex-offenders.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: (Services they will provide.)

Slavic Assistance Center, Inc. was established for the purpose of helping immigrants and
refugees from the former Soviet Union. The proposed program’s services include: outreach and
recruitment, individualized assessment and program enrollment, case management driven by the
participant’s individual plan, individualized and small group seminars focused on developing the
participant’s life, employability, and readiness skills, and, as appropriate linkage to more
comprehensive life and employment skills training provided by One-Stop vendors. In addition,
participants would be provided personalized assistance in strengthening his/her family and
community network of supportive relationships including access to the program’s mentoring and
support group services and on-site orientation to One-Stop “core services”.

Slavic Assistance Center, Inc., Inc partners and/or cooperates with the local SETA One-Stop
Center and brings to the partnership relationships with over 35 Slavic Faith-Based organizations
and established collaborative partnerships with various mainstream health, safety, justice,
education, and employment organizations.

GOALS: (How many people served, placed in jobs or education, retained, etc.)
To provide 64 Slavic refugees and immigrant youth that are adjudicated ex-offenders, priority
given to first time offenders, with culturally and linguistically appropriate career development
assistance services that lead to positive linkage and engagement in the One-Stop Career Center
system and positive placement in employment, vocational training, or post-secondary education.
Additionally, provide case management, life, employability, readiness skills training,
personalized linkage to the One-Stop, and increased job retention.

GEOGRAPHIC AREA TO BE SERVED: Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova, Sacramento City,

Sacramento County, California

CONTACT: Mr. Roman Romaso P: 916-595-4383/ F: 916-925-1072

E: romanromaso@yahoo.com

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