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Immigrants to the United States

Inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos

Para que este curso INTERMEDIO te resulte efectivo, trata de cumplir estos pasos: Lee aqu las instrucciones de este curso y conoce aqu los smbolos que lo 1. componen. 2. Lee aqu si no ves las consolas de audio o no escuchas el sonido de las lecciones. 3. Realiza todas las actividades de cada unidad de estudio y consulta las respuestas. NOTA: Solicita el examen final de este curso cuando termines el siguiente nivel. No antes.

Simple Past Pasado Simple

Where were you born? I was born in South America.

Escucha este repaso del PASADO SIMPLE por medio de preguntas con respuestas afirmativas y negativas. Luego intenta repetirlo.

Dnde naciste? Nac en Sudamrica. Naciste en Brasil? No. Nac en Argentina.

e you born in Brazil? No, I wasn't. I was born in Argentina.

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Buenos Aires.

Dnde te criaste? Me cri en Buenos Aires. Cundo te mudaste aqu? Me mud aqu hace ocho aos cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria. Aprendiste espaol en la escuela secundaria? No. Lo estudi en la universidad. Fuiste a la universidad en California? As es. Fui a la universidad en Los Angeles.

When did you move here? I moved here eight years ago, when I was in high school.

Did you learn Spanish in high school? No, I didn't. I studied it in college.

Did you go to college in California? Yes, I did. I went to college in Los Angeles.

Activity 1: Intenta ahora completar estas tres conversaciones seleccionando del men la opcin que te parezca ms adecuada. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...

Sandra: Mario: Sandra: Mario:

Could you tell me a little about yourself? Where I

did Did


you born?

born in South Korea. you grow up there?


No, l


grow ing

up in Canada.

Monica: Chris:

Where I




to high school?

to high school in Ecuador.

Diana: Leo: Diana: Leo:


you study English when you

did did


a child?

Yes, I

. you when you began to study English?

How old l

eleven years old.

Immigrants to the United States (II) Inmigrantes a los Estados Unidos (II)
Officer: Ajay: Officer: Ajay: Officer: Ajay: Where are you from, Ajay? I'm from India. And when did you move to the U.S.? It was in 1991. Are you studying here at the moment? Not now. I came here as a student and graduated two years ago. I'm working as a De dnde eres, Ajay? Soy de India.

Ajay es entrevistado por una oficial de inmigracin. Escucha con atencin el dilogo y reptelo luego simultneamente.

Y cundo te mudaste a los E.E.U.U.? Fue en 1991. Ests estudiando aqu actualmente? Ahora no. Vine aqu como estudiante y me gradu hace dos aos. Estoy trabajando

computer technician. Officer: And what was it like when you first came here? Was it difficult? Yeah, it was at times. The main difficulty I had was with the educational system. Things are very different here ... teaching methods. Everything is very different from what I was used to in India.

como tcnico en computacin. Y cmo te fue cuando llegaste por primera vez? Fue problemtico? S, por momentos. La principal dificultad que tuve fue con el sistema educativo. Las cosas son muy diferentes aqu ... los mtodos de enseanza. Todo es muy diferente a lo que estaba acostumbrado en India.


at the moment = at present: actualmente, en estos momentos. two years ago: hace dos aos (TIME LAPSE + ago = hace x tiempo) I came as... / I'm working as...: Vine como... / Estoy trabajando de... when you first came here = when you came here for the first time: cuando llegaste por primera vez. different FROM: diferente A (=/= similar to: igual que, similar a).

Activity 3: Este es un ejercicio de COMPRENSION AUDITIVA. Escucha el final de la conversacin anterior. Concntrate en interpretar cules son las TRES cosas que Ajay ms extraa de su pas nativo y completa los espacios en blanco. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...

Ajay misses and

, the most from India.

la pgina siguiente podrs practicar el pasado y una entrevista con ms actividades Activity 4: Karina ha emigrado a los Estados Unidos desde Chile, su pas nativo. Trata de completar sus comentarios con el PASADO SIMPLE de los verbos entre parntesis. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...

I'm an immigrant here. I (GROW UP) there.

(BE) born in Chile


(COME) here in 1995. I (BE)

(not be) very happy at first. Things

difficult for me. I

(NOT SPEAK) English,

so, I

(GO) to a community college and (STUDY) English there. My English (GET) better and I (FIND)

a very good job.

SIENDO TU PRIMERA LECCION VOY A DARTE UNA AYUDA VERBAL... to be/was-were/been (ser/estar); to come/came/come (venir); to get better/got better/got better (also "gotten better" in the USA) (mejorar); to go/went/gone (ir); to grow up/grew up/grown up (crecer); to speak/spoke/spoken (hablar); to study/studied/studied (estudiar). De nada !! Lo mereces!!

