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Introduction to the case

Studying the plc of

What is plc?
Product life cycle
Plc of five star
Cadbury is in its Maturity Stage as its revenue

growth was up 12%

and in India it grew up by 23%.

New add-ons are being added to keep the

excitement on and to
stay in the market in pace with their competitors.

Cadbury has kept a good look on their competitors

and does
spends a good amount on advertisements by

endorsing Brand
Ambassadors for Cadbury (Amitabh Bacchan) and

also coming
with brand extension with new products.

5 Star has come out of its growth stage and entered

Every product has a life cycle and
every company focuses on extending
Cadbury five star is present in the

market from various decade so

strategies are being made order
extend the plc, so that customers can
make more use of products.
Re-packaging, innovating new flavors
Thank you
 Submitted by,
 Tanzila khan

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