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MODELING OSMOSIS (LAB) PROBLEM: Which way will water flow when a raw egg is placed in 250ml of

vinegar? HYPOTHESIS: If a raw egg is placed in vinegar (water) and left for four days, then the water will flow from the vinegar, through the membrane and into the egg. THEORY: Osmosis is the diffusion of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. The amount of H2O in vinegar is about 95%, but in contrast an egg is about 74% water. So since the acid in the vinegar will dissolve the egg shell and then the membrane will be exposed so that the water in the vinegar will be able to flow into the egg. PROCEDURE: 1. Measure circumference of a raw egg using string and a ruler in cm. 2. Place egg in beaker and fill with 250 mL of vinegar. 3. Record observations. 4. Measure circumference for 3 days and record observations. DATA/OBSERVATIONS: DAYS 1 CIRCUMFERENCE (cm) 13.5 LIQUID LEVEL (ml) With egg: 300 EXACTLY!!! Without egg: 250 With egg: 280 Without egg: 225 With egg: 275 With out egg: 200 OBSERVATIONS Bubbles on shell


Chalky and springy Bouncy like rubber ball Squish rubber and see through Weird looking and shiny.


TOTAL EXPANSION GROUP # = 2.5 cm AVERAGE EXPANSION CLASS = 2.9 cm AVERAGE EXPANSION (7th GRADE)= 2.7 cm 100% of the eggs tested expanded.

Ray, Olivia

Friday, October 11, 2013 10:14:34 AM Pacic Daylight Time




16.5 16 Circumfrance in cm 15.5 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 1 2 Days Measured 3 13.5 Egg Circumfrance cm 14.5 16


Average Expansion in cm 3 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 1 2 3 Group #1 Period 3 7th grade 2.5 Expansion comparison 2.9 2.7

Ray, Olivia

Friday, October 11, 2013 10:14:34 AM Pacic Daylight Time


CONCLUSION: After 4 days of watching the egg in vinegar, the water from the vinegar moved towards the egg. Each day, the egg became larger in size, so obviously, something was causing this. At the same time, the vinegar height was getting lower and the water molecules were moving to the egg because it had lower concentration. Our groups egg at first had a circumference of 13.5. It grew 2.5 cm more at the end, exactly 16 cm. The vinegars height at first was 250 mL (without egg) and at the end of the 4 days, it was 200 mL (without egg). I hypothesized based on evidence that if an egg was left in vinegar that the water would move through the eggs selectively permeable membrane and into the egg cell. ANALYSIS: 1. The water in the vinegar caused the eggshell, which is made of calcium carbonate, to dissolve into the vinegar. Vinegar is a weak acid so it took at least a day to destroy the eggshell. Soon after the water molecules in the vinegar were able to move into the cell through the selectively permeable membrane. 2. The differences in the two calculations are 3.4 and the rate is 2.8. The discrepancy in the data is that both of these are most likely pariahs or outliers because one is a high number (in this experiment) and the other is a low number (in the experiment). The reason these groups got different results because their eggs might have been different sizes or they could have measured the eggs wrong on any given day. 3. Cells need water because it keeps the cell a substantial temperature and chemical reactions occur in the prescience of water. And the final one is that water makes up part of the shape of the cell.

Ray, Olivia

Friday, October 11, 2013 10:14:34 AM Pacic Daylight Time


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