Activity 5: Intenta ahora completar esta entrevista seleccionando del men la opcin que te parezca ms adecuada. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...

A: Are you from Toronto? B: Well, no. I'm originally from Costa Rica. Neither am I.

A: Tell me a little about yourself. B: Sure. Nice to meet you. What do you want to know?

A: How old were you when you moved here? B: About 20. About 20 years ago.

A: Did you learn English here?


Yes, I was ten years old. No, I studied it in Costa Rica.

A: By the way, I'm Orlando from OM Personal. B: What's your name? Glad to meet you.

Si pasas a la prxima pgina aprenders una nueva expresin ...

used to Estar acostumbrado a

Como regla general, esta expresin va seguida de: a. NOUN (sustantivo) o ADJECTIVE + NOUN (adjetivo + sustantivo): My students are used to exams (MIs alumnos estn acostumbrados a los exmenes); Martha is used to difficult tests (Marta est acostumbrada a los tests complejos). b. ING VERB (verbo en gerundio): My students are used to taking exams (MIs alumnos estn acostumbrados a rendir exmenes); Martha is used to taking difficult tests (Martha est acostumbrada a rendir tests complejos). PARA TENER EN CUENTA Recuerda que se dice She is used to driving on the left y no She is used to drive porque to en esta expresin es una preposicin y no una parte del infinitivo.


stumbre o hbito en el pasado

Qu tal si compruebas tu comprensin de este tema mediante un ejercicio interactivo? Activity 6: Lee estas situaciones y COMPLETA las oraciones con la expresin be used to. Como ayuda, CONSULTA arriba las explicaciones de Mr. Grammar. Y verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...

X. Jane is American. She went to Britain and realised that driving on the left is difficult.

At first she

w asn't used to driving on the

Now she has no problems. She

is used to driving on the

1. Juan came to the United States from Argentina. In Buenos Aires he always had dinner very late, but in the United States dinner was at 6:00. At first, Juan found this very strange. At first Juan Now Juan finds it normal. He

2. Diana is a nurse. She started working during the night two years ago. At first she found it strange and didn't like it. At first Diana Now she has no problems. She

3. Susan moved from a very big house in the country to a small place. To live in an apartment was not very comfortable for her at first. At first Susan Now she is happy. She

Activity 7: Este es un ejercicio de COMPOSICION ESCRITA sobre la gramtica anterior. Escribe CINCO oraciones (3 afirmativas y 2 negativas) acerca de cosas a las que ests o no acostumbrado. Utiliza en todas la expresin I'm used to al inicio. Verifica luego las respuestas orientativas ...

Si pasas a la ltima pgina de esta leccin podrs practicar un interesante ejercicio de lecto-comprensin ... LECCION 1 - PAGINA 5 ndice del curso pgina anterior pgina siguiente

Famous immigrants Inmigrantes destacados

Cesar Pelli, Argentina

Lee atentamente este artculo acerca de cuatro famosos hispano-parlantes que emigraron a los Estados Unidos y completa luego el ejercicio.

This architect has designed buildings all over the globe, including the World Financial Center in Manhattan and the worlds tallest building, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He went to the United States with a scholarship to attend the University of Illinois, where he received a Master in Architecture. He has avoided formalistic preconceptions in his designs and he believes that the aesthetic qualities of a building must have the characteristics of each project: location, construction technology and purpose.

Isabel Allende, Chile

In her website, this Chilean writer comments that her most significant achievement in life is not her writing, but the love she shares with her family. Her father was a diplomatic official of Chile. In 1962 she married Miguel Fras and they had two children, Paula and Nicolas. In 1981 when she received the news that her 99-year-old grandfather was dying, she began to write him a letter that would turn into her famous work The House of the Spirits. In 1987 she divorced her first husband, and in 1988 she married Willie Gordon in San Francisco. At present they live in San Rafael, California.

Carlos Santana, Mexico

Born in 1947 into a musical family, Santana emulated his father Jos, a Mariachi violinist who taught him the basics of music. In 1960 his family moved to San Francisco. When he added electric guitar to Oye Como Va famous Tito Puentes music - Santana could reach a huge audience with his blend of Rock'n Roll and Latin music. Often colorful and fancy on his album covers, Carlos Santana thinks that his music is a universal message of love, tolerance and brotherhood, and he always says: "We're all brothers and sisters. Let's celebrate the human spirit".

