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12 Happy Christmas Progress Test – Bad Girls Group!

(Apologies to Blower and Kirkup)

(Every year we try to bring a little happiness into your lives by asking you reasonable A’level questions
and then enjoying what you think the answers should be!)

Here Goes:

1. What units(and how many of them) can a millimetre be divided up into. [2]

2. Copy out the table and give 3 major differences between prokaryotic & eukaryotic Cells [3]

Difference Prokayotic Cell Eukayotic Cell

3. Copy out the table and give 3 major differences between plant & animal cells [3]

Difference Plant Cell Animal Cell

4. Name the stage of mitosis which corresponds to the following descriptions:

a) the chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell
b) two new nuclear membranes start to form
c) the chromosomes are pulled apart and head to the poles
d) the centrioles start to move from the equator to the poles
e) the nuclear membrane is present and the chromosomes are becoming visible
f) The spindle is fully formed and starts to attach to the chromosomes

5. What terms describe:

a) where the cell’s cytoplasm begins to divide
b) the part of the chromosome that holds it together
c) the non-dividing life of the cell
d) the chromosome material as it appears in c)
e) the 3 letters that c) is split up into
f) what happens in the middle of these 3 in e) [6]


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7. State 4 factors that affect the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction and draw a very simple graph
to illustrate what happens to the rate against each. [8]

8. State 3 different properties of enzymes [4]

9. The formula for magnification is: [2]

10. Give the functions of the following organelles:

a) mitochondria
b) ribosomes
c) endoplasmic reticulum
d) lysosome
e) golgi apparatus [5]

11. -------A------ is the movement of a liquid or ---B---- from a ----C---- concentration to a ---
D---- concentration . It is a passive process. Whereas ------E----- is the diffusion of water from a
similar concentration but a -----------/------F--- must be present for it to occur

Total = 50

Mark ≥40 ≥35 ≥30 ≥25 ≥20 ≤19

Grade A ☺  B ☺ C D E U 

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