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Education Bulletin
MARCH 2013


Researchisstillcominginatafastpaceontheprosandconsof technologyrelatedtochildrenandteens.Herearefourwaysin whichtechnologyaffectschildrenandteens. Attention: Consistent attention is impossible on the internet. Overuseoftheinternetcanresultinbrainoverload.Dr.Edward Hallowell calls a neurological phenomenon caused by brain overload, attention deficit trait (ADT), which has the same characteristics as ADD, without the chemical imbalances. However,otherresearchsuggeststhat"videogamesandscreen media can improve visualspatial capabilities, increase attentional ability, reaction time and capacity to identify details amongclutter".(1Taylor) Information Overload: Too much information too fast does not allow enough time or energy to process or determine what is meaningfulinformation. Decision Making: Making decisions is already difficult for children and teens because the prefrontal cortex of the brain where that type of thinking occurs does not develop until well after adolescence. Decision making on the internet is continuously affected by pop culture (propaganda and advertising). "The technological developments of the last decade have made poor decision making easier, more immediateandmorewidelyconsequential."(2Taylor) Memory:Researchsuggeststhattechnologymaybechanging thewaythebrainstoresandrecallsmemory.The memorizationoffactsisnolongerasimportantasknowing wheretoretrievethosefacts.Thebrainiscompartmentalizing memoryinavirtualextensionofthebrain.(Bloom)
Bloom, Alexander. "How the Web Affects Memory." Harvard Magazine. Nov-Dec 2011: n. page. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. <http://harvardmagazine.com/2011/11/how-the-web-affects-memory>. Hallowell, Edward. "Overloaded Circuits: Why Smart People Under Perform." Harvard Business Review, The Magazine. January 2005: n. page. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. <http://hbr.org/2005/01 1 Taylor, Jim. "How Technology is Changing the Way Children Think and Focus." Huffington Post. 12 Dec 2012: n. page. Print. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-jim-taylor/technology-andkids_b_2232502.html>. 2 Taylor, Jim. "Is Technology Creating a Generation of Bad Decision Makers?." Huffington Post. 07 Jan 2013: n. page. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-jim-taylor/kids-andtechnology_b_2422535.html>.

Addressing the Possible Negatives of Technology Use

Whiledigitalimmigrantsmaynotknowasmuchabouttechnology as the digital natives for which they are responsible, they are still responsible for guiding and directing the use of technology at home and at school. The following are ways to facilitate the positiveuseoftechnology: Attention: Balance technology and media time with school andhomeresponsibilitiesandfacetofaceinteractions. Information Overload: At home and at school discuss what constitutes "meaningful" information as part of information literacy. Decision Making: Provide opportunities for children to practice decision making and problem solving. Discuss the importance of privacy and the purpose of advertising and propaganda. Memory: "Not having to retain information in our brain may allow it to engage in more 'higherorder' processing such as contemplation, critical thinking and problem solving." (Taylor) Stress the importance of big ideas and understandings that are universal such as good vs. evil, ethics, cause and effect, etc. Teach children how to apply these big ideas to information and situations online and in therealworld.

Taylor,Jim."HowTechnologyisChangingtheWayChildrenThinkand Focus."HuffingtonPost.12Dec2012:n.page.Print. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/drjimtaylor/technologyand kids_b_2232502.html>.

Everybodygetssomuchinformationalldaylongthattheylosetheircommonsense. GertrudeStein

Karen Kendig


MARCH 2013

Education Bulletin



There is an increased emphasis in the new Colorado standards and assessments for reading on demonstrating comprehension of a variety of informational, literary, and persuasive texts. Twentyfirst Century Skills and ReadinessCompetenciesofinquiry,relevance/application, and nature of the discipline are also included within the standards framework. Primary sources can provide texts thatcovermanyoftheserequiredlearnings. Primary sources provide a window into the pastunfiltered access to the record of artistic, social, scientific and political thought and achievement during the specific period under study,producedbypeoplewholivedduringthatperiod.

What Do online classes teach us about learning

With Coursera, Daphne Koller and cofounder Andrew Ng are bringing courses from top colleges online, free, for anyone who wants to take them. In Koller's Ted Talk she discusses the teaching strategies that work best in Coursera's online education courses. Such strategies could be modifiedtouseintheregularclassroomaswell. Break away from lectures and go to short 812 min.discussionsonaconcept. Access information from multiple formats based onstudentlearningstylesandpreferences. Practice with material, pause and ask questions, tryagainandmoveon. Applyconcepts/skillstomeaningfulandrelevant practicewithtimelyfeedback. Collaboratewithpeersinacommunityofshared intellectualendeavors. Think critically in groups and in peer and self reflection/evaluations.

Bringing young people into close contact with these unique, often profoundly personal, documents and objects can give them a very real sense of what it was like to be alive during alongpastera.(LibraryofCongress) Primarysources: Engage students by using the skills and artifacts of a discipline,makingapersonalandrealworldconnection. Develop critical thinking using multiple sources to find patterns, analyzing point of view and bias, and making inferencesfromtexts. Construct knowledge by comparing texts, drawing conclusions,synthesizinginformationfrommultiplesources, integrating the past with what they already know, and deepeningunderstanding. The Library of Congress provides many primary resources online in its digital collections. Documents, prints, photographs and recordings can all be accessed by the click of a mouse. The Library of Congress also offers Webcasts and Podcasts on a variety of topics. The Teaching with PrimaryResourcesProgramoffersprofessionaldevelopment andanonlinejournal.

