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OUR state has beauty, and not everyone sees it. But we do!


1. Abortion - We are pro choice on the topic of abortion. With saying that, it does not mean we are supportive of abortions. We feel that the government cant dictate this because it is a woman's choice. Also, there are many instances where a womans life is at risk with a pregnancy and we would not want to put a woman in an unsafe situation. Rape, is another instance, where we feel we cant decide for the woman. We hope to implement birth control that is cheaper and more accessible, better sex education in schooling, and social programs to better help women who are pregnant and planning on keeping the baby. We feel as if this will cut down on the number of abortions. 2. Environment - We plan, to the best of our ability, preserve all of Wyomings National Parks while still protecting coal mining. We plan to do this by continue funding to National Parks, such as Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park. These parks contribute to tourism and further the economy here in Wyoming. 3. Taxes (Welfare) - We are all for the well being of the well being of our citizens, but we will not tolerate the system being manipulated by citizens unwilling to work. With this said, if you see physically able to work and are in on welfare, you will need to be actively looking for a job and the welfare benefits will be present to ensure you have enough to meet your need. As soon as soon as you have a job you will be immediately taken off of welfare. If you are physically incapable of working a job due to physical or mental illness, measures will be taken to insure these citizens are taken care of. 4. Gun Laws - The Triceratops Party is all for ones protection. We support minimal gun influence from the government. As stated in the Constitution, we will protect the right to bear arms. The only laws we support entirely are hunting laws. All persons must have a hunting license in order to hunt. We are here to protect our country, let the food chain play itself out without meanless killing. We do not support hunting in national park at all! 5. Education - Wyoming is one of the top spenders on education in the country with limited results that come out of this. Even though our results are smaller, we still wish to continue funding in education to help try to raise our results. If we cut education spending, we believe

our low results will come out even lower and we would not want that. We think that by keeping funding where its at will, it will one day raise our results.

This bar graph represents our main issues and the percentage of voters in Wyoming who support it in the way we are tackling the issue based on their beliefs and wants.

Abortion relates to the Founding Father's view of individual responsibility in that it is in the women's choice to do what's best for them and their health and safety. Environment relates to liberty and civic duty in that as this country was created to be free and liberated it is also to be said that certain areas of this beautiful country are to be preserved. It is also in a man's civic duty to respect this and protect the environment. Welfare is related to individual responsibility in that everyone must take on the responsibility of finding a job for themselves if they are physically able to and are on welfare, to the point where they can sustain themselves financially. Gun laws are related to equality and individual responsibility in that all men are allowed to own a gun but they must be responsible enough to get a hunting license and carry out the respective duties to the National Parks and its animals. Education is related to liberty and individual responsibility in that people have the freedom of getting an education and it is in your own responsibility to get what you can out of your education.

Abortion affects the opinions of women differently than men because it is an issue directly affecting that gender. Despite supporting or not, women feel much stronger about the issue than men. Environment affects everyone, all social classes and genders because everyone lives within, influences, or is influenced by the world around them. Welfare effects poor social classes differently than more wealthy social classes because they are the ones typically more in need of the support to maintain a financially stable life. Gun laws affect men differently than women because they're typically the ones physically using the guns or out hunting. Education affects families of all social classes and the youth because they're the ones either directly affected by the educational system or the ones trying to financially support themselves or family through getting a solid education.

Push Poll Questions: 1. Would you support our incumbent knowing he destroyed our country's natural beauty? 2. Would support our incumbent if you knew he didn't support coal mining? 3. Would you support our incumbent if you knew he raped a woman and his laws prohibited her from getting an abortion? 4. Would you support our incumbent if you knew he tried to destroyed our national parks? 5. Would you support our incumbent if you knew he was against public education? 6. Would you support our incumbent if he was a rich snob that didn't care about help fixing poverty?

Possible Political Cartoons:

We are in favor of the quality of womens lives. We realize that there are times when a pregnancy puts either the baby or the womans life at harm and we dont want to jeopardize either the babys or womans.

It seems that more and more people are more concerned with big business than protection ofthe environment. Also, people are not willing to admit that the there are environmental issues that need to be attended too; they are in denial about it all. The Triceratops Party, on the other hand, realizes that there needs to be regulations and government funding to help keep the environment.

This cartoon represents the idea that many citizens may act like they know what it means to protect the environment and the National Parks within their own state, but in reality, they rarely have a full grasp of what it means to preserve all the nature, habitats, and live animals within the parks and state as a whole.

Possible Script for Commercial: We are the Triceratops party and we are here for you. We are modest, we are hopeful, and we are for the protection of you. Sick of the old, consider the new. You can save our nation by joining our crew. We make compromises to help people get through. We preserve America, the red, the white, and the blue. (We'll destroy communist China and all their bamboo!) - yelled from background

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