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Basic Classroom Plan What age level/subject area is the student?

The student is in high school, no specific subject area. Does gender make a difference? No it doesnt. What cultural knowledge (for you) would be relevant? Is the language spoken in the country the student in similar to English? Do the natives to the country dress and act differently in public than Americans? Does the content knowledge need to change? For some classes, the content knowledge does not need to change. Science and math are universal subjects and thus although the language used to teach is different, the content is the same as in the United States. However, language and history classes have significantly content as compared to the U.S. Thus the content knowledge may need to be changed for these subjects to help the exchange student succeed. What are some ideas you have for differentiation? In the beginning, provide lists of definitions with English translations to help the student adjust. For exams, offer oral exams to help the student express themselves easier. What learning materials would be most effective? translation software/dictionary translator to sit in on class if possible games/assignments that help assimilate the student into the new culture/language Would you need to use different classroom management techniques? Yes because the student may not understand verbal requests for classroom management. Thus, hand cues may help all students better understand what is expected of them. In addition, considering the placement of a student that is not familiar with the language in the classroom can be beneficial. Seating them in the front of the classroom can help maintain their attention and eliminate potential issues. What are your learning expectations for the student? I would like to see them get the main ideas out of each lesson as all other same speaking students do. Its vital that although they are still trying to learn the language of the country they are in that they still learn required education ideas that they would have learned at home. Include a summary of a 25-minute lesson plan for the student you would create for the student. In a math class, I would first provide the student with a copy of the main terms to be used in the lesson. (If in the beginning of the semester, I would provide a translation of the terms; if later in the semester, I would have the student look up a translation on his own.) After informing the class aloud what we would be working on, I would ask if the student

completely understood what we would be working on in class. I would then write all problems on the board as we worked on them and read them aloud to the class to ensure it was clear what we were working on. Next, I would ask the whole class, including the language learner, to participate in class by answering questions to the problems on the board. After this introduction to the lesson, I would give the students a few problems to work out on their own and have them raise their papers with answers on them to check if they had the right answers. I would then completely go over each of the problems on the board for the class.

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