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Home Work #1 1.

An analog telephone line has an SNR of 45dB and passes voice frequencies over the range of 300 to 3200 Hz. A modem is designed to transmit and receive data simultaneously (full duplex) over this line without errors. a. If the frequency range 300 to 1200 Hz is used for transmitted signal, what is the maximum transmitted data rate? b. If the frequency range 1500 to 3200 Hz is used for the signal being simultaneously received, what is the maximum received data rate?

2. Consider a binary information source. a. Show that the entropy H is a maximum when the probability of sending a binary 1 is equal to the probability of sending a binary 0. b. Find the maximum entropy.

3. What is the theoretical minimum system BW needed for a 10Mbps signal using 16 levels without interference?

4. Consider a telephone circuit with a BW of 3KHz. Assume that the circuit can be modeled as AWGN channel. What is the minimum SNR required for a data rate of 4800 bps on such a circuit?

5. A given source alphabet consists of 300 words of which 15 occur with a probability of 0.06 each and the remaining 285 words occur with a probability 0.00035 each. If 1000 words are transmitted each second, what is the average rate of information transmission?

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