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Key Terms

Unit 2: 600 BCE 600 CE Term 1. Greek city-states 2. democracy 3. Persian Wars 4. Peloponnesian War 5. Alexander the Great 6. Hellenism 7. Homer 8. Socrates and Plato 9. Aristotle 10. Western scientific thought 11. Roman Republic 12. plebians vs. patricians 13. Punic Wars 14. Julius Caesar 15. Roman Empire 16. Qin, Han, Tang Dynasties 17. Shi Huangdi 18. Chinese tributary system 19. the Silk Road 20. Nara and Heian Japan Description

21. the Fujiwara clan 22. Lady Murasaki and The Tale of Genji 23. Central Asia and Mongolia 24. the Aryan invasion of India 25. Dravidians 26. Ashoka 27. Constantinople/Byzantine Empire 28. Justinian 29. early Medieval Europe Dark Ages 30. feudalism 31. Charlemagne 32. Mohammed and the foundation of Islam 33. Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates 34. Bantu and their migrations 35. Nubia 36. Ghana 37. Olmec 38. Maya 39. Andean societies 40. Mississippian culture

41. Anasazi 42. cultural diffusion versus independent innovation 43. aristocracy 44. parliamentary bodies 45. oligarchy 46. republics/democracies 47. theocracy 48. slavery vs. serfdom 49. war 50. trade routes 51. Polynesian migrations 52. Eurasias great age of migrations 53. polytheism 54. Zoroastrianism 55. the Ten Commandments 56. the Torah 57. the Talmud 58. YHWH 59. Abraham 60. Moses and the Exodus from Egypt Passover 61. David and Solomon

62. Jewish Diaspora 63. Vedism (Rig-Veda) 64. Hinduism (Upanishads, Mahabharata, Bhagavad-Gita) 65. samsara, karma, dharma 66. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva 67. Laws of Manu 68. Buddhism 69. Four Noble Truths 70. Eightfold Path 71. Siddhartha Gautama 72. nirvana 73. Theravada (Hinayana) and Mahayana Buddhism 74. Daoism 75. Tao-te Chng and the I Ching 76. Laozi 77. Confucianism 78. Analects 79. Kung Fu-tzu (Confucius) 80. Mandate of Heaven 81. Judeo-Christian tradition 82. Jesus of Nazareth

83. the Bible (Old and New Testament) 84. Crucifixion and Resurrection (Easter) 85. Peter and Paul 86. Constantine and the Edict of Milan 87. Saint Augustine 88. Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism (Great Schism of 1054) 89. Islam (the Qurran) 90. Allah 91. Mohammed 92. Mecca 93. the Kaaba 94. Medina (the Hegira) 95. Sunni versus Shiite 96. Sufism

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