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In your e-portfolio (learning journal), please respond to the questions for reflection for Wave 2: 1. evie!

your group"s (r)evolutionary grid. What aspects of Wave 2 did you find to #e the $ost interesting% Why% What !as the least interesting% &ccording to $y group's (r)evolutionary grid the institutional and organi(ational develop$ents syste$s !ere very interesting. I say this #ecause the open universities !ere introduced and !e o#served that the )nited *ingdo$ !as the first in 1+,+ to start distance and online education. &s a result to that university, $any others !ere a#le to develop according to their concepts and strategies. I don't have a least interesting aspect since each section !ithin the !ave 2 helped in #etter understanding this !ave and the history and evolution of distance education. -o!ever, learning a#out the theories and !ays of understanding !as so$e!hat #oring. 2. What !ere your .a-ha/. $o$ents during this !ave% What incited these $o$ents and ho! did they influence your understanding of 01% 2y 3a-ha/4 $o$ent during this !ave !ould have to #e the larger conte5t. -ere I !as a#le to see ho! econo$ics, politics and societal vales i$pacted #oth developed and developing countries. 2ore adults !anted post-secondary education and change !as needed. 0espite so$e challenges, change !as $ade to assist these students despite ethnic #ac6ground or !here they lived !ithin their country. 7. &fter !hat you have read, learned, or e5perienced in studying this second !ave, ho! $ight you revise your original definition of 01% What specific readings8e5periences have influenced your understanding of 01% 2y initial definition8understanding of 0istance 1ducation is that of students and instructors for$ulating an online social interaction. 9o$$unicating via $edia and technology for the purpose of education and 6no!ledge. -o!ever so$e aspects of $y definition I can definitely t!ea6 a #it. I say this #ecause I have learned that distance education is unique in its o!n !ay and is a discipline that consists of history and evolution. :he ti$es of significant change !ithin distance education is defined as !aves. :he first !ave is 6no!n as the correspondence and independent study. While the second !ave focuses on the esta#lish$ent of the syste$s approach and the rise of large distance teaching institutions. :he specific readings !ere integrated fro$ !hen !e transitioned fro$ !ave one to !ave t!o in the class; here I !as a#le to get a #etter understanding of distance education.

:herefore $y ne! definition of distance education !ould state: 0istance education provides students fro$ all !al6s of life !ith the opportunity to learn !ithout #eing in a conventional classroo$ setting. 0istance education is unique in its o!n !ay and is a discipline that consists of history and evolution of online and distance learning. It is an interaction co$$unicating via $edia and technology for the purpose of o#taining an education and 6no!ledge.

<. 9onsider the se$inar !ith our visiting scholar &lan and the e5pert video fro$ :ony =ates. What left a lasting i$pression on you% :ell us a#out your i$pression and ho! it affected your vie!s a#out 01. What left a lasting i$pression on $e !as !hen the visiting scholar &lan :ait responded to a discussion hi$ and I had during !ee6 ,. &lan :ait's response: 3&s for your second question, I agree !ith you that to enjoy a jo# is so i$portant. 2y $ost enjoya#le jo# !as !or6ing as a field !or6er for he >) for t!o rural countries #ac6 in the 1+?+s. I loved !or6ing close to the ground !ith students and tutors and advisors, and feeling really connected.4 I love this #ecause I a$ passionate a#out helping others and so as an acade$ic advisor I !ant to see $y students succeed as a #uild that rapport !ith the$. I felt connected !ith &lan :ait's for just one $o$ent and that day I even posted a status on @ace#oo6 !hich read: 3@eeling #lessed/// It's the little things in life that e5cite $e. I'$ here chatting !ith &lan :ait Ah.0. fro$ the )* as he is giving $e insights of his journey of life !or6ing !ith his students as a field !or6er in the rural areas. I love interesting stories and helping others.4 With that said I !ant to #e !ithin the education field, not a teacher #ut a support !ithin distance education. I feel strongly a#out support #ecause as a student !or6ing fullti$e and trying to o#tain an education and also #ased upon $y e5periences and i$pression !ithin this class not e5cluding the aid of each visitors, >tto Aeters and :ony =ates, #oth $ade $e #etter understand the history and evolution and I !ant to achieve a career !ithin distance education and have a positive i$pact on $y students lives. B. Co #ac6 to the course o#jectives listed in the Dylla#us. 0o you feel the o#jectives are #eing fulfilled and if so, ho! and to !hat degree% &re there o#jectives that are not #eing $et% If so, !hich ones% &ccording to the course o#jectives and goals I #elieve they are #eing $et #ut as an individual I tend to so$eti$es struggle since I have never #een trained to learn on $y o!n. eading each $aterial and understanding can so$e!hat #e a struggle #ut the discussions section do help a lot. &s !ell as the visuals are a great asset.

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