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Classroom Rules Classroom Rules

Nicholas Wall 1

1. If you have a question, please raise your hand to be called upon. It is disrespectful to the rest of the class to interrupt someone when they are talking, so raising your hand when you have a question makes the classroom a better learning environment for all. We are in school to learn, and it is fair that everyone have an opportunity. 2. Proper laboratory attire is required for all labs. The labs we do in class have the potential to be dangerous and/or harmful to our health (flames, chemicals, scalpels, etc), so being properly attired for labs is necessary to keep away from harm. This includes lab coats, goggles, gloves, and any other attire and equipment Dr. Wall deems necessary. 3. Cell phone use is only permitted when Dr. Wall gives the entire class permission. It is important for the students to learn as much as possible during class time, without distraction. As being on your phone can prevent you and your classmates from learning what Dr. Wall is teaching, this distraction can be prevented. Thus, cell phones are to be put away unless Dr. Wall says the entire class may use them in certain situations. 4. Be respectful of your classmates and their property. It is important for all students to have the same opportunity to learn in this classroom, so everyone needs to be respectful of their neighbors and not cause any disruptions or take what is not theirs to take. This is also in line with the school policy on bullying and theft, and appropriate actions will be taken if there is an incident.

Classroom Rules 5. Use your time wisely.

Nicholas Wall 2

We have a lot of concepts to discuss and a short amount of time to do it in. It is important to your learning that you use your time in a manner that is conducive to learning so you do not fall behind in your classwork. This includes taking notes, studying for exams, and handing in homework on time.

*These rules are my own rules based on my experiences in school and how I envision my classroom and students behavior.

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