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Jessica Prutting ILS 562 Assignment 6 part 2

Collaborative Planning Tool

Teachers: Katie Hall and Deb Boyhen, Coleytown Elementary, Westport, CT Grade Level: 5 Content Area(s): Social Studies Unit of Study: Age of Exploration Time Frame: 5 weeks Estimated Sessions in: (8-10) Classroom (2) LMC (4) Lab ( ) Other Areas of Collaboration: ( x ) Planning ( x ) Teaching ( x ) Co-Teaching ( x ) Resources Essential Question(s): What were the reasons for exploration? In what ways were the Americas both conquered and discovered? Standards: CCSS: ELA-Literacy.RI.5.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. Content: CT Social Studies Framework 2011 draft 1.6.14 Analyze and assess factors that contributed to European migration AASL: 3.1.6 Credit all sources properly with title, author, and page number Other: Unit Objectives/Learning Outcomes (What will students know and be able to do?): Content: SW understand that exploration has been a major factor in cultural changes throughout history worldwide. Information Literacy: SW understand that when using other peoples work you need to give them credit. Technology: SW be able to create, name, share, and download files using Google Docs. Assessment/Performance Tasks (How will we know what students have learned? These are formative): LMS/Classroom teacher will check Google Docs for progress on note taking, leave feedback for students to see. LMS will assess student ability to locate resources within the LMC through observation/anecdotal records. Lessons/Learning Activities (What are our tasks/activities?): Classroom introductory lesson for unit, lesson on note taking strategies, in class time for research and project preparation. LMC lesson on locating resources, LMC lesson on proper citation. Computer lab lesson on Google Docs and Google Presentation, computer lab lesson on Noodlebib, computer lab lesson on Glogster and Photostory, computer lab lesson on Prezi. Materials Needed:

Technology: Smartboard, laptops/desktop computers. Print Resources: Non-fiction texts and bibliographies located by students with assistance of LMS and classroom teacher. Electronic Resources: Noodlebib, Glogster, Prezi, Photostory, Google Presentation, Google Docs, informational websites located by students with assistance of LMS and classroom teacher. Other: Final Product(s) (In what format will students present information?): Short group presentation to be given in front of class with a technologically created product; options include Glogster, Google Presentation, Prezi or Photostory. How will the final product/process be evaluated? This is summative. Rubric (see attached) Roles & Responsibilities: LMS will be responsible for creating a resource list including books, web sites, videos, articles, and maps. LMS will create lesson based around proper citation and plagiarism. LMS will create lesson plans for Noodlebib, Glogster, Prezi, Photostory, Google Presentation and Google Docs. Classroom teacher will be responsible for introducing unit of study and expectations for final product. Classroom teacher will create lesson plans on note taking strategies and provide in class research periods. LMS and classroom teacher will collaboratively teach lessons on citation, Noodlebib, Glogster, Prezi, Photostory, Google Presentation and Google Docs. End of Unit Evaluation (reflection, comments, suggestions for improvement, etc.)

1 Below Average Group used no print Sources Used resources and/or 1-2 web based resources.

2 Average Group used 1-2 print resources and/or 3-4 web based resources. Works cited using Noodlebib with several errors in citation. Presentation contains 5-7 facts/some inaccuracies. Group shows basic understandin g of chosen presentation technology functions.

3 Above Average Group used 3-4 print resources and/or 5-6 web based resources. Works cited using Noodlebib with few errors in citation. Presentation contains 8-10 facts/few inaccuracies. Group shows above average understandin g of chosen presentation technology functions.

4 Exceptional Group used 5-6 print based resources and/or 7-8 web based resources. Works cited with Noodlebib with no errors in citation. Presentation contains 1015 facts/little to no inaccuracies. Group shows mastery of chosen presentation technology functions.


Group did not submit works cited.

Facts/Accura cy of Information

Visual Quality of Presentation

Presentation contains no/grossly inaccurate facts about explorer. Group does not show understandin g of chosen presentation technology functions.

Collaborative Planning Tool/LMS Leadership Team (2012)

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