Placido Domingo, Spain

Born in Madrid in 1941 he was lucky to have parents who were musicians. When he was eight his family moved to Mexico and he went to the Mexico City Conservatory to study piano and conducting, but when his voice was discovered he went into vocal training. He made his operatic debut at Monterrey as Alfredo in La Traviata. He has raised millions of dollars through special benefit concerts, and in 2002 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. He has no favorite opera house, but he has sung at the Met more often than anywhere else.

AQU ESTOY !!! ESTE GLOSARIO BILINGE TE VA A AYUDAR... globe = world: mundo; tallest: el ms alto; scholarship: beca; master: maestra; avoided: evitado; formalistic preconceptions: preconceptos formalsticos; aesthetic: estticas; location: ubicacin; purpose: propsito, objetivo; achievement: logro; shares: comparte; dying: murindose; would turn into: se convertira, se transformara en; born: nacido; emulated: emul, copi; basics: rudimentos, lo ms elemental; huge: enorme; blend: mezcla, combinacin; fancy: fantaseoso, adornado; brotherhood: hermandad; conducting: direccin orquestal; vocal training: entrenamiento vocal; operatic: operstico; raised: recolectado; freedom: libertad; highest: el ms elevado; civilian: civil; sung: cantado; Met: Apodo con el que se conoce al Metropolitan Opera House (afamado teatro de pera de Nueva York).

Activity 8: Este es un ejercicio de LECTOCOMPRENSION sobre el artculo anterior. Debes COMBINAR el comienzo de las oraciones (primer columna) con el FINAL (segunda columna). SELECCIONA del men en rojo el NUMERO del final con el cual combina cada una de ellas. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...

Domingo made his operatic debut ... designed buildings ...

1 in Malaysia. 2 were musicians.

B This Argentinian architect has

C Santana added electric guitar to

Oye Como Va and he could...

3 he went into vocal training. 4 formal designs. 5 was a Chilean diplomatic official. 6 all over the globe. 7 taught him the basics of music. 8 when her grandfather was dying. 9 reach a huge audience and
became famous.

D The world's tallest building is ... E It was lucky for Carlos Santana that
his father ...

F When his voice was discovered ... G It was lucky for Placido Domingo
that his parents ...

H Cesar Pelli has always avoided ... I Isabel Allende's father ... J The House of Spirits was written ...

10 at Monterrey

Para que este curso INTERMEDIO te resulte efectivo, trata de cumplir estos pasos: Lee aqu las instrucciones de este curso y conoce aqu los smbolos que lo 1. componen. 2. Lee aqu si no ves las consolas de audio o no escuchas el sonido de las lecciones. 3. Realiza todas las actividades de cada unidad de estudio y consulta las respuestas. NOTA: Solicita el examen final de este curso cuando termines el siguiente nivel. No antes.

emas ciudadanos

Compound nouns Sustantivos compuestos

Mr. Grammar te explica cmo se forma un sustantivo compuesto. Lee con atencin sus explicaciones.

COMBINANDO DOS PALABRAS PARA FORMAR UN SUSTANTIVO COMPUESTO Los sustantivos compuestos son expresiones fijas, integradas normalmente por dos o ms palabras que funcionan como sustantivos. SUBWAY (subterrneo) + ENTRANCE (entrada) = SUBWAY ENTRANCE (entrada de subterrneo) Si comprendes el significado de las dos partes que lo componen, el significado de un sustantivo compuesto suele ser fcil de deducir. En general, se escriben como dos palabras sueltas (can opener, abrelatas) y otras veces unidas por un guin (baby-sitter, niera).


Taxi, autobs y subterrneo El correo El telfono Banco y casa de cambio

In the city En la ciudad

Ahora lee atentamente este glosario de SUSTANTIVOS COMPUESTOS aplicado a la ciudad.

bicycle lane

traffic sign seal de trnsito

fire station cuartel de bomberos

news stand puesto de diarios

parking garage cochera para estacionar

senda para ciclistas

subway entrance

taxi stand parada de taxis

street lights luces de la calle

traffic jam congestin de trnsito

business district distrito comercial El telfono

entrada de subterrneo


La ciudad

El correo

Taxi, autobs y subterrneo

Banco y casa de cambio

Activity 16: En esta actividad puedes crear cinco SUSTANTIVOS COMPUESTOS. Usando como referencia las imgenes, busca la primera palabra del sustantivo compuesto en la columna 1 y la segunda palabra en la columna 2. Cada palabra se utiliza una sola vez. Verifica luego las respuestas correctas ...


1 bus

2 officer









Es entretenido armar sustantivos compuestos, no? En la pgina siguiente Mr. Grammar explica SHOULD y el uso de los VERBOS MODALES ...

LECCION 3 - PAGINA 1 ndice del curso pgina siguiente

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