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Rumor is a word used to give a somewhat formal name to what can simply be called lies.

Though, rumors are not all the time fallacies for they are statements that somehow contain a chunk of truth just added and coated with biased opinions passed from a person to another. But sad to say, just like how bad things spread fast viruses are an example, so do rumors propagate in clicks of time. Just like when bees are around, these rumors can get so annoying. Their buzzing that creates commotion is but noise to anyones ears. They are sweet temptations that could rob peoples innocence. They may just be ideas, words, not concrete rather abstract, yet enough to destroy a reputation; enough to crush a person; enough to ruin lives. But just like bees, the more you fight them, the harder it is to get rid of them. The more you pay attention to answering such rumors, the more those little lies appear true to peoples biased minds. The more you react, the more you get intimidated, the more dynamic they get. Rumors are called rumors for they arent supposed to be true but mere assumptions from humans imaginative minds. Despite knowing this, most people actually do react to rumors and get so affected by them. If it those rumors are really just rumors, then these people should rather just leave them be right? Yet they get affected thus react. In reality, they get affected most probably because such rumors contain heavy specks of truth in them. As we know, most of the time, truth sets you free, but once slapped to your face, it hurts.

Apple Joy Rios & Delmon Himaya

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