Technologyisjustatool.Intermsofgettingthekidsworkingtogetherandmotivatingthem, theteacheristhemostimportant. BillGatesKaren Kendig


MARCH 2013

Education Bulletin



Like it or not, technology and the Internet are here to stay. So it falls upon parents to do what they do best, and set boundaries for their children as they learn to usetechnologyfortheirbestinterest. Donotabdicateyourroleasparentjustbecauseyour child knows more about technology than you do. Learn about the hazards of the Internet and how to do your best to avoid those hazards. Teach your child to be safe on the Internet. Resources can be found at

Cultivating Intellectual Dialogue Using Technology

AmericanEconomistThomasSowellhassaidthat," themarchofscienceandtechnologydoesnotimply growingintellectualcomplexityinthelivesofmost people.Itoftenmeanstheopposite." Cultivatingintellectualdialogueisbecoming increasinglyimportantinthisdayandageoftexting andFacebook.PatriciaSteinmeyerofferssome suggestionsforparentstogettheirchildrentalking aboutthingsthatmatter. Startdialogueswithhigherlevelquestionsthat askforthechild'sopinionormakeconnections withseeminglyunrelatedtopics. Usecartimetoinitiatediscussions.Tryusingtalk radiostationsorNationalPublicRadio(NPR)to launchconversations. Listenattentivelytoyourchild,andrespecthisor herdifferencesinopinion.Dialoguewillnotthrive ifchildrendonotfeelsafeexpressingthemselves.
Steinmeyer,Patricia."CultivatingIntellectualDialogueatHome." ParentingforHighPotential.2.3(2012):46.Print.

Help your child attain balance and learn the art of compromise.Whentechnologytakesoverachild'slife addictions, poor study habits, social incompetence and impulsivity can take over. Do not take technology away,butsetboundaries.

Multiple sources suggest keeping technology outofthebedroomtoavoidsleepdeprivation. Set up the computer in an open area that is easyforyoutomonitor. Settimelimitssuchasnomorethan10hoursa weekongaming. Work with your child to come up with a list of acceptablesitestobeon,andaprocessforyou toaddsiteswhenneeded.

DouglasGentile,IowaStateUniversityprofessorof psychologysays,Youwanttosetlimitsforkids,but youwantthemtolearntosetlimitsforthemselves. Thatstherealmessageforparents.(Hadish)

Hadish, Cindi. "Iowa State researcher contributes to global study on video gameaddiction."TheGazette.GazetteCommunications,17Jan2011.Web. Web.7Mar.2013.

AllofthebooksintheworldcontainnomoreinformationthanisbroadcastasvideoinasinglelargeAmericancity inasingleyear.Notallbitshaveequalvalue.CarlSaganKaren Kendig


MARCH 2013

Education Bulletin


Online Safety Doesn't Need to be a Chain around You or Your Computer

Of course you understand the need to stop, look, and listen before crossing the street or a railroad track. Youalsoknowthatincaseofafirestop,dropandroll could save your life. You learned from the time you wereoldenoughtotalknottodothatwithstrangers. So why ignore the need to be just as safe on the Internet? Ifyoudon't wantthecomputerchainedinsideadark, heavily guarded and locked closet at home, then sit downwithyourparentsandworkoutasafetyplanall of you can live with. Start with the following guidelineseverytimeyoulogon:

Websites Can Help You Dig Deeper Into Your Interests and Passions
HippoCampus:Leadsyoutovideos,lectures,etc.that relatetoyoursubjectortextbook. Coursera:Freeonlineclassesfromtopuniversitiesthat issuecertificatesofcompletion. MITOpenCourseware:Freelectures,classnotes,and videosfromMassachusettsInstituteofTechnology. WolframMatWorld:Theweb'smostextensive mathematicsresource. UCBerkleyonYouTube:FreevideosfromBerkley UniversityofCalifornia DebateCentral:Providesfreematerialstohelpyouwin debatecompetitions. KhanAcademy:Freelessonsinmath,scienceand economics,computerscience,humanities,andtestprep. UtahEducationNetwork:Freevirtual"fieldtrips"ona varietyofsubjects. EducationWorld:Linkstoavarietyofvirtual"fieldtrip" siteswhenyouscrolltobottomofthepage. Internet4Classrooms:Collectionofvirtual"fieldtrip"sites.

STOP:Mentallyreviewtherulesyouandyourparents have agreed to before turning on the computer, and check that safety settings are active for any games youintendtoplay. THINK: Always consider your behavior when online. Never share personal information and always tell your parents if you encounter any online bullying or harassment. CONNECT: Then connect knowing you are doing the best you can to keep yourself and others safe on the Internet. For more information on how to be safe online try someoftheseinteractivegames: FBISafetyTips TheInternetSafetyGame

PBSWebonaughtsSafetyGame K12CyberSafetyGames

Doyourealizeifitweren'tforEdisonwe'dbewatchingTVbycandlelight? AlBoliskaKaren Kendig

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