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Tense Present Simple

Concept Routines or Habits

Example I wake up at 6 AM every morning. My train leaves at 6. Im meeting Neil at 7 PM


Present Simple

Future Events, timetables Definite personal future arrangements Intention or plan. The decision was made before the moment of speaking. Prediction, based on evidence

Present Continuous

Going to

Im going to buy a new car.

Going to

Look, its going to rain!

Future Simple

Decision made at the moment of speaking

Im too tired to walk. I will take a taxi.

Future Simple

Inevitable future events

Ill be 30 next Summer.

Future Continuous

Activity in progress at a future point in time

Ill be having dinner at 8 oclock.

Future Perfect Simple

Future action finished or completed at or before a specific time. Used to talk about the duration of an

Ill have finished the book by Friday.

Future Perfect Continuous

Ill have been working here for 5

activity that started in the past and extends to a future point in time

years by the end of June.

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