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Aims for general meditation group

1. Development of self through meditation.

2. Relaxation.

3. Socialisation among 'like minded' people.

4. Discussion group to bandy ideas.

5. Healing of others through a personal and group list.

6. Healing of self through meditation.

7. Healing of self through others, by laying on of hands, chakra

balancing, alignment to our higher self, connection to the earth and

8. Healing of the earth.

9. Development of self (as a healer) through observation, reading and


10. Learning to heal one self through breathing exercises and other
centring techniques.

11. Willingness to change, and undergo personal transformation, e.g.,

with regard to diet and meditation habits.

12. Ultimate personal aim: Enlightenment for oneself and helping

others on the path to their enlightenment.

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